Lazy Daizy Restoration Project Update 10/9/08

Well folks, it’s been a long while since we’ve updated you on the Lazy Daizy Restoration Project.  It looks like things have gone from bad to worse as now the wheelhouse is off and she is completely exposed to the elements.

What a disaster.

Let this be a lesson for you folks.  Don’t do what this guy did.  Buy something that can either be easily maintained, or a boat that has already been restored to a reasonable condition.

Later in the day- The Lazy Daizy Restoration Project Slide Show.

Lazy Daizy Restoration Project Update Courtesy Toby Pett

So I was busy grading lobsters with Frank on Saturday afternoon and I get a call from good buddy Toby (a regular contributor to GMG).  He tells me there is activity on The Lazy Daizy and I better get my ass over to the moonies for a GMG update.  There’s just no way for me to get away at that point so I ask him to swing by and take some pics for the blog.   Here is his work-

Yep, you guessed it folks she’s still the Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan of all wooden boat restoration projects.  Hopeless!
Toby tells me that this is the fifth time the boat has been moved in the parking lot.  I wonder if the rent is getting paid.  I also wonder if it has been paid, how much dough has been flushed down this rat hole.

Lazy Daizy Restoration Update 8/4/08

Here’s the latest folks. At this point the train wreck Lazy Daizy has been taken out of the water and sits on stands in the parking lot at East Gloucester Marine. Not much progress (if any) has taken place on her but at least the owner isn’t incurring big water dockage fees and will be paying much less to watch it rot away in the parking lot as opposed to rotting away in the water.

Chickity Check It-Another Wooden Boat Project

So I was poking around and found this project of a wooden boat restoration.

Check it out here-

Sheer Folly, Madness, and a Little Bit of Lust

Let’s hope they see it through.

For reference- Huge Mistake

Lazy Daizy Restoration Updates

Lazy Daizy Restoration Project 6/25/08

In case any of my loyal readers thought I was going to leave you hanging on the complete abandonment Lazy Daizy Restoration Project, here is the latest photo of it’s progress in the month of June. I wonder how much the rent is each month on a boat that doesn’t leave the dock.

Lazy Daizy Restoration Update 6/17/08

Lazy Daizy Restoration Update 6/17/08.

As of today she’s still a hopeless cause work in progress. It would be great if the guy that owns this boat could con some rich folks into thinking it was a historic vessel of some sort so they could finance him and get the thing refurbished.

Maybe they could get some LNG money to bail him out. Hell the Peabody Essex Museum got some, and I don’t know what the heck they had to do with laying a pipe for natural gas transmission off the coast of Gloucester. Surely they could spare 25 grand or so for the lovely Lazy Daizy. I think the old gal could use the money. Maybe The Peabody Essex Museum would be willing to carve out $25k for this beauty of a boat. It’s a fishing boat and we need to preserve it.

I bet we could buy a whole lot of Saran Wrap with $25K. We could wrap the Lazy Daizy up in Saran Wrap and then enclose her in a lucite box and mount it on top of The Heritage Center. Yeah, that’s the ticket! Sweet!

Saran Wrap

Lazy Daizy Restoration Update 6/17/08, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

Lazy Daizy Reconstruction Update

Fear not faithful readers you know I wouldn’t let another two week stretch go by without an update on the Lazy Daizy Restoration Process.  Yep, she’s still a disaster work in process.

Lazy Daizy Restoration Project Update 5/25/08

I know all you regular readers are just dying to see how the big time progress is coming along on the Lazy Daizy and I’m here for you. I haven’t forgot about all of you waiting with baited breath for this update.

Well, she’s still a money pit disaster of a boat work in progress.

Lazy Daizy Rehab Progress Report 5/15/08

For those of you that have been following the rehab of The Lazy Daizy you can rest easy now that I’ve provided you with this timely update-

Yep She’s Still A Trainwreck Work In Progress.

Lazy Daizy Progress Report

Still a mess.

Lazy Daizy Progress Report, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

I want more than anything for this guy to prove me wrong and this thing to work out for him. It would give me great pleasure to see this thing restored to beauty.

If it doesn’t happen it won’t be for a lack of trying.  The guy working on it has been there many hours on it, but it’s a huge task.

Good Luck.

Don’t Do This To Yourself

Don’t Do This, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

It’s a good thing to dream.

However, unless you have unlimited time, patience and money try not to take on a project like this. With the cost of materials today I can pretty much assure you that you can find a used boat in much better condition for not a whole lot of money compared to what it will take to restore this kind of boat.

I hope this guy sees his project through and I’ll be taking pictures of a beautifully restored vessel.

Good luck pal.