Learn how to help your child with math at the GCA Charter School Open House this Saturday

Students and parents interested in GCA are welcome.  Students will attend their choice of classes based on the theme Community Service.  Classes include a Dance-A-Thon to raise money for the Red Cross, Drumming for Action, Inc., writing letters and preparing gift baskets for our troops, science with slime and much more.

Parents can participate in morning meeting and attend a workshop: How to help your child in math.  For more information – send an email or call / 978-283–0832.

Community Service Open House at GCA Charter School Next Sat, Nov 17

Gloucester Community Arts Charter School  –  Saturday School/Open House

Students and parents interested in GCA are welcome to come to the Saturday School/Open House 8 am- 12 pm next Saturday, November 17, 2012.

Students now attending GCA will be attending their choice of classes based on the theme of “Community Service.” The day will start with Morning Meeting and a discussion of types of global and local community service. Classes will include:

  • a Dance-athon with proceeds going to a worthy cause
  • writing letters to servicemen and women to be sent with baskets of appreciation
  • designing and decorating clothing to be donated to those in need

The Student Leadership Team will run a project to provide aid for the victims of Hurricane Sandy.

Parents are invited to attend the next in our series of special workshops, focusing this time on how to support their children in learning math. During the first workshop, parents participated in a very compelling and helpful workshop on bullying.

It’s helpful, but not necessary, to let us know if you plan to attend, but you are always welcome. We hope to see you on Saturday November 17.

For more information – send an email or call / 978-283–0832

Celebrating the Culture of Gloucester at GCA on Saturday

Here’s a great opportunity to see first hand the kind of education going on at Gloucester Community Arts Charter school.  Students get to choose from 7 workshops, from creating and illustrating a story set in Gloucester, to creating one of the species of fish that have contributed to Gloucester’s maritime history, to dissecting a squid, to taking the virtual harbor walk celebrating Gloucester’s people and poetry.  The event is free and open to the public.