Observation From The Grammys

When did all the country singers and bands start dressing so modern?

I always thought that country music was supposed to be laid back and casual but today’s country artists all seem over-styled and over-produced.

Not that I was ever a country music fan but I swear you could turn the volume on the tv down to zero and I’d still be able to pick out the country acts based on their stylings.

And it ain’t cowboy hats with big belt buckles and jeans any more.

Art Haven Buoy Auction Slide Show From Manuel Simoes

Here are pictures of the kids in a slide show from The Art Haven Lobster Buoy Auction-

Click this Link for the Art Haven Lobster Buoy Slide Show Featuring Gloucester’s Great Young Talented Artists

All of the Kids Represented At The Art Haven Buoy Auction Video

Manuel Simoes Captures All The Kids In This Video For GMG-

That’s right folks if there’s a community event- we cover it.  If you have something coming up that you think should be covered send us a comment and we will do everything in our power to bring the best of Gloucester to these here pages.

Official Press Release for HERE FOR HAITI


On Saturday, February 6th, 2010, the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church presents HERE FOR HAITI: Raising Song, Spirit & Help for Haiti.

GLOUCESTER, MA.    Saturday, February 6, 2010.  Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church. 10 Church St. Gloucester MA. 7pm.  $10.  All ages.  All proceeds to Partners in Health (working in Haiti for over 20 years)  HERE FOR HAITI will include performances by What Time Is It, Mr. Fox?, Sarah Rabdau, Kristen Miller, HUM, Dan King, an African drum ensemble, dancers, and other special guests.  Hosted by Chloe Erdmann and U.U. Minister, Steve Wilson.

In July of 2006, Chloe Erdmann visited Port-Au-Prince and Jacmel, Haiti, with a group of dancers led by choreographer, Jean Appolon and musician, Juju, (both from Haiti.) The U.S. visitors were welcomed into the community and participated in rituals, including Jean’s initiation ceremony as a Vodou Priest, and a pilgrimage to Saut d’Eau waterfall in Ville Bonheur.   Chloe fondly remembers the experience, “The emphasis on community sharing, helping and healing was palpable and contagious.  And the dancing! I really don’t know how, but all ages danced during these rituals for days–and I mean that quite literally.  It was nothing short of amazing.  My friends and I would collapse at the end of the day and be dazzled by the idea that people were still dancing and would be up earlier than we would the following morning and at it again.  If dancing is any measure of joy in the soul, they have it to overflowing.”

Despite abominable conditions in health care, education, and access to clean water, Chloe was astounded by the unshakable spirit, pride and generosity in which she was surrounded.

“There was an instance when I truly witnessed how desperate the situation was concerning health care.  A rainstorm had flooded the concrete channels on either side of the road and a motorcyclist had skidded off the side and broken his leg.  A woman passing by had managed to get him in the back of her station wagon and was looking for any kind of medical attention in the area.  Two Haitian pilgrim/hitchhikers we had picked up in our truck gave their towels to help stop the bleeding on the way to the closest medical facility (an hour away.) Giving up towels may seem like nothing to us, but I later found out that those were their towels for the year. This is only one story, but it is one that haunts me when I imagine the scale of damage done to such a beautiful country by this earthquake. If a towel can help, every bit helps, and we need to help our neighbors much as we can!”

Chloe met Brian King first as fan of his band, What Time Is It, Mr. Fox? Through her friendship with Brian, she fell in love with Gloucester, spending the Summer of 2008 on Cape Ann, before moving to Scotland to earn her PhD in Comparative Religion and Theology.  She happened to be back in Massachusetts when the earthquake hit, and immediately she and Brian approached the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church about creating a benefit.  The church board was eager to sponsor the event.

Regarding the benefit, Brian says, “I strongly believe that when tragedies happen in places that are out of our reach, many feel powerless to help. Coming together where we are, HERE, helps strengthen our energy, vision and ability to make a difference.  It pulls us out of isolation, to join in effort and voice.  We have the power to help right HERE by raising funds that will go where they are needed most.”

Chloe also spoke about seeing Partners in Health in action.  “When I saw the hospital that Partner In Health supports, it was one of the most hopeful sights there concerning the medical situation.  Paul Farmer knows Haiti, Haitians, and the situation intimately. PIH comes highly recommended by the group I visited Haiti with- both the Haitians and the Americans – and I feel confident to donate the proceeds to their good work.”

Brian has pulled together great talent from Gloucester and Boston for HERE FOR HAITI.   Boston singer-songwriter, pianist, Sarah Rabdau was a finalist in WBCN Rock-n-Roll Rumble last year.  Her latest video, “Autumn Spills” is getting rotation on BRAVO.

Brian’s own band, What Time Is It, Mr. Fox? sold out their CD release party at the Gloucester Stage Company, and the band keeps getting bigger.  They will be joined by the newly added back-up singers, The Furies, which bring Fox’s original songs to new heights.

Mr. Fox will also be joined by songwriter and cellist, Kristen Miller, who will also offer her own set of Middle Eastern infused compositions, as well as the best cover of Johnny Cash’s “Ring of Fire” ever heard.

Local music staple Dan King will open the night with his rootsy sound that is known to turn any audience into a family.  Local songwriter and artist, Deb Hardy will perform with her vocal group, HUM.

The night will also feature an African Drum ensemble and both traditional and contemporary dance.   A speaker from Partners in Health will explain exactly where and how funds will be used.

