Woody Allen Quote of The Week From Greg Bover

The QW is still on location in Indiana.

March 28, 2013

“If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.”


Woody Allen (1935-    )

Born Allan Stewart Konigsberg in the Bronx, Woody began writing comedy as a teenager and in the 1950’s was a highly paid gag man for Ed Sullivan, Sid Caesar and others. In the Sixties he began developing his own stand-up career and the character of the nebbish with which he is so closely identified today. He began his film writing and directing with slapstick comedies but moved quickly on to more dramatic material with Annie Hall, Manhattan, and Hannah and Her Sisters. He describes his work as heavily influenced by Bergman and Fellini, and he himself is taken more seriously in Europe than at home. He has won four Academy Awards and has been married three times. Woody frequents the New York club scene and sits in as a jazz clarinetist. Although he is famously agnostic, his quote reveals a recognition of the comedy inherent in humans attempting to understand the divine.

Greg Bover

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