Good Harbor Rainbow

Sunday’s weather was all over the place rain then sun, awesome clouds and light for photography . Then as I approached the footbridge I saw a rainbow just barley forming, snapped a quick photo before it disappeared,, that’s why I always have my camera on me.

Magnolia Pier

One of my most photographed subjects is the magnolia pier. Seeing it in its current state makes me sad but I know the people involved in the reconstruction will get her back to normal as soon as they can. For those that don’t know the Pier was severely damaged during the last few storms with damaging surf dismantling it making it unsafe .

Life Meets Death

This is another photo I’m extremely proud of , after planning and waiting for 10 days during my lunch breaks and after work I️ finally got the image I️ wanted.. this was captured all in one shot,, this is not a composite by any means..this image won best in show at the Magnolia Library art show in 2016.

Listen to Gloucester’s own author Hannah Kimberley live on NPR’s All things Considered!!

Listen Sunday August 13th at 5pm on NPR for Hannah’s interview about her new book A WOMAN’s PLACE IS AT THE TOP! (Some states may air at different times.)

Share the love folks!! Congrats Hannah!!!



It’s always amazing to drive around town the morning of the Fish Town Horribles Parade and see all the empty chairs and decorations! All of these shots were taken with my iPhone while fighting through traffic to drop off stuff at our GMG party corner. So this one is for all those folks who are not home, or moved out of town, enjoy! Now stop by the GMG tent and party with us!!!

Oil Paintings by the Late Paul Frontiero for Sale through the Week

Oil Paintings by the Late Paul Frontiero for Sale through next Week

Sizes range from; 5″x7″, 9″x12″, 16″x20″ and up.

Price’s start at $75.00

Email for an appointment at

Some Examples Below

“Art, Rock’s!” The Fort. FOUND!

“The “Art, Rock’s!” The Fort” was found a day after I left it.

Toby Pett waited a day to give others a chance.

Email From Toby:

“Thank you. ..I waited a whole day…As no one else claimed it, I now have my second. ..perhaps I will loan them to a museum for an exhibition. ..” Toby Pett

I think I have to be dead Toby before a museum would ever display any of my work 🙂

Thanks for responding Toby!

Live blogging: What a sunset! #gloucesterma

The Ipswich Bay view tonight. (click the photo for larger image)

The iPhone camera can’t even recreate the amazing colors that happened!

What a color change in 2 minutes! I bet you’ll see a few shots of this here on GMG.

LIVE FROM FENWAY SOUTH: Twins @Sox – #gloucesterma, #fenwaysouth, #theherd

Game Time folks! And guess who wants my autograph first??
Colin Cowherd!

Then he has a moment. ( Most do when they finally meet me)

Hate the shirt, not the season.

Oh, and my sponsor and favorite Sox Fan, JOANY!!!

What a park!!

The retired folks waiting room to heaven.

Stay tuned for game time updates all week!!
#craigshoots to follow!


For all of you folks that have never witnessed THE MOVIE for 2013, please take the time to do so. You will be entertained.

(for ease of playback on a video of this length, click the play button, then pause it for a few seconds, it speeds up the loading process)

And please come out and support this years event, it’a for the NEXT STEP, they change lives…you could, too!

Live WTF: FROSTY PAWS #gloucesterma

Ruby’s like “Is this some kind of joke?”

Frosty Paws, not the treat but the feet!

Remember to clean their paws, underneath between their pads a little snowball will form, and it’s freezy fo sheezy!


Me and my iPhone 6 stepped out to see what the hell all that white stuff is falling from the sky. It’s Christmas every day in Gloucester. And yes, I still love it!!


While I was trying to shoot a video on the best shovel, and shove techniques to use, the FEDEX truck got stuck on my street here in the Bayview area of Gloucester. After some attempts to dig them out, a very kind local named Forest comes up the other direction behind me. We came up with a plan, then I grabbed my cam.  BAAAM….#becausegloucester

Stay tuned for the shovel video!!

Live Rained in party at Kirsten lane’s

Who could be here? Craig K. and Andy Luman. Where you at Joey? Another party? Booooooo!

Oh, That’s Kirsten and Robin!

The Food! (actually round 2, apps are gone!)

Salad whut?

Lobsta ala Joey

Beets a thumping

Mmmm dear god

Yep, chicken licken good

Dear Baby Geezuz , I love pesto!

That’s Jimmy Stavis, the Fish King, enjoying life!

And this is the face of happy!

Thank you Kirsten for the epic good times!

The Answer to What is 1630. Joey’s Invitation He may soon regret!

What is 1630?

1,630 is The number of posts I have done since I was invited to join GMG as an Author. Who knew I had so much on my mind. For the most part it’s been fun. Sometimes I get a little carried away. I still have my comments censored by Joey. He tries to save me from myself. During my first couple of years I would love to bust Joey’s Balls when he went on vacation. Back then he didn’t have the time to check the late night posts. So I took advantage of it. Posting joey’s head on a picture of a guy taking a dump was my favorite.

It’s a lot of brain work to come up with a daily post and post title to catch the readers attention. Sometimes I’ll take a little break to recharge my brain.

I never thought this blog would last this long. It’s going to be interesting to see what’s next for GMG.

Goodluck Joey and all the GMG Authors!


Here are links to some favorite Posts of mine;

A Little Bathroom Humor

My Rant! I’m Allowed

The First Illegal Immigrants

Breakfast with joey? 

First Art Rock

If Joey was a Dog

Ok, Ok one for the Ladies

Representin’ for GMG!

SHHHHH! Joey’s Sleeping


There are so many more. I crack myself up sometimes.

Just google me for more.


Below is my first ever post being a GMG Author


Joey’s Invitation He Soon My Regret!

Joey’s Invitation; “Paul, I’m inviting you to officially join the team. All you would need to do is sign up for a free wordpress account and I have it set up so you would be an author like Mike Lindberg , Laurie Lufkin etc.”

Thanks for the Invite to be a GMG Author Joey. It’s an Honor, but I don’t know.

Here are some of my thoughts and questions

Is this an everyday thing?   that may be tough.
What happens if you miss a scheduled post?
I think I have enough Anxiety in my Life.
I don’t have a lot to say!
I could say something  you and I may regret!
What if I ruin GMG’s reputation? It could happen.
What’s the chances of my Wife putting out more because of  this?
What’s the chance of me getting punched from this?
It could be fun!
It could be a disaster!
I could use it to promote the visual arts in gloucester!! and maybe get a kickback. (just kidding)
I could use it to help Promote  Visual Artist’s in this tough economy.
I could use it to promote my stuff!

I could make a complete fool of myself!  I know! That sounds silly, Does’nt it?

See Joey, that’s what goes through my mind.