O’Maley Innovation School Production, Little Mermaid Junior Promo Video From Jason Grow

The O’Maley Innovation Middle School’s Performing Arts Department cordially invites members of the Cape Ann Community to attend our upcoming production of Disney’s Little Mermaid Junior.

Performance dates and times are as follows and tickets can be purchased at the door.


Since September, our cast and crew of almost one hundred 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students have been rehearsing twice every week after school.  You will be inspired by the talent and exuberance radiating from these young performers singing, dancing, and acting out this popular and heartwarming story.   Performing Arts classes during O’Maley’s school day focus on developing students’ 21st Century Skills and Common Core mastery through an interdisciplinary, project-based curriculum that utilizes the mediums of Theater, Music and Dance. This production is an excellent showcase of our department’s extra-curricular offerings, which focus on developing standards in the disciplines of Music (Chorus), Dance, and Theatre within a performance setting.

See you at the show!

Yet Another Simply Divine Confection from Sista Felicia

Help Felicia–I was too busy eating these tantalizing beauties and forgot to ask the name?

Sista Felicia Divine Confection ©Kim Smith 2013

The cake is made with almond paste, which makes them perfectly moist, apricot preserves between the layers, then topped with a paper thin layer of rich dark chocolate on both the top and bottom–and yes, I am happy to report, this recipe is going to be in her cook book!

Their loss is your gain – but only if you act quickly

Take a minute to feel a smidge of sympathy for those unlucky music lovers who couldn’t swap their tickets to Chelsea Berry’s sold out show at Shalin Liu from Saturday 2/9 to this Saturday.

OK, that’s enough.  Now go and get those tickets for yourself (they were just made available on-line today click here) and feel bad no more.  There aren’t very many of these gems left, so don’t think you can wait until the last minute to snatch ’em up.

If you’ve already got plans for Saturday (maybe you’re going to see the Toasters at Minglewood) or you don’t act quickly enough to get Saturday tickets, there are also a few left for tomorrow (FRIDAY get them here).  What ever day you go, you don’t want to miss what could be one of your last chances to see Chelsea with her new band in an intimate venue close to home for a reasonable price.  Next time tickets could cost a hundred bucks for seats farther away from the stage than the last row of Shalin Liu, plus expensive parking, a long drive and big lines.  If you’re not sure why, check out the video below (more Chelsea Berry Videos here).

Now, to get yourself psyched for a great weekend of music, check out tonight’s lineup here. (Dave Sag hosts Evan Goodreau @ Rhumb Line, which promises to be a great show.)

Job posting: Fisheries Technician (Seasonal)

Hi Joey,

The State is hiring seasonal employees.  The following link is for a Fisheries Technician working out of the Emerson Avenue office of the Division of Marine Fisheries.  It looks like a good summer job for a college student studying marine biology.  Would you post on GMG so parents can forward to their college kids if they might be interested?

Here’s the link to the job posting on the state website:  https://jobs.hrd.state.ma.us/recruit/public/31100001/job/job_search_results.do?companyId=59 . Deadline to apply is March 13th


Sarah Garcia

Tragedy of Julius Caesar – don’t miss it!

Turn off the TV, save money by not going to the movies… and go see LIVE theater right here on Cape Ann!  The talented director, cast and crew of the Cape Ann Shakespeare Company are offering a great production of Shakespeare’s “Tragedy of Julius Caesar”. I was at the dress rehearsal on Tuesday, and really enjoyed it.  They act it out with intensity and emotion that totally blows away the barrier of Elizabethan English.  This would be a great opportunity to help high schoolers see a text they probably have to read for English class, jump off the page and come to life!

Performances February 27 (opening special: all seats $5) through March 2 are at 8 PM; Sunday, March 3 at 3 PM at the Gorton Theatre (home of the Gloucester Stage Company) 267 East Main Street. Tickets, $15, general; $10, student; $5, youth under 19, are available at the door or may be reserved at cast2008@prodigy.net . More information is available at capeannshakespearetroupe.blogspot.com and Facebook.



Click here for more photos!

The cast includes David Adams, Jonathan Arnold, David Cluett, Stephanie Cochran, Richard Crowell, Timothy Edwards, Ashlee Holm, Ray Jenness, Ian O’Connor, Craig Owen, Dominic Parry, Matthew Recine, Jim Robinson, Jessie Sorrells, Ken Stoeffler, and Pauline Wright.

