Ken Duckworth and Lara Lepionka- Locavore City Up In Duckworth’s Bistrot Baby!


2012-09-25 12.04.05

You know those glossy food magazines with all the stuffy pretentious locavores all tripping over themselves to promote the latest trend like last year rabbit- you know the ones I’m talking about.  The foodie bananaheads you just wanna punch in the throat because they’re so obnoxious? See-

Obnoxious Foodies and Rabbit

There are people around GTown quietly walkin the walk, talkin the talk and bein’ all locavorish without all the pomp and circumstance and having to announce it to the world and get all up in your grill with it like it’s a badge of honor. 

They just buy locally grown produce and locally caught fish and lobsters because they know it’s the freshest and the best stuff they can provide their customers with for the tastiest dish- plain and simple.

And that’s where the picture of Lara Lepionka and Ken Duckworth which I snapped yesterday comes in.   I’m over there because Ken was without a vehicle to come pick up his lobsters yesterday and who pulls up next to me is Lara with her containers of fresh picked produce from her Beacon Street Farm


Each container looked like a masterpiece of natural beauty and the smell from the fresh herbs was (forgive me if I sound like an obnoxious foodie here)- intoxicating.

So there Ken and Lara, you don’t have to beat your drum of how you’re using and providing the best and freshest locally grown ingredients, your boy Joey C just did it for you.


Contact Lara about getting some of her home grown goodness here

And if you want the best damn meal you’re gonna eat anywhere anytime- it’s Duckworth’s Bistrot- Duh, obvi!

5 thoughts on “Ken Duckworth and Lara Lepionka- Locavore City Up In Duckworth’s Bistrot Baby!

  1. Super interesting Beacon Street Farm website–thank you for sharing. Very sweet photo of two amazing people. Everything about Duckworth’s is fabulous-Ken and Nicole, the beautiful menu, the welcoming staff, and the professional yet neighborly and inviting atmosphere!


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