GloucesterCast 176 With @KimSmithDesigns @DonnaArd @Joey_C Taped 3/28/16 #GloucesterMA


GloucesterCast 176 With @KimSmithDesigns @DonnaArd @Joey_C Taped 3/28/16 #GloucesterMA

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Topics Include:
Easter food
GMG Questionnaire- Paulie Walnuts was here the other day and brought up the old GMG questionnaire so look for those from all the new gmg contributors.
Syracuse in the Final four.  We have Alicia’s daughter Talias Quince Party Saturday Night but thankfully the game doesn’t start til 8:40PM
Selling My Grill.  I got a grill on Craigslist

It’s like seventy five cents to park for most of our classes between 9 and 5 Monday through Saturday which is only about half of the classes on our schedule anyway. So yea if you have to pay to park it really costs you $10.75 or $11 to practice. Still a lot less expensive than almost every yoga class anywhere.

Latitude 43 is looking for hosts, servers, bartenders, cooks (sauté, fry & sushi) and dishwashers.

If you’re interested, please email:

Speaking of Lat 43-

Another Freebie Out Of Nowhere From The Serenitee Reward Card @MinglewoodTav- A Free Pizza

Good One Hour At A Time Gang Clean-up
Donna Ransomeware/Backup- For Your PC Repair needs-
Updated to Windows 10 and its awesome!

GloucesterCast 125 With Rick Moore, Toby Pett, Sista Felicia and Host Joey Ciaramitaro #GloucesterMA


GloucesterCast 125 With Rick Moore, Toby Pett, Sista Felicia and Host Joey Ciaramitaro #GloucesterMA

Topics Include: Guest Rick Moore From, New Balance Boston Marathon Special Edition Fastah Sneaker, Doc Enos, Interview With Fire Chief Smith About The Woman Who Drove Into The Water At Fisherman’s Wharf, Changes In Technology For MooreStuffOnline, Felicia Will Never Publish An Online Cookbook, 104.9, Shout Out To Pete Kelly, Aurelia Nelson Coming In To Tape A GloucesterCast Tomorrow, Poll- Should Boston or Massachusetts Voters Vote On Whether The Olympics Should Come To Boston, Fuller School, Does Brady Retire A Patriot- Rick Moore’s Take.



Subscribe To The Gloucestercast Here For A Chance To Win This Week’s Prize-


A new look for FOBs Donna Ardizzoni & Rick Moore

You know Donna Ardizzoni from her GMG posts, beautiful photos, One Hour At A Time Gang and, most importantly, her indomitable enthusiasm!

What you may not know is what she, and her husband, Rick Moore, do for their day jobs.  Check out their brand new website (built by yours truly) and you’ll find out.  This is another one of our websites that uses responsive design, which means that it automatically adjusts its design to the device you’re using.  More and more people access the Web from their phones and tablets.  That’s why nearly all the new websites we build use responsive design techniques that allow you to show different things on different devices using the same exact content and code.  Here’s how the new site looks on a computer:


Below you’ll see two images that show how it looks on an iPhone held portrait (the way you hold it when you’re using it as a phone — that is, to talk).  Notice how the menu system is completely different on the iPhone.   When you tap the menu icon (the 3 horizontal lines on the right above Rick’s picture in the image on the left) the menu drops down automatically as you can see in the image on the right.  This menu and the horizontal menu, that you see in the image above, both use the exact same HTML code and content.


CircleiPhoneMenuCircleGalaxyJust in case you were wondering, it looks even better on my Samsung Galaxy SIII than it does on the iPhone.  See that to the right.

It looks great on an iPad too.  And when you rotate your device from portrait to landscape, the design changes with you, to accommodate the new aspect ratio.

Now for the good part.  If you ever need any help with your computers, networks, backups, virus scanners, or medical billing and accounting you really should call Rick and Donna.  They truly are the best at what they do!

Here’s a quick example.  Before we knew Donna & Rick, we had someone upgrade our network.  We were down for a day and it took all night — literally.  Vickie didn’t sleep a wink.  I finally went to bed in frustration.  But Vickie is our network administrator, so she stayed up to see it through.  Since then, Rick has upgraded our network twice and each time we weren’t even down long enough for me to go take a pee.  Oh, and did I mention, everything just worked — instantly.  No problems.  No data lost.  Just faster … lots faster!

