June 2012 International Dory Race Results From Damon Cummings

Dory Races – USA/Canada

USA won 3, Canada won 2 I thought someone would have posted these. I have been busy all day. Here is what I wrote as I took times at the finish. I was busy and not paying attention to spelling or anything.

mixed Canada – Rob and Nicole Hulbert (That was Nicole Jones, married now has 4 month old baby!) 6:44:32 USA – Jimmy and Laurel T 6:44:84 half a second behind. Nicole won it at the turn and Jimmy T could not quite make it up on the way home.

Juniors USA – Randy and LJ 6:37 Canada – Justin and Stefan Nickerson 6:47

Women Canada – Gail Atkinson and Pathane Verbugh 6:41 USA – Denise and Edie 7:19

Masters USA – Lennie B and Jay P 6:30 Canada – Joel George and David Croft 6:47

Open (one mile course, the big one) USA – Mick Cote and John Swift 10:12 Canada – Jeff Ellis and Mathias McCellan 10:45

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