Stained Glass from St. Ann’s Church (Holy Family Parish)

This window shows Mary Magdalen meeting Jesus after his resurrection. An appropriate theme for today’s post, as many Christians are still celebrating Easter.  For Catholics, the Easter season lasts until Pentecost, 50 days after Easter Sunday; the Greek Orthodox haven’t celebrated Easter at all yet – apparently it’s on May 5 for them this year.

Fr. Matthew Green


Given by the vessel Caracara

Rose window of St. John's Episcopal Church

Beyond a doubt, one of the most beautiful depictions of this kind and theme I’ve ever seen.  More info about the windows in this series of my posts is available on the church’s website.

Fr. Matthew Green

Monkeys and Peacocks: trivia answer

The peacocks and monkeys I posted yesterday are from a window in St. John’s Episcopal Church in Gloucester.  They (the church, not the monkeys and peacocks) graciously gave me permission to go photograph their stained glass windows, which are GORGEOUS.  I highly recommend visiting to see them.  The church is open for prayer and meditation Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to noon, and they don’t mind if you look at the windows too…

Here is a shot of the full window:

King Solomon's navy. The bible verse referenced on the window doesn't mention exotic animals, but it does say King Solomon had products shipped from other lands. Click on the photo to see it a little larger.

Almost all the windows feature ships, boats, or other nautical themes from the bible. I’ll post more photos and info over the coming days.  These windows are a real treasure!

We can all use some hope…

…which is represented by an anchor in Christian iconography.  Nice nautical imagery for a stained glass window in Gloucester. I expect we’ll be hearing a lot about hope as this election year goes forward.

"Spes" means "Hope" in Latin

Wherever you find your hope, share it with someone who needs it.  Hope grows when we share it, and the more people are inspired by it, the better chance it has of coming true.

Architectural detail in St. Ann stained glass window

Another detail from a stained glass window in St. Ann’s Church in Gloucester (part of Holy Family Parish).

We usually focus on the people and events in the window and can easily overlook the wonderful attention to detail in the backgrounds…

Eventually I hope to photograph the stained glass windows in other churches in Gloucester. Any suggestions of churches with really great windows besides St. Ann’s?