Generous Gardeners Dahlia Flower and Photography Competition

As we walk on Stacy Boulevard the beauty of the flowers bring so much joy. Thank you Generous Gardeners.


Generous Gardeners Announces a Dahlia Flower and Photography Competition

Generous Gardeners is hosting our first Dahlia Flower and Photography Competition to be held September 30 at Bass Rocks Golf Club, Gloucester. Specimen dahlias in a variety of categories and photographs of dahlias are sought for competition entries. The display will be free and open to the public from 11:00 – 2:00. Vote for your favorite for the People’s Choice Award.

There are four categories of dahlia flowers and three categories of dahlia photographs.  Each category is limited to 15 submissions, so if you would like to compete, please register soon.  Each participant is limited to two entries.

For registration information to participate and more about the event go to



1985 Holiday Lights decorated homes competition | throwback Gloucester Daily Times article #GloucesterMA from Pauline

In response to the recent Holiday Lights posts on GMG, Pauline Bresnahan shared a fun memory about a holiday lights competition sponsored by local realtors on Cape Ann in 1985. Her father, Philip McComiskey, won the most festive home category that inaugural year. This First Lighting Contest held by Lufkin & Brown Inc., awarded prizes in three categories.

Reporter Ken Fish wrote that “Midge Kart’s display on 729 Western Avenue, Magnolia – a combination of red velvet ribbon, Christmas lights and spotlights — won in the most traditional category…Philip McComiskey’s lighted trees at 514 Essex Avenue won the festive award…The creche at Lester Mountain Sr.’s home at 2A Pigeon Hill Ct., Rockport won in the religious category…”

Judges were Fitz Lufkin, Ruth Pino, John Kent, Sharon Surma, Diane Polley (author of Let’s Go! Animal Tracks in the Snow, a Cape Ann Reads Honor book), Susan Scola and AnthonyMilitello. Read the article for the fun details and bonus – find out who was awarded the honorable mentions!

Gloucester Daily Times article, “A Light Touch for Christmas: Light Displays”, by Ken Fish (click to enlarge the photos of the article or here for a Printable PDF “A Light Touch for Christmas” GDT article)



Different Point of View Greasy Pole and Seine Boats last Friday

Some shots of the activities from a different perspective. Looking at Pavilion Beach area from Stacy Boulevard. From past the Fisherman..

CrossFit Cape Ann – Not Your Average Joe’s Competition

CrossFit Cape Ann put a team together from Gloucester to compete in the “Not Your Average Joe’s Competition” in Danvers. (I thought at first daughter Whitney had invited me for lunch..) CrossFit Teams from many of the area gyms came together to compete in weightlifting and rowing events. Competing for the first time in this event and not knowing what to expect, the team placed well landing in the middle of the pack of over about 40 teams.

Gloucester High School sophomore, Jennifer Palazola won Best of School for her piece “Embedded by Nature” at the 6th Congressional District High School Art Competition

Gloucester High School sophomore, Jennifer Palazola, daughter of Maryjo Lamphier, won Best of School for her piece “Embedded by Nature” at the 6th Congressional District High School Art Competition. The awards were presented Saturday, March 9, by U.S. Representative John F. Tierney at Montserrat College of Art’s 301 Gallery, 301 Cabot Street, Beverly and were hosted by Montserrat President Stephen D. Immerman.

Palazola’s teacher at Gloucester HS is Lorrinda Cerrutti, who submitted her pieces to the competition, along with junior Rosie Margetson’s, daughter of Annie Margetson.


Rick Terselic Represents! At The World Championship Punkin Chunkin Competition in Bridgeville, Delaware

Hi Joey:

Visited with you at Capt. Joe’s during Fiesta last summer.  I’m so thankful for all you do which allows me to keep current with happenings in Glosta.  Big shout out to Tom P. in The Fort & Erik H. in Annisquam! 

I’m fortunate to have joined the "Chunkin Up" team, and I brought my GMG sticker to World Championship Punkin Chunkin Competition in Bridgeville, Delaware this past weekend. 

Discovery Channel was there in force, so everyone will be able to see what happened later this month — usually around Thanksgiving.

Couldn’t help myself from yelling  "Chi Samiou Dute Mute? Viva San Pietro!" a few times, which lead to puzzled looks from team members… and later thinking that a pumpkin cannon built to resemble the Greasy Pole with a crew of costumed Sicilians could be a great idea for a future team?  Perhaps that deserves some consideration from Gloucester based Chunker engineers?

All the best, and keep on building the best blog on the planet!  We really do appreciate it.

Rick, Louise & Anthony Terselic in North Potomac, MD


Note to self: Road trip to the Punkin Chunkin Competition in Bridgeville, Delaware next year!  That looks like a whole lot of fun!!!!

Kim Smith’s GMG Bloody Mary Contest Photos

Kim Writes-

Lots of fun today–what a great thing you and E.J. and GMG have created!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Felicia’s ricotta pie was simply divine!