Sharpie Showcase! deb Clarke Representin’

Deb Clarke Representin’ GMG on The SHARPIE Showcase website

You Should’ve gone into Marketing Deb.

GMG Thanks you for the Shout out!

CLICK HERE for Debbies Sharpie Showcase Page

deb Clarke Sunday Morning Painting Class

The Sunday Morning Painting Class
From deb Clarke;
Sunday morning we held our painting class in my backyard.  we reviewed some work, then the students painted. i drew with my new sharpies.  this is the view toward the State Fish Pier with the towers of Our Lady of Good Vogaye on the upper right and the Marchant Street “Tower House” on the upper left.  I have since added aluminum leaf to the drawing to help define some of the shapes.  will post follow-up.  gorgeous day here on the cove, on shore breeze and the air is dry!  YES!
 For more information On the Sunday Morning Painting Class Contact Deb Clarke at:

Beginning Painting 1 by Deb Clarke

 “Painters who are not colorists produce illumination and not painting….color gives the appearance of life.”

Monday, February 23, 1852 from the Journals of Eugene Delacroix,  French Painter

Beginning Painting

The Equipment

a portable easel

for beginners I recommend 3 colors:  cad yellow medium, grumbacher red, cobalt blue and white, a small jar of oil painting medium and some gessoed boards, a few brushes (boar bristle is fine)

if you try painting and want to continue, you will want to invest in more colors, brushes, medium and an easel for outdoor painting

Here is My Paint Box and supplies;

French Easel Draw with supplies

Here’s my french easel set-up for painting:

  a few big brushes, a few rounds, maybe a filbert, a small brayer.

My colors:
cad yellow light
lemon yellow
cad yellow medium
yellow ochre
raw sienna
burnt sienna
grumbacher red (napthol red)
alizarin crimson
pthalo green
winsor blue (pthalo blue)
cobalt blue
ultramarine blue
grumbacher pre-test white, original formula (titanium white)

medium:  1 part stand oil, 1 part damar, 1 part turp

thinner for cleaning brushes

If you need more info on Painting supplies and where you can purchase them, or how to join the Sunday Morning Painting Class (7am Cripple Cove Parking Lot, weather permitting) contact me at:

A Call To Artists

A Call to Artists!

I’m looking for artists to share studio space in central Gloucester.  

contact me via email for details.

Deb Clarke:

Painting and Drawing  Lessons available
You too can learn how to do a 20 minute painting!  Take a class with Debbie,
and you will be doing them in ‘no time’…
20 minute color spot demo

Contact Debbie Clarke at;

Sunday Morning Painting Class

Outdoor Painting and Drawing Classes with a real Glosta’ artist

Deb painting at one of last years Block partys in front of Bananas

Outdoor painting and drawing classes (weather permitting) with Debbie Clarke begin Sunday April 18, 7-9am.  Classes meet at the Cripple Cove Parking Lot across from Zeke’s.  arrive by 6:30 to set-up.  fee $25. all levels encouraged from newbies to pros  to register contact me via email:  elli01930@yahoo.comall painting and drawing media welcome, sorry, no watercolor.

questions, etc, you know what to do.

Even if your not sure you’d like to try, come down and check it out. You never know you just might pick up a brush. Maybe Joey will show up and give it a try.

Painting of Banana's Window, 2009 Block Party

Outdoor Painting and Drawing Classes with a real Glosta’ artist

Outdoor Painting and Drawing Classes with a real Glosta’ artist

Outdoor painting and drawing classes (weather permitting) with Debbie Clarke begin Sunday April 18, 7-9am.  Classes meet at the Cripple Cove Parking Lot across from Zeke’s.  arrive by 6:30 to set-up.  fee $25. all levels encouraged from newbies to pros  to register contact me via email:  elli01930@yahoo.comall painting and drawing media welcome, sorry, no watercolor.

questions, etc, you know what to do.


Merluccius Bilinearis aka St Peter's Thumbprint by Deb Clarke

Class Location

“Karen” by Deb Clarke

From:  Deb Clarke


This is Karen, the completed work documented in my earlier ‘wip’  in the series “Faces I Remember”.  It is finished.  During the process that brought the work to this point I was continually critiquing the work.  I kept trying to get the eyes above the one third, but my inclination was to keep cutting the ‘shape’ down.  This morning I finally decided to find the center of my canvas.  Wouldn’t you know it?  French painter Pierre Bonnard’s words critiqued the work, he said:  “There should be nothing in the center of a painting.”  Then portrait artist Helen Van Wyck words critiqued the work:  “In a portrait the eyes should be around the one third point.”  then I said:  The Hell you say!  I’m still in training!  This is Karen and this is the way I do it.  I broke the rules, yet it works.  why?  because it is didactic and self referential. so, there.

ps:  this is drawn from memory of a friend from Banana’s.



For Purchasing Info go to:

Welcome To My Kitchen Studio

“Welcome to My Kitchen Studio”

 Will be an on going Art series by Debbie Clarke.

This is a self portrait from the computer screens point of view.  yup, coffee in one hand, finger on the mouse, and everything hasn’t quite settled into place.

Good Mornin' by Deb Clarke

Goodmornin’, a drawing

Aluminum leaf, sharpie marker, litho crayon on aluminum flashing 5×5″

Copyright debbie clarke
gloucester ma