Rick Moore- The Good Morning Gloucester Interview

Rick Moore- the head cheese behind MooreStuffOnline.com swings by the dock to have a chat.

Check out the site, they are starting to get into news more, in addition to the sports-centric site that it had been.

I hope I have the energy and passion for something the way Rick obviously does for MooreStuffOnline when I’m his age.  The guy is a complete maniac!  I’m not sure if he already drank 6 or 7 cups of coffee but you should see this guy in action.  I’m looking forward to collaborating with him in the future.

A possible podcast guest Kenny?

Social Media for Artists (and non-profits)

Jo-Ann Castano presents-

Social Media for Artists

it’s all about engaging eyeballs (and iminds) get started with the basics …
use FACEBOOK PAGES to promote your work
use LINKEDIN to connect to colleagues, businesses and resources.
participate in the global art (and nonprofit) conversation on TWITTER…..
move your message on YOU TUBE

Ten Pound Studio . 1 Center Street . Gloucester MA – Saturday, February 12 1:00 – 3:30 p.m.

presented by
Barbara Oliver (integrated communications consultant)

with preso by
Jo-Ann Castano (artist, community cultural organizer)
on The Arts Map-Cape Ann Arts Directory

registration on line coming soon
fee: $50 (includes how-to handouts)

email bthevision@gmail.com for further info

Bring your laptop, WFI available and explore the possibilities of marketing your art or organization.

The GloucesterCast Podcast Episode 2


Click here or the arrow below to listen to the podcast


  • Joey Ciaramitaro – creator of Good Morning Gloucester and co-owner of Gloucester MA Captain Joe and Sons lobster company
  • Kenny MacCarthy – creator of The Cut Bridge and Gloucester MA real estate agent guru

Joey and Kenny discuss Gloucester / Cape Ann:

  • recent happenings
  • upcoming events
  • local real estate trends
  • dog and pet talk
  • sports, technology, social media
  • anything else that comes up along the way

Want to reach us?

Episode 2 link mentions:

Podcast 1 Listener Comments

Ravenswood Map (for Joey)

Gloucester Snow Farm

The Cut Bridge Cam

Joey’s Work

Sea Smoke & Kenny’s Sea Smoke Video

Farm Bar and Grille Bikini and Speedo Dodgeball

Cub Scouts Registration

Cape Ann Animal Aid Fundraiser

New Spanish Restaurant Gloria’s Menu and Food Pictures

Cape Ann Brewing New Menu

Common Crow To Go

Real Estate Talk With Kenny


Theme Music

Please write in with comments, podcast ideas or things you would like to hear about in the next Episode of The GloucesterCast.  We value your feedback.

Thanks from Joey and Kenny

GloucesterCast Podcast Archive Here

Did You Know (Blue Porch Ceilings)

porches on home in Annisquam with porch ceilings painted sky blue
Photo by E.J. Lefavour

why pale blue paint is used on the porch ceilings of many older homes in New England?  There are actually a number of possible reasons.  The blue paint is said to reflect light.  To anyone standing inside the house, the day would seem brighter, even if it were overcast.  Some say it keeps the porch cooler in summer.  Still others believe that blue chases away evil spirits.  In the South, especially in South Carolina, the ceiling porch blue is called haint blue (haint being a spirit or ghost) and is used to ward off evil spirits.  Some people also believe that the color discourages insects that mistake it for the open sky and avoid it for fear of being caught in the open and eaten by flying predators.  Some just do it because it is pretty.

E.J. Lefavour


First-Ever Blue Shutters Beachside Inn Chili Cook-Off Set for February 12.


All guests need to do is bring a pot of chili for everyone to enjoy, and they get 25% off their weekend stay. Our judges – including Jeremy Goldberg from Cape Ann Brewing and Doug Silva from the Topside Grill and Pub — will choose a winner that Saturday evening, and the chili champion gets a gift certificate for a free return visit.

If folks would like to come and stay a night or two and just taste the chili, that’s OK too.

This could be a great way to spice up Valentines Day (just a few days later) — while we’ll be enjoying chili on Saturday night, there will be time for a romantic dinner downtown, a glass of champagne by the fire, a walk on the beach and much more.

Anyone who’s interested should call or email us to make a reservation and get in on the fun!

Ph: 978-283-1198

Email: info@blueshuttersbeachside.com


Palermos Brick Oven Pizzeria First Look Video

63 Washington Street Gloucester MAIn the former space of Trupianos ,The Causeway second location, Andiamos, Culina Café and now Palermos Brick Oven Pizzeria.  63 Washington Street Gloucester MA

Look for menu pictures and food pictures over the next few days.

Drilling Down On The Perfect Set of Favicons With Bill O’Connor Part II


Bill writes-


Here’s a complete icon set in two flavors – yellow gradient background we’ll call ‘Sunrise’, and blue gradient background we’ll call ‘Daybreak’. Both icon sets are with lettering or without, and are rendered in the following sizes 16×16, 32×32, 48×48, 64×64, and 72×72.  72×72 is ipad sized.

You can bundle a set into one icon file (favicon.ico) that will allow systems and browsers to determine the best fit – instead of the one-size-fits-all approach.  I would suggest an icon bundle of one color where you use smaller icons with no text (16×16 & 32×32) and the rest of the larger icons in the bundle would have the GMG lettering.  Sort of a best of both world scenario.

~Bill O’Connor
North Shore Kid

Bill has been going above and beyond in helping to create the perfect favicon set for us.

OK now I’m going to start talking a little technical-

In case you don’t know why there are the different sizes provided in the set of favicons Bill sent, it is because the different sizes are recognized by browsers for placement on your device.

For example- the smallest ones are used in your browsers’ addresss bar up above or if you bookmark GMG in your Bookmarks Toolbar, the smallest favicon goes there.  If you add GMG’s bookmark to your iPhone, iPod Touch or Android Phone’s home screen, then the medium sized favicon is recognized automatically and placed as a button on your mobile device.   If you save a bookmark to GMG on your iPad’s home screen it will save the larger image as the button you would press to go directly to our blog.  So for the smaller ones where you are never going to be able to read the text because they are so tiny you can put the seagull without the text but on the favicon which would display larger and the text would be legible, you can add the GMG lettering below the seagull.  The way this is accomplished is by creating a file which contains each version of the different size you would like into one .ico file.  From wikipedia-

The ICO file format is an image file format for icons in Microsoft Windows. .ICO files contain one or more small images at multiple sizes and color depths.

I’m pretty sure we can toss out the yellow ones.  Even though they look nice, I’m all about branding and having it recognizable and changing our theme to yellow seems treasonous.  Right now I like the idea of the larger favicons with the GMG text below the seagull and and the smaller ones without but there are a few things that I think we need to be tweaked for perfection.

In the quest for the perfect set of favicons for GMG look for part III tomorrow where I ask for some tweaking to the set of favicons Bill produced which are shown above.

The adventure continues…

Beautiful Industry Monkey Balls- Photos

Our fishermen call them Monkey Balls but they are more commonly referred to by marine biologists as “Sea Squirts”.   Sea Squirt is a pretty apt description as every time one gets squished they seem to find a way to squirt you right in the eye. I took these photos Saturday morning just as they came out of the water.

