Shewsberry Has An Idea For The Next Version of The Sticka Color- Ask The Readers For Nominations And Put It To A Vote!

So we are now accepting nominations for colors for the next GMG Sticka!

Enter your idea below in the comments to this post and after tomorrow I will create a poll.

If you don’t see the word comment below this post click the title of this post and then all the sharing options including pinterest, print this, Facebook, twitter, ect should appear.

What color scheme would you like to see?

At Most It can Be Two Colors.  Yellows and the like don’t show up.



Special thanks to GMG logo designer Beth Swan, and our producers Frank Ciolino and Shewsberry

Stuff I Don’t Get- Why People Stay In Places

There are certain things that I just don’t get.

One of these things is why anyone stays in a horrible ghetto-like neighborhood where there is a ton of drugs and gangs and crime.

What is it that keeps people there?  Like after the first stabbing on my block I’d gather up the belongings and family and hit the road.  Hitchhike or work for food down to Florida and work doubles or triples washing dishes or whatever I had to do to keep food on the table for my family.

The same goes for these war torn countries in the middle east. 

Bomb goes off a block away- “Honey pack up the kids, we outtie!”  It would be that simple a decision for me.

What in the world keeps people hanging around waiting to get their ass blown up?

Not my idea of Home-


Uhmmmm, Yeah, No.


Fratelli Onofri

I think I love our new range. It is a little scary purchasing a new oven, especially a floor model, the week before Thanksgiving, but the heating element in our old range died; cost to repair, 800.00. A thirty-six inch range (the standard size seems to be thirty inches) is not easy to locate, but after finding several models to chose from I called a dozen or so local distributors to look at floor models. Frankly, most seemed completely disinterested in making a sale if it wasn’t something they had in stock and their choices seemed impossibly narrow–either entirely unsuitable crummy cheap ranges or deluxe models, beginning upwards of 4,000. I had set a budget and was determined to stay within.

Heading further afield and next on my list was Appliance Warehouse in Seabrook, New Hampshire. I was fortunate to get Angie on the phone and our conversation went something like–are you sure you want a Fisher Paykal? They are nearly impossible to repair. What is it you are looking for? I said no, that I was not glued to a Fisher Paykal and then described what I was looking for: a no bells and whistles clean-lined 36″ double oven, without computer, and with legs. And that the bigger of the two ovens had to be large enough to cook a turkey. She said, “Do you want to make a deal?” as they are in the midst of remodeling. Angie described her Fratelli and I thought it sounded interesting enough to go see. I googled the model number and felt the range was a little more classically styled than I had imagined, nonetheless worth going to see.

What I liked about Angie is she understood that I had set a budget, that she genuinely thought highly of the product she was offering, and that she was interested in imparting information and her personal opinion about the quality and ease in repair of various range manufacturers. And the fact that she had on hand a large rubber turkey to test the size of the oven!

I could not find much information online about our little oven and what I did read has proved to be inaccurate, such as the fan of the convection oven is extremely loud, which couldn’t be further from the truth. I adore the ease in which the shelves glide in and out, the different size burners for different heating needs, the cute legs for ease in cleaning, having both a large and small oven, and the overall very sturdy feel of the Fratelli.  My one complaint is that the oven temperature settings are difficult to read as the steel is so highly polished, although as you rotate the dial, it clicks into each increment so over time you would become familiar with the feel of each.  I practiced with lasagna last night and it came out perfectly–creamy, cheesy, tomatoey within, and golden crispy brown on top, just how my family likes it! I’ll let you know what I think about the Fratelli Onofri after all the pie- and turkey-making of this upcoming week

New GMG Series ~ Peter & Vickie’s Laws of Life ~ Every Monday

Vickie and I don’t exactly work a normal Mon-Fri week, but we have a kid in school, which means we feel the same way about Mondays as pretty much everybody else does.  So we figured we’d lighten Mondays up a bit with our new series starting today, called Peter & Vickie’s Laws of Life.  LOL for short 🙂  Why, you ask, does Peter get top Billing for this series when Vickie has it for the posts?  Well I’m writing the first one in the series, so I get to name it.

Last week I mentioned one of my heroes, Richard Feynman, in this post about Will Hunt’s Cape Ann Rocks for the Rockaways benefit, which raised over $300 for victims of Superstorm Sandy.

