Local Man beats 3 Million Teams to win ESPN Fantasy Football League and they give him a BS prize!

Check this article out at Salem News. Here is a quick summary from the article:

Nathan Harrington, a Salem native, bested 3.1 million competitors to finish No. 1 among prize-eligible fantasy football leagues this season on ESPN.com. He did it all despite a crippling car accident, despite having no permanent residence and no computer. It’s a feat not even the most ardent fantasy owners would dare to dream possible, and it has him on the verge of finding a new home.

For winning, Harrington received a $3,500 gift certificate to Best Buy, which he is selling to his mother for $2,500. He’s going to use the cash to help he and his family move into a new apartment.

What do you get when you beat 3 million teams, experts, Joey C and others? A $3500 gift card to Best Buy! He turned around and pulled a Groupon and sold it to his Mom for $2500. Does that gift come close to matching how amazing an accomplishment that is? Oprah gives cars out to people just for showing up to her show! Celebrities get schwag bags worth thousands just for going to events! Lets help this guy get something great – I’m sure Joey C would offer him to be a featured columnist for fantasy football tips every week for lucrative pay that we all get or do a classic interview. Who wants to sponsor this guy! Where did your team rank at ESPN or Yahoo?

Thanks – Patrick

Monday 1/24 at 5pm Heart of the Harbour Presentation


Peter Van Ness writes-

Dear Joey,

We’ve been scheduled to make a 15 minute presentation of our Heart of the Harbour concept for I4-C2 at City Hall next Monday 1/24 at 5pm.  There will be a total of 5 presenters that evening (see schedule here: http://www.gloucester-ma.gov/DocumentView.aspx?DID=618).  We’re scheduled to be the 2nd presenter.

We’ll offer some updates on our original proposal and be available to answer questions.  This should be very interesting to anyone who wants to help revitalize our City by integrating the four economies that hold the most promise for Gloucester’s future:

Fishing Industry-Maritime Economy-Creative Economy -Visitor Economy

For more info on Heart of the Harbour see here: http://www.heartoftheharbour.com/.

Hope to see you there …


Calling All Old-timers!

I realize “old-timers” is a relative term. For the purposes of this post we’ll consider you an old-timer if you remember Rockport when you could pump gas in Dock Square and pick up some groceries at Ketchopulos Market.  Because the Rockport Festivals Committee is looking for people with memories of Motif No.1 Day, the way it used to be. The Rockport Festivals Committee wants to know just what it was like back in the day. They’re putting together an oral history of Motif No. 1 Day to preserve for the ages and include as a part of this year’s celebration of Motif No. 1 Day, scheduled for May 21st.

2010 saw a revival of this storied Rockport tradition, but as they plan for an even strong Motif No. 1 Day in 2011, the Rockport Festivals Committee doesn’t want to forget the good (or bad, depending on your perspective) old days.  If you’d like to throw in your two cents, or know someone who would, please e-mail rockportfestivals@gmail.com or call 978-546-2861 with your contact information.  The Festivals Committee would love to hear your recollections of Motif No. 1 Day through the years!

Here’s Ketchopulos Market from a 1925 painting (click for the source):

Artist: Viola Anderson; Ketchopulos Market, Rockport Massachusetts; c.1925; painting,(oil on board)

Jack Handey Quote of The Week From Greg Bover

January 18, 2011

"Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away and you have their shoes."
Jack Handey (1949-    )

Although many people assumed he was an alter ego of Phil Hartman, who introduced his “Deep Thoughts” on Saturday Night Live for many years, Handey, a Texas native, got his start writing for Steve Martin. His work has also appeared in The New Yorker’s “Shouts and Murmurs” and the National Lampoon. His latest collection of absurdism is What I’d Say to the Martians, and Other Veiled Threats.

Greg Bover

Did You Know (Kingfisher)

belted kingfisher resting on a pier in annisquam
Photo by E.J. Lefavour

That the Belted Kingfisher is a common waterside resident throughout North America,  often seen hovering before it plunges headfirst into water to catch a fish. It frequently announces its presence by its loud rattling cry. It is a medium-sized bird with a large head and shaggy crest, large, thick bill, bluish head and back, white throat and collar, white underneath with blue breast band.

I have seldom seen one sitting quietly like this, and generally only know one is around when I hear its raucous cry and then see it flying by or diving into the water.

From allaboutbirds.com

E.J. Lefavour

Essex Shipbuilding Museum Crane Pic From Bill O’Connor

Hey Joe,

When I stopped to snap a shot of the schooner Ardell skeleton today at the Essex Shipbuilding Museum, I came across this rusty, old, snow-covered gem.  While I was taking photos, a guy hanging around in the yard told me it used to be a school bus used in Essex back in the 50’s (circa ’54 or ’55).  They converted it into a crane and still use it around the yard. 

Enjoy~Bill O’Connor

North Shore Kid


…..Of Babylon! Rock of the 80’s


…..Of Babylon! Rock of the 80’s

 Who remembers The Band  …..Of Babylon?

Can’t wait for their Comeback Tour, Coming SOON to a Bar near you!



Anyone Know What …… Stands For?

Chickity Check it- Bob Ambrogi Pimps His New Blog Vintage Rockport



You may remember me from back in 2008 when I blogged about Good Morning Gloucester as one of my favorite non-legal blogs.

I’ve just started a new blog to display historic postcards of Rockport. I find the old pictures fascinating and hope some of the area’s amateur historians will add their own insights to my posts.

It is called Vintage Rockport, http://vintagerockport.com. If you have anywhere on your blog where you list local blogs, I’d appreciate a mention.

