Neptune’s Harvest- At Stage Fort Park!

While I was shooting the motorcycle run, I noticed this little postage stamp garden up near the visitor center. Amazing!

Neptune’s Harvest is a by-product of Ocean Crest Seafoods down in the Fort. I’ve used the stuff and things grow like crazy!


Snoop Maddie Mad Enjoys An Alexandra’s Bread Cobble

Every day when I get home Snoop Maddie Mad asks me the same question.  “You have cobble?”  I try to swing down and get them for her and The Bean a couple times a week.  They are soft and chewy and they keep the girls busy tearing through them for about 20 minutes.

Snoop Maddie Mad Enjoys An Alexandra’s Bread Cobble, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

Alexandras Bread Cobbles
Alexandra's Bread Cobbles
Alexandras Bread Cobble
Alexandra's Bread Cobble

August 09 Block Party Set II Pics From David Cox

Here are a few samples from the second set of pics of the August 09 Downtown Gloucester Block Party courtesy David Cox. Look for the full slide show from the second set of pics at 8AM

Mac at Jalepenos
Mac at Jalepenos
Dining Al Fresco!
Dining Al Fresco!
David Shoots Sharon Shooting Tony Testaverde
David Shoots Sharon Shooting Tony Testaverde

For the large version of the slide show from these pics check back at 8AM

Upstairs at La Trattoria

Driving past this location daily I always look up to this space and dream of having a private club there.  A place where about 10-20 people pay dues and have nice leather couches and highback chairs.  A place with a humidor closet and some cedar lockers where each member could keep a jug of scotch or their favorite spirit.  With a nice flat screen tv to watch sports and some oriental rugs.

Upstairs at La Trattoria, originally uploaded by captjoe06.