Fred Buck Comes Through With A Couple Of Photos Of Our Grandfather Captain Joe’s Boat The Benjamin C

When Mary Ann Anderson asked last week on these pages if anyone had any photos of her grandfather’s boat The Rosemarie, Fred Buck who works in The Photo department at The Cape Ann Historical Museum sent us a picture to post for her.

Fred wrote in the comment section letting folks know that he would help locate other photos of the Gloucester fleet so I asked if there were any of our Grandfather Captain Joe’s boat The Benjamin C.  Within hours Fred responded with not one but two.

There’s more than a few lessons here. 

  • Read the comment sections and participate in the GMG comment section under each post, You never know what golden nuggets get uncovered in there and it’s a part of what makes the GMG community special.
  • Cape Ann Historical Museum On Pleasant Street has a treasure trove of local artifacts, photos and information.
  • We have some excellent people who read GMG with a wide range of local interests and love to help. Example in this case- Fred Buck from The Cape Ann Museum.

Fred emailed me two photos, one of which was owned by the museum, it’s a 1951 photo taken by Philip Reisman.


Here’s the history of this boat from our Company’s website- Captain Joe and Son’s History

On the site there are pictures of the boat being launched at The Story shipyard in Essex and many more photos of my Grandfather and his crew-

Thanks Fred!

Carol Londres Asks About The Hannah Bowden

Anyone wanna take this one for me?

Carol Londres Asks-

Can I ask a question?  It’s not too obvious where to ask.  I asked some about a year ago and no one answered any of my questions about restaurants, places of interest, etc.  My late husband and I used to live in Gloucester and will visit soon. 

My question now is, is the Hannah Boden still anchored in Gloucester & still actively fishing out of the harbour?  I have Linda Greenlaw’s book and as most know, she was the captain of the Hannah Boden.  When we lived there she was always berthed behind a large fishing company….forget that name – across the street from nearby Crow’s Nest. 


Carol Londres

Renew Soucy Photos From The Marathon Expo

Hi Joe,

My name is Renee Soucy and I am responding to your post about the Boston Marathon. I should also mention that I am a former college roommate and future bridesmaid of Amy Ciaramitaro, who I believe is your cousin!

I am running my second Boston Marathon this year for Perkins School for the Blind. As a charity runner, I am required to raise $3,250 for my charity. In addition to training for the Marathon, I’m a full-time graduate student at Bentley University. For the past few months I’ve been volunteering at Perkins’ Early Learning Center to help take the children on field trips.

I thought I’d check with you to see if you could maybe throw in a plug to my fundraising website! It is: I still have a little over $900 left to raise, so it would be a great help!

Let me know ifyou have any questions!


Did You Know (Artemis II)

clay sculpture of Artemis by sculptor Bela Lyon Pratt
Photo Courtesy of Cynthia Kennedy Sam of Annisquam

That Framer, Ylva Callewaert and Sculptor, Bela Lyon Pratt have something in common?

Bela Lyon Pratt (maternal grandfather of Cynthia Kennedy Sam of Annisquam and Cambridge), sculpted this ideal figure of Artemis, also the namesake of Ylva’s frameshop. The photo is of the clay model, completed in 1908, which was then cast in bronze and now resides at the New Britain Museum of Art in New Britain, CT.  That same year Pratt created the gold Indian Head $5 and $2.50 coins known as the “Pratt coins”, which feature an unusual intaglio Indian head, the U.S. mint’s only recessed design in circulation. 

Bela Lyon Pratt (December 11, 1867 – May 18, 1917) was an American sculptor born in Norwich, Connecticut. At 16 Pratt began studying at the Yale University School of Fine Arts.  After graduating from Yale, he enrolled at the Art Students League of New York where he took classes from William Merritt Chase, Kenyon Cox, Francis Edwin Elwell , and most important, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, who became his mentor. After a short stint in Saint-Gaudens’ private studio, Pratt traveled to Paris, where he trained with sculptors Henri-Michel-Antoine Chapu and Alexandre Falguière at the École des Beaux-Arts.

In 1892, he returned to the United States to create two large sculptural groups representing The Genius of Navigation for the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago. He also produced sculptures for the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo in 1901. In 1893, he began a 25-year career as an influential teacher of modeling in the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. During this time, Pratt sculpted a series of busts of Boston’s intellectual community, including Episcopal priest Phillips Brooks (1899, Brooks House, Harvard University), Colonel Henry Lee (1902, Memorial Hall, Harvard University), and Boston Symphony Orchestra founder Henry Lee Higginson (1909, Symphony Hall, Boston). He became an associate of the National Academy in 1900.

A retrospective exhibition of 125 of his sculptures was held at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston in the spring of 1918.  Some of his public statues include Statue of Nathaniel Hawthorne in Salem, Massachusetts, Statue of Edward Everett Hale in Boston Public Garden, and Nathan Hale statue at Fort Nathan Hale in New Haven, Connecticut. 

E.J. Lefavour

Kat Valentine’s Lace Book Going Big Time!

Hi Joe,

Since you’ve been so supportive of indie writers and indie publishing I had to tell you this. My book of knitted lace shawl designs, The Mermaid Shawl & other Beauties: Shawls, Cocoons & Wraps is now available for Kindle on Amazon and is their #1 Top Rated Lace Knitting book as well as the #20 Top Rated Needlework book for Kindle. It is also currently the #6 Best Seller in Lace Knitting, the #20 Best Seller in Needlework and the #47 Best Seller for KNITTING! All on Kindle. Here is the link: The Mermaid Shawl & other Beauties for Kindle

It has also gotten lots of compliments for all the gorgeous photographs of Gloucester. (That’s Ten Pound Island and the Lannon on the cover.)


We Want To Track You If You are Running The Boston Marathon- Send In Your Bib Number and Cell Phone Pics

Either leave your bib number in the comment section of this post or email it to

Also after the race or during the race if anyone wants to email pictures to me of locals running send me those cell phone pics from the race and be sure top include the runner’s name so we can properly identify them!

George Bernard Shaw Quote of The week From Greg Bover

Click pic for GB Shaw’s Wikipedia Page


“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples, then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.”

George Bernard Shaw   (1856-1950)                       Suggested by Anne Robinson

Author of more than 60 plays, including “Pygmalion” on which “My Fair Lady” was based, Shaw also wrote literary and political criticism, novels, short stories and essays, many featuring his thoughtfully  humorous outlook on life. An ardent and life-long Fabian socialist, he was a founder of the London School of Economics, as well as an early vegetarian, anti-vivisectionist, and a supporter of eugenics.

Gregory R. Bover