Mamie’s Kitchen Dodgemother Alicia DeWolfe Is Ready To Bring The Pain

Word on the street is that The Dodgefathers Ring Leader Alicia DeWolfe is out for blood after last year’s results in the GMG/Farm Bar and Grille Bikini Speedo Dodgeball Tournament.

She has assigned all new Capos and will stop at nothing to bring home a victory for her mafia den of crime also known as Mamie’s Kitchen.


The Dodgemother in particular called out The Farm Bar and Grille squad Ass With Class, Crossfit Cape Ann two teams Power Snatch and Pistol Whip,  DogBar’s American Bacon, Passports Canadian Bacon and Ed Collard’s Reigning Champs Blinded By The White.

Be there to witness the pain Next Saturday March 16th at Camp Spindrift.

9 thoughts on “Mamie’s Kitchen Dodgemother Alicia DeWolfe Is Ready To Bring The Pain

  1. Oh Ed, you really do make me laugh! i’ll be laughing even harder when we walk off that field with the trophy and your team will then become “has beens”…better luck next year pal just hand it over now…


  2. She’s not even throwing a ball, her and Ed are the managers AKA ( the Miss Elizabeth and Jimmy Hart of the event), all talk and no bite, this Dodgefather is getting primed to bring the heat!!


    1. Hey Chris have another Bacon Cup!! We know that the real threat on your team is now the manager. You on the other hand have NO GAME!!!!


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