The Turbine Now That It’s Up Poll

When I first heard of the turbine coming to Gloucester I was angry.   I felt as though it was only going to benefit one company, the company that was installing it and the money to pay for it was money that taxpayers subsidized and that most of these green energy projects are simply advertising vehicles reaching out to liberal tree-huggers who would buy any thing at any cost as long as you slapped the  “It’s Green” sticker on it.

I let our Ed Collard and Sarah Kelly take opposing editorial views in a post before hand and I was still skeptical. View That Post Here-

Anti Windmill vs Pro Windmill Two GMG Contributors Express Their Views- Sarah Kelly and Ed Collard

Then I read Mayor Kirk’s editorial in the Gloucester Daily Times in which she stated that the City of Gloucester would “conservatively” have 90% of it’s energy needs paid for by the partnership and that number would be conservatively $450,000 per year.

Read that post here-

Chickity Check It! Matyor Kirk Says City Will Conservatively Save $450,000 Per Year In Energy Costs

Posted on October 14, 2012 by 

With that huge savings for the taxpayers of Gloucester my mind was changed.  Now with the Varian one erected, looking at it doesn’t bother me at all.  I mean not in the least.  I actually think it looks kinda cool.

Now if we look back a year from when the thing kicks off and see that the City only gets a tiny fraction of what it think’s it’s going to get I will be supremely pissed and feel duped and I’ll rail against every phoney baloney green energy claim that comes down the pike but I’m going to be cautiously optimistic that we will indeed provide those savings.

Now that the Turbine is up and you can see what it looks like on the horizon and you know what we know about the projected savings would you say that the turbines at Varian and Gloucester Engineering are a good thing or not?

Please vote in the new poll-

On our last poll in which we asked if the City of Gloucester would get more or less that $450K in Energy Savings over two thirds of voters chose under.

I’m more optimistic and I hope Mayor Kirk  once the energy audit from the first year comes out gets to say  “IN YOUR FACE!” to all the doubters and we get well over $450,000 per year in energy savings.

My New Favorite Twitter Feed- @Be_Determined_


Here are a couple gems-

I realize this is a sports related motivational tool but I want each and every one of our contributors to read it and follow it in our effort to be the best blog you’ll ever read.

Here are some tweets that got me fired up this morning-








Follow @Be_Determined_ Here

Rick Terselic Represents! At The World Championship Punkin Chunkin Competition in Bridgeville, Delaware

Hi Joey:

Visited with you at Capt. Joe’s during Fiesta last summer.  I’m so thankful for all you do which allows me to keep current with happenings in Glosta.  Big shout out to Tom P. in The Fort & Erik H. in Annisquam! 

I’m fortunate to have joined the "Chunkin Up" team, and I brought my GMG sticker to World Championship Punkin Chunkin Competition in Bridgeville, Delaware this past weekend. 

Discovery Channel was there in force, so everyone will be able to see what happened later this month — usually around Thanksgiving.

Couldn’t help myself from yelling  "Chi Samiou Dute Mute? Viva San Pietro!" a few times, which lead to puzzled looks from team members… and later thinking that a pumpkin cannon built to resemble the Greasy Pole with a crew of costumed Sicilians could be a great idea for a future team?  Perhaps that deserves some consideration from Gloucester based Chunker engineers?

All the best, and keep on building the best blog on the planet!  We really do appreciate it.

Rick, Louise & Anthony Terselic in North Potomac, MD


Note to self: Road trip to the Punkin Chunkin Competition in Bridgeville, Delaware next year!  That looks like a whole lot of fun!!!!

Green Leaves Ignite!

“Green leaves ignite, transformed by a kaleidoscope of incinerating colors—devil-red, burnt tangerine, caramelized amber, searing saffron, and smoldering crimson-purple. The air is impregnated with the aromatic perfume of orchard fruits ripening in the fleeting flush of the sun’s warm light. Hazy, slanting rays gild the late season glory in the garden. Surrounded by flowers of dissipating beauty and juxtaposed against the dazzling brilliance of autumn foliage, we are urged to spend every possible moment savoring our gardens before the onset of winter.”

