Video- 2011 September GMG Old Cuban Cigar and Folly Cove Rum Sail Aboard The Thomas E Lannon

Filmed With My Cheapo $79 Kodak Playsport Zx3 and using the Kayalu nClamp.

Some points about taking video-

The more steady you can hold your camera, the more pleasing the resulting video will be.  One way to accomplish this is holding your camera very steady.  You need to be very conscious of framing your shot properly and keeping the camera steady.  the much easier way is to use a tripod, or mount.  Using a mount or tripod there is no camera shake and your results will look immeasurably better than if you try to hand hold the camera.

Obviously carrying a huge tripod around can be cumbersome and you all know my feelings on being able to keep your camera gear on you to be able to capture the shots as they happen.  So many times a tripod is not going to be the answer.

The manfrotto modopocket which screws right into the universal camera mount and folds flush with the bottom of my camera is my number one camera accessory that I feel can help any photographer achieve much better results, especially with poor light (with good light photography is a snap, you just point and shoot and you don’t have to worry about camera shake because the time the lens will be open is so much shorter).

But for this application I used the kayalu nClamp with the toughbar extension.  Literally I screwed the Kodak Playsport Zx3 onto the Toughbar and clamped it onto a bolt that was attached to the mast, framed the shot and pressed record.  In this way I could sit back and enjoy the company on the boat and we got a nice video capturing the scene.


GMG Visits Northern California

Hi, Joey,
Just back from a few days fishing tailwater Steelhead streams in Northern California.
Here’s a  picture my wife took with my GMG bumper sticker at Lakes Berryessa Campground.
It was great to be able to log in to GMG while in Ca.  Managed it seven of the ten days
out there.  Great pictures and videos of the Schooner Races.
Bill Hubbard


Do You Know? (Reach for the Stars)

Wayward Ziggy mysteriously finds his way back to the flower box at Khan Studio and the Good Morning Gloucester Gallery, this time clothed and with a photo of a teenage boy.  I have identified who the boy in the picture is.  Do you know who it is?  Clue:  He is fast becoming one of the hottest young artists on Rocky Neck and was recently interviewed by Joey.

E.J. Lefavour

Cape Ann Forum September 11, 2011 7-9pm- Free- Gloucester City Hall


To mark the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Cape Ann Forum is hosting Human Rights Watch’s deputy director for the Middle East and North Africa, Joe Stork, to speak on the revolutionary upheavals now sweeping the Arab world and what they mean to us. From Tunisia, Egypt and Libya to Yemen, Syria and Bahrain, young Arab men and women have risen up to challenge deeply entrenched, repressive regimes with varying degrees of success but few signs of a let-up. In August the protests spread to Israel as Jewish and Arab activists set up tent camps to call for reforms there. What does this mean for the region, and how does the death of Osama bin Laden fit in to these events?

To Learn More Check Out The Cape Ann Forum Website

T H E N E W S F R O M R O C K Y N E C K via Judy Robinson Cox

Watercolor Demonstration

Kate Somers
photo by Terry Del Percia

Kate Somers demonstrating water color techniques last week at the Rocky Neck Gallery.

Goetemann Artist in Residence

MON, Sept. 12, Eric Armstrong : Introductory Slide presentation
Rocky Neck Gallery

Brain Buggy by Conrad Armstrong
Brain Buggy (part of the Mnemonosphere cycle), 2010, 21.7" x 29.5"
Watercolor on glue gesso on panel

Conrad Armstrong is an American artist who currently lives and works in Prague, Czech Republic, where he splits his time between teaching English, making art, and exhibiting. One of Conrad’s primary interests is the intersection between landscape and memory in human culture and history. Over the last decade, Conrad’s work has dealt with this theme in various media and from different perspectives. Landscape paintings made from memory, topographic paper sculpture, mnemonically-encoded images, landscape installation, and drawing and painting in situ are all manifestations of this interest. In addition to this theme, Conrad has also produced other bodies of work and exhibitions on other subjects including fetish objects, the role of social networks in contemporary life, the relationship between cars and alternative modes of transportation, and the potential of the classroom as a creative space. Underlying all of Conrad’s work is a sense of curiosity, playfulness, and whimsy that results in a compelling and often funny experience for the viewer.

Conrad will talk about his work at 7pm on Monday, September 12, at the Rocky Neck Gallery, 53 Rocky Neck Ave.

Summer Artist Series

Through September 13: From Cape Ann to Tahiti
Oil paintings by Rokhaya Waring

Rokhaya Waring
Sunset, Opunohu Bay 20" x 20" , oil by Rokhaya Waring

Last June, I traveled to Moorea, a volcanic island in the middle of the South Pacific and part of Tahiti. Moorea can truly be called "Paradise on Earth". A place I had only read about was suddenly the place I stood, paints in hand. I often had the feeling there of being in a dream. I couldn’t help but think of Fletcher Christian and the Bounty or wonder where Gauguin and Matisse might have walked… My greatest challenge was seeing through its picture-postcard beauty. It is a real place, after all. On Tahiti I was drawn by the swiftly changing clouds, lush vegetation, and the colors of the ocean- the same elements I love about my home in Gloucester, Mass., on the Atlantic. As far apart as they are, each place has helped me see the other- more often contrasting though at times reminiscent.

