Ocean Beauty: Gloucester Sea-Life Viewed from Under Water Video From Eric Swanson

30 minute underwater video of Gloucester sea-life: Dolphin, Stripers, Menhaden, Mackerel, Mako Shark, Basking Shark, Halibut, Summer Flounder, Winter Flounder, Sea Robin, Red Fish, Dog Fish, Skates, Silver Hake, Red Hake, Herring, Pollock, Haddock, Cod, Cunner, Squid, American Eel, Sand Eels, Ocean Sunfish, Silversides, Starfish, Giant Poisonous Jellyfish, Seals, Lobster, Spider Crab, Horseshoe Crab, Sand Dollars, Sea Urchins, Sea Scallops, Quahogs, Mussels, Surf Clams, Whelks, Moon Snails, Sea Anemone, Coral, Sponges, and more.

GloucesterCast 317 With Adam Curcuru, Dave McKechnie, Jim and Pat Dalpiaz, Chris McCarthy, Kim Smith and Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 1/17/19


GloucesterCast 317 With Adam Curcuru, Dave McKechnie, Jim and Pat Dalpiaz, Chris McCarthy, Kim Smith and Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 1/17/19


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Topics Include:

Podcast notes:
Coast Guard Help Information from Adam Curcuru
Pisces Closing 50%Off Sale
Alchohol vs marijuana
Polar Vortex Has Been Broken
You Have To Own More Than One Guinea Pig In Switzerland Because They Are Such Social Animals
Mr Swan In the Ice
Phylis A Fundraiser
Jeff Denoncour giving talk at Cape Ann Museum On ecology of Crane’s Beach Saturday at 3PM need to register
Lobster Buoy Auction to Benefit Cape Ann Art Haven- January 25th

Old Gloucester Sea Food Recipes Circa 1932 Frank E Davis Fish Co Part 11- Herring

Thanks to Clark Dexter who dropped off this booklet filled with old fish recipes and some commentary from the man himself- Frank E Davis. The man who built the last building that was on I4C2- The Frank E Davis Fish Co.

This is the final post in the series

click the photos for the larger easier to read versions and click here for the other pages in the series

2012-12-30 08.09.51

Fishing for Herring Off Gloucester Video From Andreas Thanos

Check Out Andreas other Video Work here https://vimeo.com/andreasthanos
Andreas writes-

I was recently on a fishing trip aboard f/v Cat Eyes out of Gloucester, MA. Cat Eyes is 45 feet and 20 tons. Its owners Naz and Sandra are among the last few remaining small fishermen in Cape Ann.
This short presentation is a part of a larger file that contains more video and still files. If you are interested in obtaining the DVD with the full presentation which runs for approximately 30 minutes, please contact me.

Researchers make key observation about animal behavior patterns

From Northeastern News

Researchers make key observation about animal behavior patterns


March 26, 2009

Northeastern University and MIT researchers have observed—for the first time—the origin of a mass gathering and the subsequent migration of hundreds of millions of animals. Utilizing a new imaging technology invented by the researchers, they were able to instantaneously image and continuously monitor entire shoals of fish containing hundreds of millions of individuals stretching for tens of kilometers off Georges Bank near Boston.

They found that once large shoals of Atlantic herring reach a critical population density, a “chain reaction” triggers the synchronized movement of millions of individual fish over a large area. The phenomenon is akin to a human “wave” moving in a sports stadium. They also observed that the fish “commute” to the shallower waters of the bank, where they spawn in the darkness, then return to deeper water and disband the following morning.

The findings, published in the latest issue of Science, confirm general theories about the behavior of large groups of animals that, until now, had not been verified in nature. Previously, these theories for diverse animal groups, ranging from flocks of birds to swarms of locusts, had only been tested with computer simulations and laboratory experiments.

“As far as we know, this is the first time we’ve quantified this behavior in nature and over such a huge ecosystem,” said Nicholas C. Makris, professor of mechanical and ocean engineering at MIT, who co-led this project with Northeastern professor Purnima Ratilal.

Click here for the entire story

I’m asking myself “is this really news or some type of discovery?”

Any fisherman who has looked down on a school of fish from up above can tell you this.  From the dock when you see the little schools of baby mackerel and as soon as the lead fish turns the entire school turns the same direction in wave-like fashion.

These scientists must have been from the midwest or something because anyone that has spent any amount of time as a fisherman could have told you this for centuries.

They coulda bought me lunch and saved themselves a whole lot of research dollars.  I would have told them, LOL

Eagerly awaiting what Doug Maxfield (the maniac that writes my favorite blog) has to say about this.

File under: Duh!,Captain Obvious Awards