–Bob Ambrogi

Cape Ann Healing Center Saturday Workshop REIKI

Cape Ann Healing Center Saturday Workshop REIKI

REIKI Level One: Jan. 23, 2011 with Silvie Lockerova – Reiki and Matrix Quantum Healing Therapist

Sunday, January 23rd, 12-7:30pm

Learning the healing system, attunement into Reiki level 1 and Seichem 1. After the class students have knowledge of a physical self treatment.

What is Reiki?
Reiki is an ancient spiritual practice which helps to heal on physical, emotional and psychological level. In translation from Japanese language, Reiki means the Universal Life Force Energy. During a typical session, a client lies fully clothed on the massage table, while the practitioner slowly and systematically moves hands over the client’s body. Reiki brings deep relaxation, peace and general well being. Reiki helps to reduce stress, increase energy, lower heart rate and diastolic blood pressure. It facilitates to remove blockages in energy flow and the dispersal of toxins. Reiki helps the body in recovery after surgery and after chemotherapy.

What is Seichem?
Gentle healing energy similar to Reiki. In translation Seichem means Living Light Energy which empowers Reiki healing.

Cost: $150. The number of students in class is limited so pre-registration is required with a non-refundable $45 deposit before the class date. Call 978-412-5400 to register. For info contact Silvie at silvielocker@hotmail.com

Check out CAPEANNHEALINGCENTER.COM for more info or to sign up for our email newsletter


Bright Blessings,

Dr. Nicole K. Andrade
Chiropractic Family Physician, Holistic Healer, Public Health Educator

Founder, The Cape Ann Healing Center
President, Atlantic Family Chiropractic, PC
Principal, Treetop Yoga Studio

The Para Research Building
85 Eastern Avenue
Gloucester, MA 01930
p. 978.282.1191
e. drnicole1@gmail.com

Sista Felicia’s Pasta Gagoot’s Video At The Gloucester Daily Times Taste Of The Times website

Click here to view recipe at The Gloucester Daily Time website

Referred to as "Pasta Gagoots" by many Italians from Sicily, including the family of Felicia (Ciaramitaro) Mohan, this is a layered pasta dish most often served when the cook has extra large zucchini or cuccuzza squash from the garden or elsewhere.


Bikini and Speedo Dodgeball- It’s On! This Saturday At The Farm Bar and Grille

Don’t you just love it when a plan comes together? Last year over chicken wings at the Farm it hit me.  We had an opportunity to do something that’s never been done before and have an absolute blast doing it.  The Farm, if you haven’t already been there has a huge back yard just off it’s patio which is set up for volleyball in the summer.

All we need to do is register teams and it was a no-brainer great time.  So when Ryan Cox contacted me to ask me when we were going to get it done I looked at the forecast and it calls for 6 inches of fresh powder for Friday- the perfect set up for The First Annual Bikini and Speedo Dodgeball Tournament!

Now there is absolutely nothing better than when you can accomplish a win/win.  But when you can pull off the  win/win/win/win it’s the best of all worlds.

Think about this

  • We get to Raise Money To Save Boobs- Win
  • People get to witness the spectacle of a lifetime- Win
  • The Participating teams get their names mentioned with great publicity- Win
  • Everyone has a blast-Win

Now I’ve contacted several local restaurants and we have 3 local Gloucester teams Confirmed. The Farm is fielding two teams and there is already word that there may be two teams from Salem bars.

The response has been overwhelmingly positive in the very little time since pulling the trigger (last night at 5PM) with most of the local restaurants that I contacted telling me they would get a team together.   However I’m just going to put this out there that there was one local restaurant that I called and the woman I spoke with acted as if it was completely ridiculous and there was no way that she would play in a Bra and Panties Dodgeball tournament.

Now Really.  It’s not like we are asking men and women to wear G-Strings.  You can find Bra and Panties that cover up way more than you see every day of the summer at Good Harbor Beach.  Who the hell would want to patronize a bar whose owner is so uptight that they couldn’t grasp the fun of a Bra and Panties Dodgeball Tournament and on top of that, Who the hell would want to patronize a bar which didn’t support Breast Cancer Awareness?????

It’s going to be a whole lot of fun.

So who want’s in on the GMG team? Sharon? EJ? Meg Lee?Alicia? David Cox?  Thom Falzarano? Paulie Walnuts?  Sarah Kelley?  We need a team of five and at least 2 women.  Also it doesn’t only have to be contributors, we can have our regular commenters on the squad as well. I personally will sponsor the entry fee for our GMG Team out of the TShirt money fund.

If your business or group of friends would like to field a team contact Ryan Noah or Bradley at the Farm- farmbargrille@gmail.com

Huge thanks to the Boys at the Farm!

The event is now renamed Bikini and Speedo Dodgeball Tournament.

Pine Siskin ~ Carduelis pinus From Kim Smith

Kim Smith writes-

We certainly weren’t expecting to see and hear a new-to-our garden species of birds flocking to the Nyjer seed feeder on a frigid mid-January day. American goldfinch in size, the richly mottled plumage resembled something closer to a sparrow. Their delightful birdsong was new and fresh to my ears and sweetly cheering. Currently in residence is a flock of House Sparrows, with several Song and Savannah Sparrows tagging along, but I had no success with identifying this new entourage when thumbing through the sparrow section of Audubon’s books. Returning to the goldfinch pages, Pine Siskins are closely related to American Goldfinches (the two species comprise the subgenus Spinus), and information was readily available, once on the right track.

To be sure, I emailed a snapshot to Chris Leahy at Mass Audubon and he confirmed that this was indeed a flock of Pine Siskins and that they are having an “irruptive” year. In ecological terms, irrupt is defined as “to increase rapidly and irregularly in number.”

To read the rest of Kim’s post check out her site here