This Is A Man’s Scarf Damnit!

Well at the Mass Cultural Council Meeting at Fred Bodin’s I was envious of my pal Melissa Cox’ super soft scarf.  I asked her to make me one and she gave me the one around her neck.  Such a good egg that Melissa.

Wore it home and when I entered the door I was greeted by someone I may or may not be related to through marriage with a quizzical look.  I asked her “What with the look?” To which she replied- “You know that’s a girls scarf, right?”

Upon further inspection the pattern is a little frilly.  So I returned the scarf and asked Melissa to make me a new scarf which I would pay for that had a more manly pattern.

So we sauntered (yes sauntered) over to Coveted Yarn and picked out a manly scarf design and some new yarn.

It was a daunting task with the bazillion different types of yarns and thicknesses or yarns and yarns with different yarn properties, some of which need to be hand washed, some of which can be thrown in the washing machine- anyway I learned way more about yarn than any man should ever need to know about yarn.

With some guidance from The Yarn Pimp- Roberto we picked out a super soft yarn for the scarf which my pal Melissa would be producing for me just in time for the balmy days of spring.

You can see the pattern and yarn we picked out below-

2013-02-25 16.59.06

Straight sexy, right?

And here’s the yarn being made into a cake at Coveted Yarn-

Click for the very stimulating video


The skein is being turned into a cake.