Pink Heather

Pink Heather


What a delight to sight the pink heather

that marks  the giant granite block path

to our front door and then around to the

southeastern side where the dormant beds

await the go-ahead to declare winter’s end.


We really can’t complain; it’s been a mild

and dry winter, but it was still, in February,

a thrill to have this hardy soul break out

of its slumber and present its gentle

blossoms to us, a subtle sign of change.


Early color is a surprise and a joy.

My only fear is that it may be a

false messenger, an agent provocateur

that has been sent to divert our eyes from

the sneak attacks for which March is so well known.


Marty Luster

5 thoughts on “Pink Heather

  1. WOW! JOY is right! Thanks for sharing . . . . is it accessible to us earthlings, Marty? I want to see it up close and personal — but not trespass. Is that an orange/tan leaf among the abundant pink? It’s too early to be a butterfly.


  2. Re: …..the sneak attacks for which March is so well known. You’ve got that right, Marty. I love Mark Twain’s quote, “If you don’t like New England weather, just wait a minute.”

    Lovely photo, reminding us that spring is just around the corner.


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