Excerpt from my book Oh Garden of fresh Possibilities! Notes from a Gloucester Garden. Written and Illustrated by Kim Smith, David R. Godine, Publisher. To read more of this excerpt, click link: Exquisite Flora in Autumn.

Beautiful saffron yellow maple found, glowing gold in a shady knoll beneath a hardwood tree canopy, at Bradley Palmer State Park.

I believe this little tree is a Japanese maple tree, not typically found in a forest of North American native trees.

Klezmer in Gloucester with Attitude this Saturday

Natalia Carollo of Temple Ahavat Achim sent this info on a performance by Klezwoods with Fozzie Hill at Cafe Shalom this Saturday Nov 10th at 7pm.  Refreshments will be served.  Suggested donation – $10/per person.  Check them out!

Klezwoods is a Boston-based amalgam of strings, horns, and percussion that melds the spirit of traditional klezmer and balkan music with modern grooves, improvisation and east coast attitude.

Every player comes from a different background, which creates the band’s unique sound and style. They originally got their start some years back when local Cambridge, MA haunt, Atwood’s Tavern, asked soon-to-be-bandleader Joseph Kessler to put together a group of klezmer musicians during Christmas time for a “klezmer Christmas” event. Thus, Klezwoods was born, and continues to captivate audiences all over the world.

But don’t wait for Saturday.  Weather is clearing already making a great night to go out.

See the full weekend live music lineup for Gloucester here.

Ms. Diane Blue & Mr. Roberto Morbioli join The Blues Party tonight with Mark Earley on sax @ The Rhumb Line tonight 9:00pm

We’re on a roll! Last week was amazing and so  this week shall be as I welcome back Ms. Diane Blue. Just back from a ravioli-studded tour of Italy’s lower lip region, she has captured the wily Mr. Roberto Morbioli (did I spell that right?)  and dragged him back thru customs. The poor guy: they made him take off his shoes, but they wouldn’t give them back cuz they are so cool.. Besides that, he plays a mean guitar, and sings, too. Of course, Miss D will be doing most of the vocals, belting out your favorite works of art, and filling in the cracks with some fine harmonica.
She’ll be bringing in some new heavy guns in the form of Mr. Rusty Scott, on keys, and John Medeiros, on skins. Both new to me, I’m putting on a new flea collar! Roomer has it that a certain, world famous sexamaphonist will be dropping out of the sky to join us, too. One can only hope. Come frolic!

Ms. Diane Blue & Mr. Roberto Morbioli

 Check em out >

Chelsea Berry to Perform a Holiday Show In Manchester

By Chris Langathianos

Chelsea Berry, one of the the New England area’s finest musicians, will be performing in Manchester on December 1st at the Crowell Chapel in the Rosedale Cemetery. This special holiday performance, aptly titled “Holiday’s & Wintertide: An Evening with Chelsea Berry & Friends” will feature the musical talents of Rockport’s, John Rockwell, and the husband and wife duo of Joe Cardoza and Renée Dupuis of Rowley.

The evening’s program, presented by Single Tree Music and The Historic Manchester Trust, will feature holiday songs and some original material guaranteed to resonate with guests in the acoustic brilliance of the Crowell Chapel. The event’s producer, Chris Langathianos, said, “I’ve lived in Manchester for 12 years and hadn’t been into the Crowell Chapel. I decided to take a look and the second I stepped into it, I was blown away by the acoustics and the beauty of the venue itself. I immediately called Chelsea, and said, ‘you have to check this place out!’ From there, the idea for a holiday performance blossomed.”

