Origami bicycle

I have been ramping up my origami activity a bit recently, and wanted to make an origami bicycle for a friend. I tried to find instructions for one, but could only find references to two origami bike designs – and one is really a scooter, not a bike, while the other is a great design, but very complicated and not fully documented. So, I decided to try to come up with my own design. Because of the geometry of a bicycle, I decided to fold it from a long rectangle instead of a square. (While squares are more common, origami can be made out of different shapes of paper.) Here are my sketches and rough draft:

After another rough draft, I came up with this model:

It’s made from an single long rectangle with no cutting or glueing. It could still stand for some improvement, but I think it’s a good start!

Matthew Green



13 thoughts on “Origami bicycle

    1. Thanks, Jim! I’ve been offering periodic classes throughout the year at The Hive and Art Haven in Gloucester. I don’t have anything scheduled right now, but keep an eye on the blog, and I will publicize my next classes.


  1. This looks incredible! I don’t suppose you might be willing share the method, would you? I’m applying for a job at a bike shop and would LOVE to send my CV like this…


  2. Beautiful model, right now I have the same problem you had a few months ago. A friend of me has asked me for an origami bicycle. When I saw your model I thought This is what I need!!!!. A simple, yet beautiful model. Jason Ku’s one, the other model I have found looks so complicated…
    Do you have any kind of instructions or clues on how to fold it. I would be very grateful to you

    You can see my model here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/picaruelo/

    Thank you


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