Rockport Outdoor Organized Activity Ban – EEE & Mosquitoes

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Rockport has decided institute an Outdoor Organized Activity Ban similar to Essex and Manchester.

A “Code Red” announcement will go out this afternoon to residents.

Information about the ban is available on the Board of Health website, and attached.

Outdoor Organized Activity Ban – EEE & Mosquitoes

Recently a horse in Essex was found to have a mosquito-borne disease, Eastern Equine Encephalitis.  As a result, the Rockport Board of Health has decided to ban all outdoor organized activities in the Town of Rockport during peak mosquito hours (5 p.m. to 8 a.m.) effective immediately until the first hard frost.

EEE is a rare but serious illness, transmitted through the bite of a mosquito. 

The Board of Health reminds all residents to continue to take the following precautions to avoid mosquito bites:

* make sure all window and door screens are in good repair

* remove all standing water from your property and encourage your neighbors to do the same

* use mosquito repellent, read and follow application instructions

* wear long-sleeved shirts and pants when outdoors, especially between dusk and dawn

* use mosquito netting on baby carriages

* avoid areas where there is obvious mosquito activity

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