myra dettelbach interviews the interviewer part 1

Myra Dettelbach a Junior at Endicott College was assigned to interview the most awkward looking blogger in Massachusetts.  After searching through dozens of blogger profiles she settled on the goofiest looking blogger with the largest bald spot Joey C. 

Here is part 1 of her interview with me.

Happy Easter to all/ Dog Town Eco Tour

Received these wonderful pictures from Silvie Lockerova from an event held at DogTown. On Saturday March 16th, 2013 at 1pm we had an organized eco-walk in the woods of DogTown. The event was sponsored by The Trustees of Reservations and Cape Ann Healing Center, guided by Ted Tarr and organized by Silvie Lockerova.  The walk started by the main entrance of DogTown by the compost area.  The large number of walkers proved the interest in history and nature of DogTown. Ted Tarr led people along the Babson Boulder Trail, through DogTown. At the end Ted Tarr invited walkers to join in the Cape Ann Trail Group supporting similar eco-walks on Cape Ann.

dogtown 5

Dogtwon 3

Dogtown 2

Dogtown 1

BomBom Butterflies

Happy Easter! Happy Spring! Happy Passover! and

Happy Warm Weather! 

BomBom Butterflies ~ Featuring Black Swallowtails and Common Milkweed at Good Harbor Beach

Scenes from my forthcoming film Life Story of the Black Swallowtail Butterfly set to “BomBom” by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, featuring the Teaching, from the album The Heist by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis.

When you have a moment, please watch my newest video. I have submitted it to a video contest sponsored by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis from their debut album The Heist. Macklemore and Ryan Lewis created the beautiful Same Love video that I posted about last week. If you like my video please share the link; I think the more clicks received, the more notice gained. The winner will be announced on April 8th.

Lecture Monday at Tower Hill Botanic Garden: The Pollinator Garden

Tomorrow, Monday, April 1st,  from 10:00 am – 12 noon, I am the guest speaker for the The Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts. The event will be held at the Tower Hill Botanic Garden and, although this is a state Garden Club Federation lecture, everyone is welcome. A five dollar donation at the door is requested, but not required. Refreshments are provided for all attendees. I hope you can come!

Painted Lady Baby Joe-Pye Weed

Painted Lady Butterfly Nectaring at Native Joe-Pye Weed

TAG Program Info Session April 3rd At The Hive!

Hi Joe, 

I am the assistant director of a new teen art program called the Teen Artist Guild. The Director, David Brooks, and I have been fortunate to receive funding through the Massachusetts Cultural Council’s Youth Reach Grant.

The TAG program gives motivated students between the ages of 13-19 the opportunity to develop skill in the arts in the form of paid work and trains them to utilize their creativity to provide services to the community. To start off we will be taking on 15 student artists in the spring, and hopefully by the summer, be able to increase the number of artists, possibly even double.

TAG members will be paid an hourly wage working to provide artistic services to local business, such as painting store front windows, creating murals, or even printing t-shirts. TAG member will also be giving the opportunity to sell their own artworks through TAG. 50% of the commission goes back into the TAG program itself, while the other half goes to the artist, where they’ll be encouraged to donate 10% to a charity of their choice.

The program info session will be April 3rd at The Hive at 6:00 PM. The day is designed to share the program values and for students to get all the information needed to apply. On April 10th all applications will be in students will be notified by the 12th and will start April 16th. Students will meet Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday 6-8pm.

Chris Boudrow


Easter Parade 1960 From Virginia McKinnon

Hi Joey, Do your readers remember the Easter Parades on the Boulevard?

My family won a prize in 1960. Pictured are Virginia (Frontiero) and Robert McKinnon and our children, twins in carriage, Roberta and Regina, Lola, Mary-Ellen and Hilary.

I made the matching outfits for my two oldest children. Later we were blessed with two more children, Michael and Carol. We will be celebrating our 60th Wedding Anniversary this year.

Happy Easter.

easter Paade 19600001 (2)

Community Stuff 3/31/13

Cape Ann Masons’ Open House

Spring 2013

TAA Interior

Joining with Masonic lodges across the Commonwealth, Freemasons meeting on Cape Ann will open their doors to the public on Saturday, April 6th, between 9 am and 3 pm, as part of the 2013 Spring Open House, a state-wide celebration of Freemasonry.  If you’ve ever wondered who the Freemasons are, whether they are the descendants of the Knights Templars, or what the inside of their Temples looks like, here’s your chance to find out.

