These three days are gonna rule at The Rhumb Line ~ Tonight “Diane Blue” Friday “The Bandit Kings” and Saturday “The Jackleg Preachers”.

Thursday – 9:00 to 12:00 ~ Dave Sag’s Blues Party

Photo by Sharon Lowe

Dave Says,

  It’s gonna be a slugfest this week as we welcome back Ms. Diane Blue, the Octomom of the Blues. The gloves come off as we  hit you below your belt of scotch. She’ll be railing and wailing thru the whole canon of R&B, chickpop, and funque. And she’s bringing in the artillery, too: None other than that keyboard octopus himself,  Mr. Cliff Spencer. Cliff has disappeared for awhile now but he’s straightened things out with his parole officer so he’s back in the fold. We miss him!
  And welcome a newbie (for us) : Mr. Jeff “Jungleboy” Thompson, on drummps.  Hold the elephants, Sabu. He works with the divine Miss DB all the time. Ungawah! Czech him out! Of course, Mr. Greg T. and myself will be there, taking notes, and squeezing them back out. Don’t let the weather fool you…it’s gonna be hot inside!
  And for those of you who are under-employed or suffering from chronic malaise, why not come down to the Rose Baker Senior Center next Monday and work out those kinks. Once again, the Old Salty jazz Band is at it again,swinging thru the trees of life. I’m getting tired of repeating myself, but these guys are a national treasure, and I’m so proud that they let me play with them. It’s free! Hours 1 pm till 3. Wear your truss!

Saturday 9:30 to 12:30 The Jackleg Preachers. Formerly The Down and Derby Band.

2 thoughts on “These three days are gonna rule at The Rhumb Line ~ Tonight “Diane Blue” Friday “The Bandit Kings” and Saturday “The Jackleg Preachers”.

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