Guest Artist
at Khan Studio

Dorothy Englander, Through Sept 15

Khan Studio / Good Morning Gloucester Gallery on Madfish Alley

Dorothy Englander
Artwork by Dorothy Englander

Dorothy Englander, a resident of Albany, NY, holds an MFA from The University at Albany and a BS from Skidmore College. She has received awards for her work, which she has exhibited regionally and nationally since 1980. Her art is in public, corporate, and private collections. She has taught painting in college and private settings.
Dorothy works in a variety of mediums including oil, acrylic, watercolor, drawing, monotype, collage, and digtal imaging. She incorporates abstraction with recognizable imagery in her work.

Dorothy’s Guest Artist Exhibit at Khan Studio and the Good Morning Gloucester Gallery at 77 Rocky Neck will run from Friday, 9/2 through Thursday, 9/15 with an Opening Reception on Saturday, 9/3 from 4:00-7:00 pm.

Khan Studio, Madfish Alley | | 857-891-9054

Summer Artist Series

Sept. 14 – 28: Four Seasons on Cape Ann: Its Sights, Its Creatures
BJ Wayne (oil)

RECEPTION: Saturday, September 17, 6 to 8pm

BJ Wayne
Old Friends by BJ Wayne, oil

"My goal is to utilize the techniques of the great painters of the 19th century to portray the 21st century world that I live in. Depicting the special waterfront communities of Cape Ann is an important focus for me. But I also have an affinity for painting animals. While some artists prefer to focus on one aspect of painting (landscapes, still lifes, etc.) I draw inspiration from those of the past who did it all, painting land and seascapes, animals, and more. In this show I am focusing on Cape Ann through the four seasons."

—BJ Wayne

Friends of Gloucester Dog Park Early Fall 2011 Issue Is Out!

Meet Up with Old Friends at the Beach!

Although it’s sad to say goodbye to Summer, the good news is dogs will be welcome on the beaches starting September 15th. Once the Gloucester Dog Park is completed, our canine companions will be able to romp "unleashed" year round! 

Back to School
Top 10 Tips for Your
1st Dog Park Visit

My dog/s has never been in a dog park before. How can I expect them to react? Reactions vary depending on a dog’s nature, their living environment, and age. For dogs that are house-bound or who live in small fenced-in back yards, entering a large area like a dog park and being off-leash can be stressful even with no other dogs. They need time to adjust to the new-found freedom.
1. Make your inaugural visit to the dog park a short one
2. Arrive at a time when there are not very many dogs
3. Walk your dog around the park on the outside of the fence
4. Remove your leash once you enter the first gate 

Pampered Paws
Rosie Lourenco, of the Barking Lot, gave a special treat to some lucky canines at our Visitor’s Center booth recently – free nail clipping. Thank You Rosie!

Pack the Pup!

The number of people who travel with their dogs is growing, and so too are the options for pets on the road — from "ruffing it" at camp-grounds to enjoying fabulous four-star hotels. There’s never been a better time to pack your pet and go.
Cape Ann is dog-friendly, too. Check out the "pet-friendly" accomodations on Cape Ann the next time you, your family members or friends need a place to vacation with your canine companion.

Upcoming Events

Block Party

Stage Fort Park
11-3 PM
Visit our booth for
free paw print tattoos!

Cape Ann
Dog Day

10-6 PM
Rockport HarvestFest

We need volunteers to help with our booths at all of the events listed above.
Meet some of our enthusiastic volunteers, answer questions about the dog park, pass out literature and accept donations for our
signature red bandanas and logo buttons. 
Please Sign up today! | Friend us on Facebook

80s themed GFAA Newell Stadium Renewal Benefit Concert

We are so excited for our 80s themed GFAA Newell Stadium Renewal Benefit Concert Tonight Friday, September 9 at the Madfish on Rocky Neck.

Featuring SAFETY 80s band as well as the recently reunited Glostafarians!

According to the GFAA website “The GFAA is a nonprofit 501(c) community-based organization dedicated to the principle that all of Gloucester’s children should be able to participate in the sport of their choice, regardless of financial circumstances. As equally important is our belief that the student-athletes should be able to practice and play on safe and maintained facilities.The Newell Stadium Renewal Project is an initiative aimed at the future of Glouceser, its children, and their athletics. Over the years many of you have played, ran or just walked at Newell Stadium. Those days may be behind you now, but we need your help to ensure the present and future children of Gloucester get the same opportunities you did. They need a place where they can enjoy their sports, whether it be soccer, lacrosse, track and field, field hockey or football, a place they can feel safe, feel like a Fishermen, feel at home. That is our dream; to build a special place that every Gloucester Fishermen, past or future can be proud to call HOME. In order to accomplish this dream we need your help. Please take a minute to see what our dreams have inspired, and please think about lending your support.””This project is a reflection of our community” says Gloucester native and past GHS Fisherman, Dan King. “Currently Newell Stadium is in the most dire need of repair and is unusable for most events. The new stadium will host multiple public functions and be a shining example of pride for our city. It’s time to show the kids and the outside world that we care about where we came from and where we’re going.”
Local bands SAFETY 80s and the Glostafarians have donated their time and music to the cause. There is a $20 suggested donation/cover charge and doors will open at 8pm (21+ after 8pm). This event is sponsored by the class of 1988 alongside other GHS 80s classes.The general public is also more than welcome!There will also be a gathering at Rocky Neck Madfish Gallery Number 5 which will be free and all ages! Gallery 5 will display the plans for the new stadium, information and questions can be answered there by members of the GFAA, and donations of any size can be given there by people who want to take part and help but don’t want to go to the party. The Gallery will be family friendly starting at 6pm, Every Gloucester citizen is invited to come get informed and take part in making our city a better place! For more information, please email$20/8pm/77 Rocky Neck Ave. Gloucester, MA–
Current Bands
Currently Booking
Madfish Grille
The Studio
play music.

