Leon Poindexter Installs helm on Eleanor Photos From Kathy Chapman

Gloucester Marine Railways

Master Shipwright Leon Poindexter installs the helm on the Tea Party Ship Eleanor, with help from carpenter and boat builder Matt Billey.



Leslie Heffron Has Some Nice Things to Say

Leslie writes-

Hi Joey and all the GMG Contributors – I want to thank all of you for  the hard work you do to produce your blog.  A year ago I accidentally came across the GMG logo when I was on The Gloucester Times online.  I immediately loved the seagull with the sunrise visual and  the name of the blog.  Then when I saw the image of Good Harbor beach I was totally hooked!  I lived in Gloucester 10 years and have now been living down in PA for almost 20, but I miss Gloucester and hope to move back someday.  So until then you keep me informed of all the great events happening in your beautiful city by the sea!  Thanks so much!  Leslie Heffron

Coming Home



I was down at the Gloucester

train station the other day

and it reminded me of

the attraction for trains  lots

of us quietly enjoy.


When I was a boy, the train,

the Delaware & Hudson

Railroad , ran right outside of

our little summer home;


steam locomotives pulling

both freight and passenger cars,

on Fridays, bringing fathers

home after a  week in the City.


Two long, one short, one long meant

The train had passed the crossing

and would soon be braking to

give us our dads for the weekend.


I spied on the location

of those little dramas last

night – courtesy of Google Earth;


no trace of the D&H

was found: no tracks, no station,

no crossing gate,  no little

children excited and waiting.


Meanwhile, back in Gloucester, after

two long, one short and one long,

the commuter train from Boston

pulls into the small station

where moms and dads step down to

come home.


Marty Luster



Did You Know? (Artists and Photographers Group)

Alice Gardner started a monthly Artists and Photographers Group a couple of months ago.  The group is growing and it is fun.  The first meeting of the New Year will be on January 9, 2012 from 9:00-10:30AM (and meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month) at the Pleasant Street Tea House.  This meeting will be a “Show and Tell” meeting, so join us and bring something you are working on.  The group is open to all artists, and is a great way to meet new people, see old friends, share information and stay connected with other artists, especially during the winter when we tend to become more isolated.

E.J. Lefavour

Think because it’s the dead of winter that it’s dead downtown? Think again

Watch the video and see how many different artists you can see perform just between today and Thursday (hint: it’s more than a dozen!)

And our good friend Gordo is back with a new band at the Rhumb Line.  Check them out and the complete list here!


Gloucester’s own Bandit Kings are at it again ~ Radio time on Sirius XM’s The Loft

Did you know that the Bandit kings are being rebroadcast on sirius radio ? This Sunday (today) at 5pm and Wednesday at midnight PT 3am ET . They will be on  “Having words with Meg”  on Sirius XM’s The Loft (Channel 30) xm30.  This is all so very exciting. So, please be sure to tune in.

Gloucester based band The Bandit Kings debuted Nationally on Sirius XM Satellite Radio on Wednesday, December 21, 2011. The band was recorded live and interviewed for “Having Words with Meg” a new monthly radio series on The Loft hosted by seminal radio DJ Meg Griffin. The show is a new concept, originating from Bang-A-Song Studios (also in Gloucester) and they aired again on Friday, December 23 at 3pm  The Gloucester band spoke about the burgeoning music scene on Cape Ann, played songs from their records, and were joined by special guest & co-producer, Dave Mattacks (Fairport Convention, Paul McCartney).

Meg Griffin who is in The Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame spent 25 years on NYC’s rock radio (WNEW FM, KROCK, WFUV) until going National for the past 12 years on Sirius XM Satellite Radio.  She moved from NYC to Gloucester full time 3 years ago and does her daily radio shows from a home studio.

The new Bandit Kings CD, Epic Hello, was released in November. The band recently played in Portsmouth, Cambridge, and Vermont and will play Molly Malone’s in Los Angeles on January 19. Collectively they are: Dan King, Ann Marie Shimanoski, Renee Dupuis, Joe Cardoza, and Dennis Monagle, (also known as the weekly house band for The Rhumbline’s Monday Night Open Jamm).”

I have been continually wowed by the amount of great music originating here in Gloucester and all over the North Shore of Massachusetts. I am thrilled to get some of these great artists and bands onto national radio on The Loft, Sirius XM 30.” Hear “Having Words With Meg” on Sirius XM’s The Loft (Channel 30)
Check The Loft listings at: www.siriusxm.com/theloft

Current Bands
play music.

Fr. Thomas Fleming, R.I.P.

Fr. Thomas Fleming was the pastor of St. Peter’s Church in Gloucester from 1991 to 2002.  He was much loved, and many of his former parishioners here still have very fond memories of him.  He died last Dec. 23, at the venerable age of 80, at the Regina Cleri Residence in Boston.  His funeral was held on Dec. 29, but since many Gloucester residents were unable to attend his funeral, a memorial Mass was held yesterday (Saturday, January 2) at St. Ann’s Church in Gloucester (one of the churches of Holy Family Parish).

A good number of people turned out for the service, and after the homily, the main celebrant, Fr. John Kiley (pastor of Holy Family), invited former parishioners and friends of Fr. Fleming to share some of their memories and experiences of him. The picture that emerged was one of a welcoming, caring pastor with a good sense of humor.  His impact on the community remains even today, both in the hearts of the people of Gloucester and in the local cartography; a small road next to the former St. Peter’s Church bears his name.

May he rest in peace, and may the Lord reward him for his labors!

His full obituary can be found here.  Photos graciously provided by John Wheeler.

The Mass was presided by Fr. John Kiley (right), Pastor of Holy Family Parish, and concelebrated by Fr. Matthew Green, his parochial vicar.


Playa del Carmen


Playa Del Carmen is fantastic!  The Place we are staying is great as well.  Service everywhere has been super friendly without being fake friendly.
The beaches are beautiful, there’s funky architecture, there’s a street called “Fifth” where there’s great people watching.  Very diverse mix of people walking the streets from wealthy Europeans to bohemians to hipsters to Mexican mommas lugging their babies around at 11PM.
Lots of small boutique hotels all over unlike the massive all-inclusives in Cancun.

Dance party – LCC

Dance party – LCC

Hi Joey,

Thank you, as always, for your fine information and great pictures!!

We are hosting a dance party on Jan. 21 at the Lanesville Community Center. Might you post this on GMG? Thank you!!

Heat up your Winter…

January Thaw

Dance Party

Sat. January 21, 2012

7:30 – 11:00 PM

Admission by donation to the LCC

(Including for a boiler to heat our fabulous new floor!)

Music by “The Merj”

Violin powered rock ‘n roll dance band

T-shirt, raffles, door prizes

Wine & beer for sale

Pot luck munchies welcome

Lanesville Community Center


Men’s Basketball League Scores For 1/4/12

Katy Milne reports

It’s a New Year and there are New Scores for the Men’s Basketball league at the Cape Ann YMCA!
Scores for 1/4/20132

Roberts Catering- 54
RoyMoore Lobster- 43

Rockport Mortgage- 58
Expressos- 47

Stones Pub-52
Fleet Machine-74

Maybe we will get a Team from GMG in our next league….
Will the Homie help us keep score?


Leslie Heffron Dancing Sea Star Buoy Colored Pencil Drawing

Leslie Writes-

Thank you!  I’m an artist so after I read the blog for the first time I did a colored pencil drawing and have been working on a series called "Love Letters to Gloucester"  ever since.  This drawing is called, "Dancing Sea Star Buoy" and it’s based on a buoy I found washed up on Niles Beach.  Leslie
