How to F^@K Up a Lobster Roll -For The New Readers

This morning I was checking the web for pictures of other people’s lobster rolls to stack up against Mrs Captjoes’

What I found was shocking and disturbing. It seems these mooks up in Maine have found a way to fuck up ruin a perfectly good lobster roll. Listen to me, under no circumstances should the words lettuce, paprika, French baguette, or celery enter the equation when speaking about lobster roll preparation.

I ran across a blog from a nice fellow from Ohio, Curt who runs a great blog about grilling and bread- Bucky’s BBQ and Bread. He details on his blog his exploits in Maine trying to find the perfect lobster roll and comes up with four entries all of which have critical flaws in what they call a lobster roll.

Here is one of Bucky’s pictures-copyright 2008 Curt McAdams

Henry VIII Lobster Roll

Can you spot the how wrong this is????? Lettuce???? French Baguette??? What kind of pansy ass bullshit are those Mainer’s trying to pull off on their poor unsuspecting tourists that don’t know any better?

Thank you Curt for providing that photo as an example of what not to do to bastardize such a wonderful Northeast tradition as a lobster roll.

Take notes Son

For the proper way to prepare a lobster roll see this post

Lobster Roll Ingredients

Worls Greatest Lobster Roll

The Mrs Makes Garlic Scape Pesto

Who ever heard of Garlic Scape? Not me until the Mrs came home from the farm with a bunch to make garlic scape pesto.

Apparently they cut the to stems off the garlic which is called garlic scape in June so the garlic will continue to grow. She’s going to get some French bread and cut it and toast it so we can spread the garlic scape pesto on it.

Lazy Daizy Restoration Project 6/25/08

In case any of my loyal readers thought I was going to leave you hanging on the complete abandonment Lazy Daizy Restoration Project, here is the latest photo of it’s progress in the month of June. I wonder how much the rent is each month on a boat that doesn’t leave the dock.

Cormorant Shop Rain Gear For Soggy Greasy Pole

In case it rains Saturday and Sunday for the Greasy Pole and Seine Boat Races, you can get lightweight foul weather gear at the Cormorant Shop in the Heart of Downtown Gloucester on Main Street.

Don’t forget to use your Where The Locals Go Coupon to save 20% on the purchase. Janice sells them right at her check out counter at The Cormorant Shop.

Cormorant Shop Rain Gear, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

3 Days Left To Vote! Downtown Merchants Flowerbox Competition

The poll will be up this morning on the right hand side of the site. Once you look through all the flowerboxes vote for your favorite in the survey in the right hand column of the site. Voting will be open til 11:59PM on June 30. If you think you have the best display contact friends and relatives to check out the competition and vote. Click here to view the full size version of the slide show. I highly suggest you view the larger version before placing your vote in the GoodMorningGloucester Downtown Merchants Flowerbox Poll in the right hand column of the blog.

If you have friends that might be interested in participating you can send them a link to this post

Let the voting begin!