Fr. Matthew Green

Dylan Maki starts in Exhibition game against the Red Sox

Congratulations to Northeastern University Baseball Captain Dylan Maki former GHS Student Athlete for his performance in an outing, pitching against the Boston Red Sox last week.  (story in Gloucester Daily Times)

Dylan Maki0009

This photo was taken during the playoff game his senior year at Gloucester High School in which he threw 173 pitches to defeat St John’s Prep.

We Lost a Friend Of The Blog Last Night- Tim Blakeley

Tim Blakeley has passed.

Tim and his wife Eileen had been a friend of the blog from the very beginning.  He always offered his technical assistance and was way more responsible for making the Gloucester Webcam project happen than I was, being the man on the street doing the installs for next to nothing.  He went around to the businesses and community organizations and charged a tenth of what it should have cost to get the things going for them.  He did this because he loved the idea and wanted to give back.

We had this geeky techie connection in which we could talk about these ideas for hours.  Tim owned Gloucester Bytes a computer repair company and was a member of the Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce.

It was the cancer that got him.  Triple header of brain, liver and lung cancer.  Too young.  Way too young.  I’m not sure exactly how old Tim was but it has to be in his 50s.

and here’s the thing-

You know how bad it sucks that we lose someone in their 60s, 50s or 40s?  It sucks terribly.

But Tim was loved.  Every time I saw Tim and Eileen together she was beaming wildly and smiling in adoration of Tim.  They were in love.  and no matter how bad it sucks to lose someone in their 50s like Tim it’s better to pass in your 50s loved than die in your 70s unloved.

Tim had that love from his Eileen.  So he died a rich man.  Rich in love.

My condolences to Tim’s family.  I’ll miss your dry humor that would crack me up every time buddy.

Tim Blakeley on GMG-

Tim Blakeley Gloucester Bytes To The Rescue Once Again

Posted on April 16, 2012 by Joey C

Tim Blakeley Represents! In The Bahamas

Posted on November 21, 2010 by Joey C

Hi Joey,

Representing GMG  @ Atlantis Resort Paradise Island Bahamas.

Tim- Gloucester Bytes Computer


Tim Blakeley Posts on GMG

Community Stuff 2/28/13

Hi Joey, We were looking to post an announcement of a Bridal Show we are having at Bass Rocks Golf Club March 24th from 12-3. There is no charge and those who register early will have chance at a “Free Venue Rental” and $1000 off catering from Timothy Hopkins Catering. They can register at eventsales@bassrocksgolfclub.org

Thank you!

Peter N. Hood, Jr.

GM/Director of Golf



Joan Ciolino submits-

Hi Joey – I’m part of a huge family project to wish my kickass Aunt Addie a happy 90th birthday.  I am trying to gather 90 digital signatures / happy birthday wishes that I can then print off and send to her.  Could you please pop this up on GMG and we’ll get this thing DONE  prontissimo!  She has a great story – details here:


THANKS !!!!!

This Is A Man’s Scarf Damnit!

Well at the Mass Cultural Council Meeting at Fred Bodin’s I was envious of my pal Melissa Cox’ super soft scarf.  I asked her to make me one and she gave me the one around her neck.  Such a good egg that Melissa.

Wore it home and when I entered the door I was greeted by someone I may or may not be related to through marriage with a quizzical look.  I asked her “What with the look?” To which she replied- “You know that’s a girls scarf, right?”

Upon further inspection the pattern is a little frilly.  So I returned the scarf and asked Melissa to make me a new scarf which I would pay for that had a more manly pattern.

So we sauntered (yes sauntered) over to Coveted Yarn and picked out a manly scarf design and some new yarn.

It was a daunting task with the bazillion different types of yarns and thicknesses or yarns and yarns with different yarn properties, some of which need to be hand washed, some of which can be thrown in the washing machine- anyway I learned way more about yarn than any man should ever need to know about yarn.

With some guidance from The Yarn Pimp- Roberto we picked out a super soft yarn for the scarf which my pal Melissa would be producing for me just in time for the balmy days of spring.

You can see the pattern and yarn we picked out below-

2013-02-25 16.59.06

Straight sexy, right?

And here’s the yarn being made into a cake at Coveted Yarn-

Click for the very stimulating video


The skein is being turned into a cake.