2015 Bikini Speedo Dodgeball World Championship At Spindrift Rules Just Released! @farmessex

It’s Going Down Tomorrow At Noon!   Please Sign Up For A Free UBER Ride Using Coupon Code “CAPEANN” and Using This Link Or Call A Cab!  There will be no Parking At Spindrift but there will be a shuttle bus from Wingarsheek to Spindrift.  BEST Move is to Take a cab and get dropped off/picked up right there!

Click For The 2015 Bikini Speedo Dodgeball World Championship Information Page Here

Pre-Dodgeball Smack Talk Video From The Farm Thursday Night-



Rick Terselic Represents! At The World Championship Punkin Chunkin Competition in Bridgeville, Delaware

Hi Joey:

Visited with you at Capt. Joe’s during Fiesta last summer.  I’m so thankful for all you do which allows me to keep current with happenings in Glosta.  Big shout out to Tom P. in The Fort & Erik H. in Annisquam! 

I’m fortunate to have joined the "Chunkin Up" team, and I brought my GMG sticker to World Championship Punkin Chunkin Competition in Bridgeville, Delaware this past weekend. 

Discovery Channel was there in force, so everyone will be able to see what happened later this month — usually around Thanksgiving.

Couldn’t help myself from yelling  "Chi Samiou Dute Mute? Viva San Pietro!" a few times, which lead to puzzled looks from team members… and later thinking that a pumpkin cannon built to resemble the Greasy Pole with a crew of costumed Sicilians could be a great idea for a future team?  Perhaps that deserves some consideration from Gloucester based Chunker engineers?

All the best, and keep on building the best blog on the planet!  We really do appreciate it.

Rick, Louise & Anthony Terselic in North Potomac, MD


Note to self: Road trip to the Punkin Chunkin Competition in Bridgeville, Delaware next year!  That looks like a whole lot of fun!!!!