Chickity Check it!- Marilyn R. Gardner Is Crushin On Rocky Neck


Rocky Neck – America’s Oldest Working Art Colony

Just off route 127 in the city of Gloucester, Massachusetts is Rocky Neck, America’s oldest working art colony. While “The Perfect Storm” put Gloucester on the map in recent years, this part of Gloucester’s heritage and current dynamic is something that more people need to experience.

Walking through galleries, experiencing different mediums and talking to the artists was food for the soul. We saw large marine landscapes with infinite detail at the John Nesta Gallery. Farther on Kathleen Archer’s photographycaptured misty scenes that portrayed the North Shore of Boston with mystery and beauty. A collection called “Choices” showed photographs of women, each draped turban style in cloth that was significant to them so that only their faces showed.

The Goetemann Gallery, home to the art work of Judith Goetemann is a gallery you could stay in for hours. Persian carpets cover the wooden floor and beautiful silk and batik line the walls in frames and on screens. Judith captures her artistic response to Gloucester with these words*:

for the rest of the post click here

Sawyer Free Library Art Auction EJ’s Contribution!

GMG’s own EJ has donated a beautiful painting to this years Sawyer Free Library’s Art Auction. I checked the Silent Auction book and it already had a few bids (more bids than mine had). But it’s still a great deal. check it out. This is the only time of year you can get a chance to get an Awesome work of Art by a Famous Cape Ann Artist at an unbelieveable price!!!

EJ’S Contribution: “Misty Morning Queen Anne’s Lace” wish I could’ve got a better picture, it’s a beautiful work of art!


The Silent Auction will take place throughout the month of September in the Matz Gallery. The Live Vocal Auction will be held on October 5, 2011 at 7 pm. A Preview Party at 6 pm(FREE FOOD AND DRINK!!) will precede the auction. Hope to see you there!

Today is The Final Day To Vote Good Morning Gloucester For CBS Boston Most Valuable Blogger Contest

The voting for CBS Boston’s Most Valuable Blogger ends TODAY. We appreciate any votes that you have given to GMG in this contest if you feel that we deserve it.

I’m very proud of the work our team has done on the behalf of our community and to date I’ve  never seen another blog that creates as much original content for the betterment of their community and to remind the world of just how special a place that our community is. Win or lose this competition I know in my heart that the commitment to bringing our readership the best, most timely and entertaining blog we can has never wavered and we will relentlessly keep on our efforts to push the boundaries and dismantle what anyone anywhere ever thought was possible in community reporting especially when you consider that 100% of our efforts are volunteer and based on our love of our community.

Thank you for your consideration for your vote, thank you for your comments, thank you for your contributionins whether it be pictures, videos, encouragement or just a “nice job” in passing on the street.  It is what keeps up going- pushing forward and trying to ever make it better- for you- our readership.

If you feel that we deserve your vote you can vote daily through the end of the day by clicking through the badge below.  Feel free to hit the little buttons below the post to share this post on Facebook, Twitter or email to your friends who may also feel the same way about Good morning Gloucester.

thanks for everything-

Joey C

We have been nominated in the miscellaneous category and are pitted against 30 or so other blogs.

Please conside voting for our local friends as well

North Shore Dish was nominated in the Dining/Entertainment Category

You can vote for them here

and North Shore Kid was nominated in the Lifestyle and Family Category you can vote for them here

GMG Old Cuban Cigar and Folly Cove Rum Sail Aboard The Thomas E Lannon Panoramas

click each picture for the full sized view

Once again I can’t extend enough thanks to Paul Giacalone from Old Cuban Cigar Company, Bobby Ryan of Ryan and Woods distillers and of course The Ellis’ and their crew aboard Gloucester’s most beautiful ship, The Thomas E Lannon.

I never want to miss one of these cigar and rum cruises for the rest of my life.  the setting aboard the Lannon with the friendliest crew and my hero Captain Tom Ellis, the company, the spirits and of course the cigars- just like the first one, I didn’t want this night to end.

Anyone who took pictures be sure to send them in and I’ll post ‘em for you (better yet upload them to a Flickr set and I’ll run your pics as a slideshow)
