Richard Gaines Deserves The Highest Journalism Award In The Country

I hope everyone understands that with all the injustice that happened with the regulators in the fishing industry that there is one man, ONE SINGLE MAN who is most responsible for exposing it all and getting the wheels turning to see that things change.

That man is Richard Gaines at The Gloucester Daily Times.  For years  complex rules were made and the regulatory scheme changed so often and without warning that even the most involved person in the fishing industry would be forgiven for giving up trying to understand it.  This is the reason that the regulatory departments within the government basically got away with anything, because no reporter would bother to try to figure out the moving target.

Ray Lamont, editor at the GDT in his wisdom, unleashed the journalistic beast that is Richard Gaines.  Armed with the protection of the First Amendment Richard threw himself headlong into this world and immersed himself trying to figure out just what the hell was going on.  As he dug it became apparent that  fisheries management was completely out of control.

He exposed it and exposed it and exposed it daily and it was through his investigative journalism that people began to understand just how fucked up it all was.  This is the reason that the politicians got involved because they could no longer sit on the sidelines,the abuse had become apparent after Richard had broken it down for all to see in the pages of the Gloucester Daily Times. Before Richard took on the task, there was literally NO ONE who brought all the complexities to the masses.

Richard Gaines deserves the highest journalistic awards this country has to offer.

Here are some interviews I did with Richard not long after he had taken on the waterfront beat for The GDT back in June of 2009-

Does anyone know who one needs to write to nominate him?  Because hopefully he gets the recognition he deserves.

10 thoughts on “Richard Gaines Deserves The Highest Journalism Award In The Country

  1. I heard about him and his work for the first time here on GMG and have been reading all of his columns since that time via

    Above and beyond,,,for sure !


  2. I agree – Richard Gaines’s exposes, to say nothing of his masterful writing, deserve to be recognized ‘way beyond Cape Ann. It is a pleasure just to read what he has to say, as well as knowing that one is being honestly informed. His contribution to our fishing industry as been enormous.
    How can we fix this? Any ideas?


  3. Couldn’t agree more. The government clearly ran rough shod over the fishermen, who were just trying to earn a living. Why is it the government just HAS to wave their dick over everything – especially areas they have NO expertise in, and ZERO knowledge of the facts. And they always target the ones who have the hardest time protecting themselves. What an embarrassement to the govenernment…..


  4. Journalism at its best gives a voice to the voiceless and holds the powerful accountable for their actions. Richard Gaines’ fishing reporting should be commended for doing both of those things. Thanks for what you do, Richard.


  5. Without doubt Richard Gaines has single-handedly brought the light of day to this shameful, un-American deceit by certain NOAA bureaucrats.


  6. It is not surprising that Richard Gaines has again employed his investigative and journalistic skills in helping educate the public on issues of local, state and national concern. He has.been doing this for a long time beginning back in the 1970’s as a writer and then editor of the Boston Phoenix. His work back then had a major influence on Beacon Hill, and there are some politicians (Barney Frank) who owe Richard for bringing their views front and center.

    I had lost touch with Richard for 25 years until I saw his name mentioned prominently today in a. Boston Globe story on Whitey Bulger and saw that he was with the Gloucester Times. How fortunate for the readers of the Times and the people in Cape Ann that you have Richard Gaines watching out for you. And yes, Richard should be nominated for a Pulitzer – an honor that is long-time coming!

    Rick Anderson, Brooklyn, NY


  7. I too want to hail the second discovery — the rediscovery — of Dick Gaines. He was an impassioned champion of reform politics and progressive values when he helmed the Boston Phoenix. It’s terrific to see him once again in a situation that demands his talent and his courage.


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