Out My Work Window Series- FOB Meg Lee’s Marine Industrial Park in South Boston

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FOB Meg Lee writes-

Hi Joey,

It never occurred to me to share what’s outside my window at work. I’ve been working at a company for about 2.5 years now that is situated in Marine Industrial Park in South Boston. The building I’m in was the so-called Army Base back in the day. I’m fortunate enough to have a "window seat." My desk is right next to a window that I peer out of often. Though my view is not of the Cape Ann scenery I so love, it’s not too bad. My direct view is Black Falcon Terminal, now considered officially Massport Terminal. I see cruise ships pull in every week during the cruise season. I see small lobster boats departing from the small fishing pier on the other side of the terminal and returning with their catch. There’s been a lull in the activity there, as I believe the fishing season ended temporarily at the end of December. Looking southeast about a mile away is Castle Island. Further out on the horizon you can see Spectacle and Thompson Islands. Did I mention the killer sunrises? I’m an early bird; I get in between 5 and 5:30a.m. so depending on what time of the year it is I’ll be viewing the moon and stars.

Yesterday afternoon, a small navy ship pulled in to the terminal. It’s right in my direct view, literally a stone’s throw away from my window. It’s called Desron 2, and you can see a pic and find out more about it here:


This morning when I got into work and came over to my desk, it was of course still completely dark out. However, I was surprised and delighted to see a string of green lights from bow to stern on the ship. Maybe the sailors are getting ready to celebrate St. Paddy’s Day?

Oh – by the way – I guess I should also share what’s currently in the drydock terminal on the other side of the building, on Drydock Ave. It’s a navy hospital ship, called the Comfort. It pulled in about 2 weeks ago. It must be here for maintenance.


Best regards,

Meg Lee

4 thoughts on “Out My Work Window Series- FOB Meg Lee’s Marine Industrial Park in South Boston

  1. Cool Meg. Having spent many years in Boston and Eastie, I love the industrial city waterfront and outer harbor, but nothing can beat Cape Ann. It is great that you have an office with a water view.


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