Look for this amazing bird at our local ponds and streams–amazing I think, for the way she hunts. The Kingfisher can hover mid-air, high above still water and then plunge straight down, plucking frog or fish from the depths of the pond. This one is always on the other side of the pond and I only become aware of her presence by her telltale crickley song. One of these days I hope she’ll come a little closer so we can have a much better look.Female Belted Kingfisher

Did You Know (Kingfisher)

belted kingfisher resting on a pier in annisquam
Photo by E.J. Lefavour

That the Belted Kingfisher is a common waterside resident throughout North America,  often seen hovering before it plunges headfirst into water to catch a fish. It frequently announces its presence by its loud rattling cry. It is a medium-sized bird with a large head and shaggy crest, large, thick bill, bluish head and back, white throat and collar, white underneath with blue breast band.

I have seldom seen one sitting quietly like this, and generally only know one is around when I hear its raucous cry and then see it flying by or diving into the water.


E.J. Lefavour