Cape Ann Cuisine From Ann Kennedy

Ann Writes-

Hi Joey.  In case you have a slow news day–unlikely, I realize.  Here are a week’s worth of reasons to get back to Cape Ann asap.  While Kansas City is a fabulous restaurant town, there are some things that must be eaten only on Cape Ann!  I know you’ll recognize the food from your terrific local eateries.

How many of the dishes can you recognize where they were served?

4 thoughts on “Cape Ann Cuisine From Ann Kennedy

  1. these sure look delish . . . hoping someone can tell where to get them, especially the seafood ‘stew’ with crawfish(?) in the large photo! Are the oysters from Duckworth?


  2. When I study the picture, not certain about the oysters–Duckworth’s normally has metal containers for sauce I believe. Maybe The Topside Grill. Others are Roy Moore’s stuffed clams, LaTrattoria Spezzatino soup, Woodman’s fried stuff and steamers, lobster at Essex Seafood.


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