More than 230 lodges will be hosting Open Houses to help the public gain a better understanding of what Freemasonry is, and the positive impact that is has on its members, their families, and community.  Members will provide tours of their building, talk about Freemasonry’s history, discuss its Rituals and symbols, and explain what they do.  And why.

In Gloucester, the Masonic Lodge is located at 27 Eastern Avenue, and in Manchester, at 10 Church Street (behind Town Hall).  Officers and members of the Lodges will be present to welcome visitors and prospective members alike.  Local Mason Eric Bergengren, who currently serves the Manchester Lodge as Treasurer and is a Past Master of the Tyrian-Ashler-Acacia Lodge in Gloucester said, “Cape Ann is especially fortunate to have two very strong Lodges where Masons meet regularly and host a wide variety of community-service efforts.   For men looking for ways to give back to their community and world, Masonry is a great place to look.  And exciting.”

“The 2013 Spring Open House is a great opportunity for anyone interested in learning more about Freemasonry to meet and talk with Masons in their community,” said Richard J. Stewart, Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts and the presiding officer of 35,000 members.  “Although many have heard of us, very few are aware that for over 275 years we have been part of an unbroken tradition of great men who have changed our world in ways both big and small.  Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Thurgood Marshall, and John Glenn, for example, all joined the Masons prior to achieving the greatness we recognize them for.  There are countless other great men, whose names are not widely known, that made their families, workplaces, and communities better because they were Masons.  I warmly invite the public to join us on April 6th.”

Freemasons trace their roots to the stonemason guilds that built Europe’s cathedrals and castles during the early part of the last millennium.  As construction of these buildings declined, they began accepting members from outside their trade.  These new members, influenced by the “Age of Enlightenment,” transformed the organization from a group for builders to one focused on developing the character of its members.  Freemasonry was formally organized in London, England in 1717. In 1733 it was formally organized in Massachusetts, making it the oldest Masonic group in the Western Hemisphere and the third oldest in the world. In 2008, Massachusetts Freemasons celebrated their 275th Anniversary.

Freemasonry, the world’s oldest and largest fraternity, seeks to bring together men of every country, religion, race, background, and opinion and develop the bonds of friendship between them.  During its initiation Ritual, which uses symbolism and allegory, its members are encouraged to value principles, ethics, and morality and to live their lives accordingly.  The Fraternity has an aspect to it that is mysterious and spiritual.  Most of the Rituals include song and prayer.  By attempting to “make good men better,” Freemasonry positively benefits its members, families and communities.  Freemasonry in Massachusetts is comprised of 35,000 members and more than 230 lodges throughout the Commonwealth.  For additional information, please call 800.882.1020, or visit

Manchester Lodge

Cape Ann Map Opportunity From The Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce

We are following up to make sure this didn’t slip past you, the Cape Ann Map is about to close out – be sure to contact Susan to ensure your company is featured this year!
2013 Cape Ann Map
Want to reach over 100,000 tourists who visit Cape Ann each year?  The Cape Ann Chamber is working to promote the area and local business!
The Cape Ann Map is distributed in:
-      All visitor inquires mailed out from the Chamber Offices
-      All Greater Boston Hotels
-      Over 63 Boston area Attractions & Information Centers
-      Over 20 Transportation Centers, including rental car agencies
-      Over 50 AAA’s offices throughout Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, Connecticut, New Hampshire and Vermont
-      And much, much more.
Fill out the form below and return to the Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce!  For questions, please contact Susan at the Chamber 978-283-1601.
2013 Cape Ann Visitor Map Registration Form
Robert W. Heidt, Jr. | Chief Executive Officer

GMG Discussion With Host Joey C, Paul Frontiero and Paul Morrison

GMG Discussion March 30, 2013

Click here to play or save the podcast

We discuss:

The Gloucester Windmills

Taking The “Easter” Out Of The Easter Egg Hunt

GMG FOB Art and Photography Show at Cape Ann Giclee

Over/Under Date For Repairs To the Good Harbor Beach Footbridge (see poll below)

Monsanto and GMO discussion