Chelsea Berry, an Alaska native who moved to the Boston area to attend Berklee College of Music, is a fixture on the live music scene having performed all over the country and often opening for world-class musicians like Chris Isaak, Marshall Crenshaw, Livingston Taylor, and Cheryl Wheeler, to name a few. Last summer, she headlined the Festival by the Sea’s finalé concert in Masconomo Park.

When asked about the holiday performance, Berry said, “The whole holiday music thing is actually a bit of a secret indulgence of mine – it’s an excuse to step outside the box and perform classical music, orchestrate crazy vocal harmonies, and pretend I’m in the elementary school choir again. To me, the time of year itself means family, skiing, reading next to the woodstove, decorating the tree, and Mom’s Christmas morning sticky buns – all happy memories for me.”

With Rockwell and Renée & Joe slated to kickoff the evening’s performance, the audience will almost certainly be treated to some vocal and musical collaboration later in the evening’s program. The audience might expect Dupuis’ throaty, alto harmonies to perfectly compliment Berry’s powerful, smooth vocal leads, Cardoza’s passionately executed guitar skills, and Rockwell’s baritone voice and humorous stage presence to make the evening unforgettable. The four musicians are not strangers to collaborating with each other, so the onstage chemistry will undoubtedly be magical for this one-time performance.

The December 1st concert will take place during Manchester’s Christmas by the Sea weekend and is slated to start at 7pm. Tickets are $20 each, or guests may reserve an entire pew which will accommodate 6 to 8 guests comfortably. Tickets are available at or by calling 617-694-6892.

A portion of all ticket sales will go directly to The Historic Manchester Trust to support its programs.

Live Stream of Orleans & Friends @ Mercy Lounge One Cannery Row, Nashville TN Sunday, November 11th, 7:30 PM

Streaming Live at

A message from Lance Hoppen…

Most of you are already aware of the sudden passing of my brother and partner, Larry Hoppen, on July 24th. In the wake of this tragedy, Orleans (Fly Amero, Lane Hoppen, Charlie Morgan, returning co-founder John Hall and myself) made a commitment to finish 2012’s calendar of live shows. That calendar draws to a close with this very special event.

The official press release is repeated in full below, so I won’t go into redundant detail here. But I will say that I am thrilled that we’ll get to play MY town as the closer of this “tour” … and that I’m SO excited and grateful that this stellar cast of performers has consented to help us raise money for Larry’s family.

Won’t you please help us spread the word far and wide? For those who cannot attend the show in person, they can still see it in its entirety anywhere in the world via live online streaming over Now THAT is very cool!

StageIt is very user-friendly. All you need to do is register for a FREE account there prior to show time. Then, view the show as it happens LIVE at (ticket price is $20)

Hope to “see” you there.


Lance Hoppen (for all of Orleans & Friends)


Contact: Mark Logsdon
Telephone: (615) 327-0100

Tennessee-Based Musicians Join Orleans to Honor  Late Co-Founder in Benefit Concert

(Nashville, TN) The pop/rock band Orleans, best known for its 70s classics 
Still the One, Dance With Me and Love Takes Time, suffered tragedy earlier this year. Lead singer and co-founder, Larry Hoppen, passed away suddenly on July 24. Larry was well loved and highly respected as a great musician, player, singer, songwriter, brother, father and friend. He was also a great humanitarian activist with a big heart.

In Larry
s honor (pictured left), there will be a special Orleans & Friends show 
Sunday, November 11, at the Mercy Lounge, One Cannery Row, Nashville, Tennessee. Showtime is 7:30 PM. $20 minimum donation. Tickets sold online and at the door.

Many local and regional artists, who are also longtime friends of Orleans, will join them on stage. Artists scheduled to appear include Jimi JamisonJohn Ford Coley, Henry Paul (Blackhawk), Jonell Mosser, Kathie Baillie & Michael Bonagura (Baillie & the Boys), Bill Lloyd (Foster & Lloyd), Alyssa Bonagura and Pete Huttlinger. The Boy Wonder Blues Band will open.