“For ten dollars you’re going to experience a great night,” Brian King promises. “And you’re going to be glad that you’re HERE FOR HAITI.”

Please, contact Brian King hewasacloud@hotmail.com for high-resolution pictures of the Saut d’Eau Waterfall taken by Chloe, Chloe in Haiti, and images of the performers.


Partners in Health:  http://act.pih.org/page/event/detail/wrwf

What Time Is It, Mr. Fox?:  http://www.whattimeisitmrfox.com

Sarah Rabdau: http://www.sarahrabdau.com

Dan King: http://www.danielscottking.com

Kristen Miller: http://www.cellobrew.com


It’s the last day to vote for Debbie Clarkes Entry in the Saatchi Art Showdown.

It only takes a few seconds to Rate and Vote for Debbie’s Entry!  You don’t have to register.


Go get off your Butts!



Here’s an example of Debbies Reverse Glass Painting featuring me;

Unfinished Masterpiece of Paul Frontiero

Debbie Clarkes WEBSITE;  http://www.debbieclarke.blogspot.com/


166 Days to the Blackburn Challenge

Only 166 days before the Blackburn Challenge race all the way around Cape Ann by oar or paddle. Sitting here on a frigid Sunday morning it seems a long way off. I am publicizing that I will be in the race so that when race day dawns I actually get out of bed and get down to the Gloucester High School parking lot and go. If I chicken out I want non stop ridicule.

I’ve been messing around with my Mobileme account which is Apple’s way of adding some cute tricks to the iPhone. I can “find my phone” which shows a google map and indeed, it shows that it is in my car in my driveway. That’s kind of neat. If I can find a way to post a link to that google map without having to open my mobileme account to the public I will do that on race day. That way there might be someone tracking me as I meander around the island. And if I stop at Bearskin Neck to have a raisin cinnamon roll at Helmut’s Strudel you can stop there and taunt me until I get my butt back in my boat.

An Afternoon of Scottish Music- Today

From Michael O’Leary:

Scottish jigs, reels, strathspeys, and airs fill the Annisquam Village Church this Sunday at 4:00 PM when champion fiddler, Calum Pasqua, and the American Scottish pianist, Susie Petrov, perform music from their new CD, “In Conversation.”  Dancers from the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society are rumored to be planning to break in on a dance tune!   The public is invited.  Kilts and tartans most welcome!

Donation at the door is $15/$10 for seniors and students.

The Annisquam Village Church is at 820 Washington Street in Gloucester.
For information:  978.283.6416 or www.annisquamvillagechurch.com

Another Idiot/Hypocrite Weighs In On The Cruelty To Lobsters Debate

From the Vegas.Com Blog Post By Nikki Neu

Read this absolutely rediculous blog post in which this broad talks about a lobster arcade game where you try to snatch a live lobster and if you do you get to have the restaurant cook it for you.  She loves to eat lobster, has cooked them all her life but she suddenly has a heart when you throw the game part into the equation.  It’s amazing to me how hypocritical these folks can be.

I obviously don’t have a problem with cooking, eating, or playing a game to win your lobster before you eat it.  I just don’t see how it is she draws the line here and like many other bananaheads probably breaks a bagillion other peta rules daily.

Here is part of her blog post-

By Nikki Neu

Since before I can remember, I’ve been eating lobster.

When I was adopted from Korea at three months old and landed in Manhattan, my first meal off the plane was at the Palm Too restaurant, sitting on the table in my carrier, wishing I had teeth while my parents feasted on lobster. As soon as could, I joined my parents in what became our traditional Saturday night meal for years.

I love lobster.

So it caught me off guard when I was particularly disturbed and angered by a recent find. While doing research at the Fremont Street Experience, I stumbled upon a machine in the Las Vegas Club’s Tinoco’s Kitchen that looks much like the carnival or arcade game. It’s a vending machine with a claw at the top. You position the claw to descend down and grab the toy or stuffed animal so you can give it to your girlfriend.

Only this machine wasn’t filled with soft, fluffy stuffed animals, it was filled with water—and in the water—live lobsters.

I know how cooking a lobster works. Back in my culinary school days, I had the pleasure of dropping one of these live crustaceans in a pot of boiling water and you had to hold the pot cover to keep the lobster from escaping. Not a great visual, but necessary nonetheless. The difference between this game and cooking it in the kitchen would be in a kitchen, the ingredients and preparation are sacred and respected–not mocked.

But it was something about trivializing this process as part of a game, where guys would egg on their friend desperately trying to maneuver the joystick and position the claw so he could “win” a lobster. Cries of joy ring out as the poor, relatively helpless lobster gets jostled and grabbed by the claw—much the way the demolition crane would pick up an ‘86 Cutlass Supreme in a junkyard.

To read the rest of her hypocritical nonsensical lobster cruelty rant click this text

To watch some other bullshit in the world of trying to sell phoney baloney cruelty to animals watch the video interview I did with this salesman for the Crustastun- a machine designed to electrocute a lobster because the company has decided that they get to say what is the humane way to kill a lobster-


Personally I’d prefer the jacuzzi style hot bath as opposed to the zapping by the electrocution style Crustastun.

The Cutest Little Girl At The Buoy Auction

Manuel Simoes Caught this wonderful clip.  Must see Video right here

I was going to try to hold back the videos and space them out but I just couldnt help but post this one right away.  More to come but you gotta watch this one.