Harvey Gamage–High and Dry

The 131 foot, 95 ton schooner Harvey Gamage is in town for this weekend’s Schooner Festival. On Tuesday afternoon it was moved from its berth at the State Fish Pier to Rose’s Marine where it was positioned, secured and lifted on the yard’s drydock for bottom cleaning and maintenance. The operation took more than an hour and involved both mechanical and hydraulic devices as well as a good deal of plain old muscle power.

Harvey Gamage at Rose's Marine
It must be centered over the submerged cradle.
Fine tuning the schooner's position requires both muscle and finesse.
The main halyard is made fast to a cleat on the dock and used to straighten the ship.
Once the boat is in position, the dock is slowly raised.

Driving wedges to properly brace the schooner.

High and dry.

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