All performers are donating their time and talent. All net proceeds will benefit the Hoppen family, especially Larry
s teenage daughters, Maeve and Claire. Additional donations welcome. Checks can be made out to Hoppen Family Benefit Fund.

Orleans, now in its 40th year, was scheduled to appear on the Fox & Friends Summer Concert TV Series just a few days after Hoppen
s death. They also had previously scheduled a string of summer and fall shows. While there was no way to salvage the Fox TV appearance, brother and co-founder Lance Hoppen vowed to finish their calendar of 2012 concert dates in Larrys honor. To accomplish this, Orleans mainstays Lance and Lane Hoppen, Dennis Fly Amero and Charlie Morgan welcomed returning co-founder, John Hall, who had taken leave to serve as a US Congressman (2007-2010, D-NY 19), for several well-received shows this past August, September and October. The calendar of live shows concludes with this benefit concert in Nashville 
on November 11.

To learn more, visit

Tickets available at

The show will be streamed LIVE online starting at 
8:00 PM Central Time, Sunday Nov. 11that Also a $20 ticket.

Facebook Event page at:

Additional donations may be sent by credit card via , to the account of and/or checks may be sent to The Hoppen Family,1710 Blair Blvd,. Nashville, TN 37212, made out to Hoppen Family Benefit Fund.

Orleans and the Hoppen family wish to express their gratitude and deep appreciation for the already tremendous outpouring of love and support from around the globe.


For more information about Orleans or to schedule an interview, please contact Mark Logsdon of PLA Media at 1 (615) 327-0100 or

Community Service Open House at GCA Charter School Next Sat, Nov 17

Gloucester Community Arts Charter School  –  Saturday School/Open House

Students and parents interested in GCA are welcome to come to the Saturday School/Open House 8 am- 12 pm next Saturday, November 17, 2012.

Students now attending GCA will be attending their choice of classes based on the theme of “Community Service.” The day will start with Morning Meeting and a discussion of types of global and local community service. Classes will include:

  • a Dance-athon with proceeds going to a worthy cause
  • writing letters to servicemen and women to be sent with baskets of appreciation
  • designing and decorating clothing to be donated to those in need

The Student Leadership Team will run a project to provide aid for the victims of Hurricane Sandy.

Parents are invited to attend the next in our series of special workshops, focusing this time on how to support their children in learning math. During the first workshop, parents participated in a very compelling and helpful workshop on bullying.

It’s helpful, but not necessary, to let us know if you plan to attend, but you are always welcome. We hope to see you on Saturday November 17.

For more information – send an email or call / 978-283–0832

World Origami Days: Tessellations

Not all origami is representational.  Paperfolding can also be used to produce geometric solids, patterns, etc.  Included in that category are “tessellations” – repeating geometric patterns folded into a single sheet of paper. The technique is often used for abstract geometric designs, but can also be used to give texture to surfaces on representational models.  The most spectacular example I know of this texturing effect is a dragon designed by the Japanese origami master Satoshi Kamiya.  Here’s a more simple example – photos of the two sides of a “waterbomb base” tesselation folded from a 10″ square of blue origami paper:

Next up: modular origami!

Fr. Matthew Green

Pet of the Week-Porter

pet of the week, porter, kitten for adoption

Hi, my name is Porter and I am a two-month-old tiger kitten.
I am here at the Cape Ann Animal Aid located the Christopher Cutler Rich Animal Shelter in Gloucester.

I have been asked to tell you about an upcoming event.  There will be an in-door yard sale of pet supplies, crafts, puzzles, audio books, jewelry, gifts, luggage, decorations, snow people, household items and more, on Saturday, November 10th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.  and Sunday, November 11th from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.   $1.00 a bag on Sunday starting at 1:30 p.m.  (some items excluded).  Don’t forget…this sale is at our former downtown location at 260 Main Street, Gloucester.

I have to run – I have to ask one of the volunteers to take me to this sale, I love to shop! Shop! Shop!