A less rough cut of the Duck Sister’s Rocket Propelled Tour of Cape Ann

I am posting this outside my normal posting schedule because of the unfortunate accidents occurring upon viewing the previous rough cut of this time lapse video.  Several keyboards have been damaged and Ejay’s birthday cake has spoiled some new birthday shoes. This remake is after Rubber Duck read the directions. Much higher resolution since I am not rendering a 4:3 format to 16:9 format. The rubber ducks are much clearer. I also slowed it down by half so one does not have to wear a seat belt or snort an expresso to keep up. The music is also more Rubber Duck twin sister genre.

Rubber Duck has got the time lapse bug now and she has already designed some RDBM for quick mounting. (Rubber Duck Butt Magnets complete with felt padding.)

How about a map?Â