Portrait of Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier and his wife by Jacques-Louis David, ca. 1788

Feynman was one of the world’s greatest theoretical physicists, so I thought we’d start the series off with an LOL loosely based on a law of nature, namely Antoine Lavoisier‘s Law of Conservation of Mass, which, simply put, states that mass in never created or destroyed; it just gets rearranged or converted into energy.  So here’s the LOL corollary:

You’re more likely to gain weight if someone you know is losing weight.  According to Lavoisier, all that weight people lose HAS to go SOMEWHERE, right?  So if your wife complains that you’re getting fat this holiday season, ask your her to STOP LOSING WEIGHT.  It only makes it harder for you.

Next Monday, we’ll have another LOL.  Until then enjoy a week of good food, good music and good friends — and encourage everybody to eat as much as they like.

Only 27 tix left for the Dec.1 holiday show… grab them before they’re gone!!!

By Chris Langathianos

Chelsea Berry, one of the the New England area’s finest musicians, will be performing in Manchester on December 1st at the Crowell Chapel in the Rosedale Cemetery. This special holiday performance, aptly titled “Holiday’s & Wintertide: An Evening with Chelsea Berry & Friends” will feature the musical talents of Rockport’s, John Rockwell, and the husband and wife duo of Joe Cardoza and RenĂ©e Dupuis of Rowley.

The evening’s program, presented by Single Tree Music and The Historic Manchester Trust, will feature holiday songs and some original material guaranteed to resonate with guests in the acoustic brilliance of the Crowell Chapel. The event’s producer, Chris Langathianos, said, “I’ve lived in Manchester for 12 years and hadn’t been into the Crowell Chapel. I decided to take a look and the second I stepped into it, I was blown away by the acoustics and the beauty of the venue itself. I immediately called Chelsea, and said, ‘you have to check this place out!’ From there, the idea for a holiday performance blossomed.”

Chelsea Berry, an Alaska native who moved to the Boston area to attend Berklee College of Music, is a fixture on the live music scene having performed all over the country and often opening for world-class musicians like Chris Isaak, Marshall Crenshaw, Livingston Taylor, and Cheryl Wheeler, to name a few. Last summer, she headlined the Festival by the Sea’s finalĂ© concert in Masconomo Park.

When asked about the holiday performance, Berry said, “The whole holiday music thing is actually a bit of a secret indulgence of mine – it’s an excuse to step outside the box and perform classical music, orchestrate crazy vocal harmonies, and pretend I’m in the elementary school choir again. To me, the time of year itself means family, skiing, reading next to the woodstove, decorating the tree, and Mom’s Christmas morning sticky buns – all happy memories for me.”

With Rockwell and RenĂ©e & Joe slated to kickoff the evening’s performance, the audience will almost certainly be treated to some vocal and musical collaboration later in the evening’s program. The audience might expect Dupuis’ throaty, alto harmonies to perfectly compliment Berry’s powerful, smooth vocal leads, Cardoza’s passionately executed guitar skills, and Rockwell’s baritone voice and humorous stage presence to make the evening unforgettable. The four musicians are not strangers to collaborating with each other, so the onstage chemistry will undoubtedly be magical for this one-time performance.

The December 1st concert will take place during Manchester’s Christmas by the Sea weekend and is slated to start at 7pm. Tickets are $20 each, or guests may reserve an entire pew which will accommodate 6 to 8 guests comfortably. Tickets are available at or by calling 617-694-6892.

A portion of all ticket sales will go directly to The Historic Manchester Trust to support its programs.

A less rough cut of the Duck Sister’s Rocket Propelled Tour of Cape Ann

I am posting this outside my normal posting schedule because of the unfortunate accidents occurring upon viewing the previous rough cut of this time lapse video.  Several keyboards have been damaged and Ejay’s birthday cake has spoiled some new birthday shoes. This remake is after Rubber Duck read the directions. Much higher resolution since I am not rendering a 4:3 format to 16:9 format. The rubber ducks are much clearer. I also slowed it down by half so one does not have to wear a seat belt or snort an expresso to keep up. The music is also more Rubber Duck twin sister genre.

Rubber Duck has got the time lapse bug now and she has already designed some RDBM for quick mounting. (Rubber Duck Butt Magnets complete with felt padding.)

How about a map? 

