Melissa Smith Abbott Interview Part I

You can visit her website here-

The Legacy of Three Melissas: Authentic & Original Cape Ann Recipes
is now available in Rockport at Toad Hall Bookstore, in Gloucester at The Bookstore on Main Street,
The Cape Ann Museum Bookstore, Harbor Loop Gifts at The Building Center

Tons of rich local history here

Here is part I of our two part interview-

Part II comes tomorrow at 6PM

8 thoughts on “Melissa Smith Abbott Interview Part I

  1. Bravo to Melissa. She has so many great stories associated with the book. I wish she had told the one about the box her friend bought in a rummage sale and found it was full of the old menus. The book is a real piece of history.


  2. Melissa! this is fabulous. Joey did a terrific job letting you run with the story.

    i gotta get this cookbook. wanna trade for some art? heheheh…honestly, this book would make a great mini series! or an epic movie.

    way to go. I am so pleased for you and we are so lucky that you bring this story to us again.

    much success. xox


  3. Thanks for all your help Kathleen for helping me pull the book together! Deb, I will trade for pic of golden fish, mermaid, and Lakshmi šŸ™‚ Neptunian Gloucester Lakshmi šŸ™‚
    Joey, The interview was a breeze – Thanks for including me šŸ™‚


  4. Fabulous..My mother was a chambermaid at the Faraday Inn and would occasionally bring me with her when i was a little. I remember the little concession shack that was on the road that sold beach items…From that job, Melissa got my mother cleaning jobs for a few Rockport artists. I mostly remember one on Bearskin Neck because I was promised that if i was good, Mom would get me some shoestring licorice from the General Store.
    My mother always spoke highly of Melissa Smith.

    I can’t wait to get this book..I hope you will be having a book signing, Melissa.


  5. Perhaps 20 years ago Melissa brought me to Gloucester to view her history. Of course, when I found out I was going to Gloucester I wanted to see the famous statue of the fisherman. Melissa graciously appeased my “tourist” desire. Thank you, Melissa! Then, as we drove on up and I both viewed and listened to her vast rich history I felt very much a part of a different “America”. Being from the south and not at all exposed to the rugged northeastern shores, I had a feeling of “coming home” when we stopped in front of one of the several homes honored in The Three Melissa’s book. The recipes are outstanding, awesome and amazing – not to mention yummy! For this Texan, it was also neato to see a recipe for guacomole! A great, colorful and richly historical book – thank you, Melissa!


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