Community Garden At Burnham Field Takes Shape Pics and Video


5 thoughts on “Community Garden At Burnham Field Takes Shape Pics and Video

  1. I love this idea. This is a perfect way to use land that wouldn’t have been even looked at never mind used .I hate to say this but I hope the kids don’t wreck it. I hope this will restore my faith in the youth of this great city.


  2. Hi Joey,
    St. Ann’s is so excited to be a part of this project. Of course we’re excited to offer this experiential learning opportunity to our students, and to be able to give these children, many of whom have no access to such green spaces, a chance to see how their food gets from soil to table. In our community garden, kids can learn about biodiversity, the soil cycle, cellular biology, reproduction, the energy cycle, evolution, heredity, etc. We also want our students to become responsible citizens in a changing world. We can use this garden to teach about sustainable food sources, the history of agriculture and where it may be going, the economy and global implications of food sources, etc. Maybe one of the most basic things that we can do with children is to simply give them a lifelong skill that gets them outdoors and provides a productive hobby! The applications for all community gardeners, whether as educators, parents or citizens seem endless. St. Ann’s started a full-day summer program this year and the kids will not only be gardening, but using our produce in food preparation classes, too. We hope that children at St. Ann’s and the neighborhood will be inspired to think more about the quality of the food they eat through the process, and making healthy choices as they become better educated. Props to the John McElhenny and the City of Gloucester for making this happen!


  3. Nice idea!! Hopefully it will last with all the low lifes and losers that hang around there at Burnham’s!!! You may need a Garden Patrol if the damage starts and if that doesn’t work-turn the plots in for what the name implies-to bury some of these jerks!!!!


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