Video: Seagrass Fantasy for Your Halloween Enjoyment

Filmed at Brace Cove during Hurricane Sandy, October 29, 2012. Created for Good Morning Gloucester. Music composed by Camille Saint-Saëns ~ Carnival of the Animals.

Gloucester Sports 10/31/12

O’Maley Field Hockey Team Still Undefeated After Beating Marblehead

Today’s Game (NOVEMBER 1st) Cancelled- The Team Remains UNDEFEATED!!!!!!

Hi Joey,
Here are a bunch of pictures from the NEC Championship Meet/Jim Munn Invitational.  One of the parents was kind enough to take pictures throughout the meet.  There were over 1600 athletes who ran in the meets. 

A great day for Gloucester and the O’Maley teams finished 3rd for the girls and 6th for the boys. 

Jeff Destino

Tracey Muller and Jan Bordinaro Thankful For Community Support

To all of you who supported our request for a zoning change so The Atlantis Oceanfront Inn and Bass Rocks Ocean Inn may continue renovating and expand in the future, we truly appreciate your help and know the community support was instrumental in the success of this endeavor.

Thank you,

Tracey Muller and Jan Bordinaro

Trick-or-Treat on Main Street From Fred Bodin at Bodin Historic Photo!

I always have Halloween treats in the gallery for the little trick-or-treaters and their parents, who are often my customers. Older spooks and goblins come in later, and the Main Street dinner crowd arrives in the evening, when I might offer wine and cheese.


Andromeda Lammott represents, costumed as the Norse god Thor. She’s the daughter of Lucas and Vignette Lammott of Gloucester.


Zelda McKeen and her brother Harrison, dressed as the Fairy Princess and the Transformer "Bumble Bee." They are the children of Tanya and Jeremy McKeen of Gloucester.


MasterChef Season 4 Open Casting Call – Boston

Why don’t they just save everybody a whole lot of time and aggravation, skip the Open Casting and Sign Sista Felicia to a Multi-Year Deal?

I mean really?

Casey writes-

Hey Joey!

My name is Casey and I am with MasterChef Season 4 on FOX. We are looking our next MasterChef! We will be in Boston on November 3rd for an Open Casting Call and we need your help in getting the word out to local amateur cooks. Please let me know if I can send you flyers or email you our electronic flyer to pass onto your members. We would love to see them at our Casting Call! Thanks for any help!



Community Photos 10/31/12

Wave sequence at Eastern Point Light From Len Burgess


This mornings pics from after the wind storm.

Brian O’Connor


check our Brian’s work here-


A few Sandy Storm photos from our house on the outer shore near Eastern Point light.  The midnight shot was high tide – too bad we couldn’t really see it.


Hi Joey:
These pumpkins are much happier today in the sun!  Happy Halloween, Susan LaRosa

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Bumping Up and Breaking Through- GMG Stats October 29th and 30th Out of the 50,000’s and into the 60,000’s

It wasn’t long ago the upper end of our daily visits were around 58,000 per day.  We’ve been adding massive amounts of subscribers lately and the past couple days have brought us 66,199 and 63,771.  Over double the number of every single Gloucester resident- man woman, child and transgender.

Growing like a honeymoon hard-on baby!




Old Sloop brings top talent from Boston and Colorado to Rockport on Saturday

The Old Sloop Coffeehouse is known for bringing rising stars to Cape Ann — a risky business since rising stars, by their very nature (i.e., still rising) don’t have the draw of a more established artist.  Even falling stars draw better because people know them, and their names ring a familiar, sometimes nostalgic bell.  But that doesn’t stop the Old Sloop from booking rising stars and taking the risk.  And all of us benefit.

Every month, you can be sure that even though you may never have heard the names of the artists, just the fact that their playing the Old Sloop means they’re top talent.  These people do their homework.

It will be a long time before you can see Amy Black and Megan Burtt on the same stage again so close to home.  And when you do, it just might be in a big theatre with expensive tickets — not a cozy, intimate setting in our own backyard.  So as the song says, “get it while you can!”

Thursday Night Blues Party with Dave Sag to host Steve Sadler & Jimmie Scoppa @ The Rhumb Line~11-1-2012

This Thursday will be a great nite of rock ‘n roll and algorithm and blues since we have two titanic glitarists  of the Boston scene on board.  I’m talking Mr. Steevie Sadler and Mr. Jimmie Scoppa. Steevie, our commodious multiincrementalist and stellar vocalist, is one of our most popular care-actors of all time. And Jimmy is no slouch, either, having played for years with T.H.and the Wreckage, one of the finest roots bands that ever came out of  Boston. You’ll be smelling Vitalis® and yelling “uncle”!
Last Thursday saw Ms. Mari Martin wreck the joint, so, to keep up the momentum, she’s gonna join me up at Glenn’s in Nbpt. for another great nite. That’s this Sunday nite from 6 to 9. Glenn’s is great restaurant and fabulous venue to hear music, so, get your butt over the bridge and join us for some fun!

More Dead Finback Whale Photos From Halloween (Last Day Before Removal)

kim diebboll forwards-

hi joey,

here’s a few photos of the whale now that he’s resting on cape hedge beach. he’s looking rather sad and pretty beat up.  the guts  which i saw over by pebble beach yesterday, were cleaned up by the town today, so they are gone now.

i guess this is his last day, as i hear he is being removed tomorrow.

kim diebboll



Copyright Associated Press / NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

“Authorities are investigating two thefts of more than 80,000 pounds of walnuts from Northern California valued at about $300,000.

The Tehama County Sheriff’s Office received a call from a freight brokerage firm on Friday reporting that a 40,000-pound truckload of walnuts never arrived in Miami as they were supposed to.

Authorities believe the culprit is the same person who also picked up another load of walnuts (each load weighing 40,000 pounds) days earlier from Los Molinos. Those walnuts were intended for Texas, but also disappeared.”

So You’ve Lived Your Whole Life Til Now Not Knowing What A Dead Finback Whale’s Guts Look Like

hi joey,

thanks so much for your great blog. i always enjoy reading it.

i went for my morning walk today to see what happened after sandy hit last night. i smelled something foul and came across parts of the whale washed ashore  on the road which runs along pebble beach in rockport. i imagine parts may be showing up elsewhere as it is obviously now not a whole whale.

i thought other readers would be interested.

keep your eyes open!

i don’t know if this is the best way to share photos? please let me know if there is another way.

thanks, kim diebboll


Wednesday’s with Fly Amero ~ Tonight’s special guest Inge Berge

Surf & Turf Specials!
Wednesdays Only!

Hello everyone!
Wednesday, October 31st
Special Guest: 

Is it Halloween?  Yes.  Is it the Rhumb Line?  Yes again.  
Is Inge Berge as scary in real life as he is in this picture?  We
answer that tonight Wednesday!  Inge Berge, the Great! ~ Fly
Dinner with Fly Amero: 8 – 11pm
*Each week features a special, invited musical guest
Dave Trooper’s Kitchen…
Surf & Turf Dinner –
  $11.95 (while they last)
Tenderloin Tips with Grilled Garlic Shrimp!
Prepared fresh weekly by “Troop”… always good!
Nov. 7: John Rockwell

And, coming soon…
Marina Evans

Looking forward…
…to seeing you there!  🙂 ~ Fly