Cape Ann Seasonal Openings Part II

This list used to be easy to make but Cape Ann is exploding with openings today. So turn this computer off, finish that cup of coffee and get off your butt and get out there. Because when you are putting up your Christmas wreath this fall you do not want to regret missing one day of the season. The outdoor, eat a fried clam and enjoy Cape Ann season.

Rockport Update: “ has this covered. Click Here for their facebook update. TopDog opens today. Helmuts Strudel is Open. Roy Moore is open. Lobster Pool next weekend.  The Town Fathers officially did not roll the sidewalks up last night. Really. Click Bearskin to get the full list.

Below I stick my normal list but there are plenty more places opening this weekend.  I could spend time adding names and links but I got a date with a fired clam and I don’t want to

Hot Tip: Cape Ann Whale Watch sets sail starting on Saturday April 13 at 10AM weather permitting.  Tonight, after you drag your fired clam filled sunburned butt back to the couch click here and get tickets.

Saturday, March 30, Top Dog of Rockport opens.

Thursday, April 11, Lobsta Land Restaurant opens.

Thursday, April 11, Captain Carlo’s opens.

Friday April 12th, Dairy Train in Rockport opens.

Thursday, April 18 The Rudder opens.

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