Rick Moore- The Good Morning Gloucester Interview

Rick Moore- the head cheese behind swings by the dock to have a chat.

Check out the site, they are starting to get into news more, in addition to the sports-centric site that it had been.

I hope I have the energy and passion for something the way Rick obviously does for MooreStuffOnline when I’m his age.  The guy is a complete maniac!  I’m not sure if he already drank 6 or 7 cups of coffee but you should see this guy in action.  I’m looking forward to collaborating with him in the future.

A possible podcast guest Kenny?

Gloucester Lobster Trap Tree ’10 -The Beginning

Featuring the 9:00AM Crew- David and Daniel Brooks, Paul Morrison, Shane and his brother The Emo kid, Scotty Horne, Ed Collard, Donna Ardizzoni and Rick Moore.

If you have any time at all today they could surely use a hand constructing the Lobster Trap tree.  If you are not able to physically help maybe you could drop off some warm cider or hot coffee.  It is cold as a motherfu$%er up there at Gloucester Police Station Pavillion.

We will be taping for The Learning Channel as well so come on down and be part of the fun.

Donna Ardizzoni is down there lugging traps that are bigger than her.  That woman is crazy I’m telling you!

Also if there are any lobstermen that have any lobster traps that they can contribute to the tree please swing down.  David and company will pick them up and drop them back off in your yard when the tree is dismantled.

More Photos From The Celebrate Gloucester Concert Set Up From Donna Ardizzoni


From3-10PM for more information –

Dear Joey,
You can still get advanced tickets for $15 at Atlantis Oceanfront Inn (great breakfast too) from 7:30am till Noon.  Then at Liquor Locker from Noon until 2pm.  After that tickets are available at the gate for $20.
Over 20 charities have been nominated to receive money raised by Celebrate Gloucester.  DON’T FORGET TO VOTE for your favorite!
See you there.  We’re gonna party under the stars tonight.
2 Grammy Award winners on the same stage in Gloucester.  Perfect Weather.  Amazing Local Talent.
This could be the biggest musical event in Gloucester’s History!

Peter Van Ness

Setup- 065

Ringo Tarr Prepping The Stage

Setup- 071

Setting Up The Stage

Setup- 038

Gloucester’s Own Half Shell

Setup- 066

Donna and Rick- Volunteer Corps

Setup- 019

Donna Ardizzone and Rick Moore Not Too Old To Dress Up For Halloween

Hi Joey:

From Donna Ardizzone

My Halloween pictures… with Maddie as Dora, Cole as Boots, Owen as Swiper, Papa a clown and Nonnie as a pumpkin..

So much fun to grand children..

Great Teamwork Once Again Shows What Is Possible

Look for The Block Party Red Carpet Celebrity Slide Show At 8AM

A Complete Team Effort Proved Once Again That The Power Of Pulling In The Same Direction For A Great Event Can Reap Huge Rewards For Our Entire Community!

Great job by my fellow Block Party Committee members once again.  Also a great job by the folks in City Government and the Police and Fire Departments.

Special thanks to some unsung heros who also helped tremendously during the event- Rick Moore, Donna Ardizzone, and Bob Gillis who helped clean the streets.

Thanks To the DPW for leaving the extra barrells.

Big thanks to The Cape Ann YMCA Clean Team who you will see in a video later today helping to clean the streets spotless at the end of the night.

I’d like to give a huge personal thank you to our Good Morning Gloucester Soldiers- Sharon who manned the GMG Block Party Celebrity Red Carpet Station (Slide show coming at 8AM), Joey and Frank Ciolino who built the backdrop and helped throughout the event at the media presentation truck and David Cox who will undoubtedly provide us with hundreds more photos from this magnificent evening .

Thanks to the people who provided the media presentations, the Art Haven Folks who provided children activities, and Georgie and Erika Hansen who were doing the face painting.

Thanks to all the musicians and performers who donated their time on one of the busiest nights of the year when they could be playing paid gigs elsewhere but play instead for free because they too realize that sometimes it’s not about getting paid.

The Downtown Merchants and restaurants once again put their best face forward and showed what a brilliant  jewel we have in Downtown Gloucester.