Have You Voted For The Cape Ann Artisans Studio Tour As The Best Annual Festival/Event in New England?

I’m not sure that it’s the Best Annual Festival In All of New England or Even Gloucester But It Sure As Hell Beats The Heck Out of It’s Competition In The List of Nominations

Here are your nominees-

Cape Ann Artisans Studio Tour – Cape Ann, MA

Lowell Folk Festival – Lowell, MA

Maine Whoopie Pie Festival – Dover-Foxcroft, ME

Sea Music Festival – Mystic, CT

Six Flags New England Fright Fest – Agawam, MA

Seems like a kinda random list, no????

No Rockland Lobster Festival?  No Big E?  No Topsfield Fair? No Newport Jazz Festival?  No Hemp Festival on the Boston Common? No King Richard’s Faire? No Saint Peter’s Fiesta?  But You Have The Very Prestigious Maine Whoopie Pie Festival?

Anyway, if we’re basing it just off of these choices it’s obviously The Cape Ann Artisans Studio Tour.  No Brainer.  Support Our Artists (and Artisans)

You can vote here-


The Cape Ann Artisans Tour Is  A Must Do Event Every Year For Shizzy.

It’s funny when we were having the discussion with the people from the mass Cultural Council as to whether Downtown Gloucester deserves to be designated a Cultural district one of the things I brought up was our ridiculous number of Cultural events to attend here in GTown.

and that’s why I find it funny that the Cape Ann Artisans Tour is nominated in this category.  Because in many other communities The Cape Ann Artisans Tour would be their number one event of the year, hands down no contest.  But because we are so spoiled here we have monster events just about every other week and sometimes multiples in one week that would blow all of the other nominations out of the water.

It’s in no way shape or form a slight to The Incredible Cape Ann Artisans Tour.  It’s just a testament to how insanely rich we are with community organizations that band together and put on incredible annual events that we get to enjoy.

So vote and bring home yet another feather in the Cultural Cap of Gloucester.

Vote here

15 thoughts on “Have You Voted For The Cape Ann Artisans Studio Tour As The Best Annual Festival/Event in New England?

  1. Yes, when I voted yesterday (for the 2nd time – you can vote more than once), I was shocked to see the Woopie Pie Festival in the lead, with Six Flags behind it at 36%, and Cape Ann Artisans at 8%. We can change that by voting, and it only take 5 seconds. We can’t let a Woopie Pie Festival be the best annual festival/event in New England, can we?


  2. Holy Mackeral – Thanks to Joey for this announcement. I have been voting every day (they accept one vote per day). I cannot believe the competitors – but yikes – they are way ahead of us!! We’re moving up though. Keep it going people — a big push. Does anyone know when the last day of voting is? Thanks again Joey.


    1. Looks like the winners are announced on March 27th, not sure when the actual cut-off is though:

      How does the program work?
      Starting in mid-January we will be accepting reader nominations for hundreds of award categories across About.com. Based on those nominations our experts will choose up to five finalists per award category, and during the voting phase readers will be able to vote for their favorite finalists for each award category. Winners will be announced on March 27th 2013.


  3. They have a Whoopie Pie festival?? I am so there.
    I’ll vote up the artisans thing. But need to find a map of Maine, stat.


  4. 25% now! Apparently it can be done! Just a few votes can make an impact. As my fellow followers of St Patrick say, Vote early and often. Also several other catagories on this site. Best Beach–Good Harbor is listed and needs help. Restaurant–Woodman’s is leading but still needs voting support.


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