Playing with Engineering Prints

engineering print

I decided to try out this new fad of engineering prints for myself. A lot of design and craft blogs have been featuring these prints lately and raving about them. It’s an inexpensive way to get large scale photos made. Engineering prints are usually just used for building plans and such. I tested one out with one of my photos from Lighthouse beach.

I have been thinking of using this as an idea for my friend’s upcoming shower as inexpensive decorations, but I wanted to test it out first. I ordered a 24″ x 36″ from Staples and picked it up in store. It cost me a total of $3.19.  The quality isn’t perfect but the contrast and impact is excellent. It’s very lightweight paper so it can crinkle easily and really made for one time use, unless you mount it to foam board or plywood.

engineering print

I have heard rumors, that printers don’t really like doing photos as engineering prints because it’s uses more ink and wears out the printers. I didn’t seem to have a problem, but I’m sure as this gets more popular some places may crack down and not do photos.

I plan on ordering more and mounting them to foam board to hang from the ceiling for party decorations.They would make great inexpensive decor for theme parties, weddings, or as dorm room posters.


Join The Manchester Athletic Club Now For Only $1 and Get The Rest Of November Free! #Boom!

I’ve been authorized to allow you to print this out, bring it in and qualify for this killer deal.

So click the title of this post, once you click the title it will open it up on it’s own page and underneath the graphic there will be a button that says print.

Hit that print button and print it out for a ridiculous savings!

You can also call and mention the offer at 978-526-8900 to take advantage.

Mention the $1 Free Joining and November Deal and score!



Lost Dog

Hi Joey,

Happy Thanksgiving 🙂

I found this dog this morning on Main Street and thought for sure we would have found her home by now.  She followed three little girls on bikes and they were worried she would get hit by a car.

Could you please post her picture?  She is very sweet and is waiting so patiently for her family to find her.  I know I would be worried sick.

Thanks so much!



Contact Schmoop at Tiny Island Beach Glass In Gloucester’s Historic West End

Community Photos 11/19/12

Ipswich Bay Wooden Buoy Co. Bayview Photos by Anthony Marks

IMG_2744Ipswich Bay Wooden Buoy Co. BayviewIMG_2750IMG_2756

Mary Page Submits-

Hi Joey   Love GMG   thanks for your good work

This morning green buoy 29 was pulled by the coast guard for cleaning. Photo taken from Rust Island.  Mary Page


Gail and Mary signing the second turbine arm Saturday.


Purple Heart Highway dedication from Linn Parisi


Community Stuff 11/19/12


Did you sign up for the 2013 Discover Gloucester Visitor Guide yet?

It would be a lot easier to print & fill out the insertion order if it was attached, right?!

Here it is:

Discover Gloucester Insertion Order 2013

We’re already working on the 5th edition of the very popular, digest-sized local Visitor Guide and your business should be in it, right alongside those who’ve already signed on.

100,000+ Visitor Guides will be printed and distributed locally; in our near and far drive markets, even Internationally. It also goes to trade shows; cruise ship passengers get it…it’s everywhere there are visitors!

Send in your insertion order and payment now to take advantage of the Early Bird Deal: FREE listing with a display or FREE highlighting of any basic or enhanced listing- ONLY UNTIL DECEMBER 1

Questions? Contact Linda Stockman         or Linn Parisi

We wish all of you a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. We all have so many reasons to be thankful. See you at the December 5th Holiday Award Party at Jalapenos!

Linn Parisi and the Discover Gloucester Board

Hello Joey,

Through our many connections in Gloucester, including our brother and sister, Officer Chris Frates and Erin Frates we have been introduced to your fantastic site about the comings and goings in your great town! 

Our family’s world was thrown upside down this year when our 27 year old son Peter was diagnosed with ALS, Lou Gehrig’s disease.  Since March, we have rallied behind our remarkable son along with his many friends and our beloved community to help him spread awareness about this horrific disease.  The best way to learn about Pete, our family and our journey is to go to Pete’s website, .   There are many news items and newspaper articles there that have been written about our journey.

On Dec. 29th our Gloucester friends are planning a Plunge 4 Pete at Good Harbor Beach and a post plunge party at Bass Rocks.  I have attached a flyer to invite people to plunge or just sponsor a plunger.  Any help publicizing this event you can assist with would be greatly appreciated. 


John and Nancy Frates

