Rina Cavallini Easter At Half Moon

Hey Joey, Saw this decorated Easter tree at Stage Fort by Half Moon Beach. It was sweet watching kids walk/bike by and take a minute to check it out. Can’t quarantine nature! Signs hanging with the colorful eggs said, ‘stay strong ‘, ‘this too shall pass’, ‘love one another’, ‘be kind’. There was suet hanging too. Keep it positive out there.
Rina Cav


I’d like to write Happy Easter and Happy Passover but I think this spring of the coronavirus pandemic is for far too many of us the furthest from happiness that there is. Instead I’d rather think about eggs. Our granddaughter had the best time coloring Easter eggs last weekend (and all the fun made her suddenly love eating hard boiled eggs 🙂 ). It was her little two-year-old self first time and she adored every moment. Imagine children the world over decorating Easter eggs. The egg is a universal symbol of new life, fertility, purity, faith, and hope. We can fight this coronavirus thing with faith and the hope for better days to come (and of course the mandated protocols).

I took some snapshots of eggs from around our home. We don’t have many Easter decorations but the ones we do have I treasure. They include eggs covered in origami paper that we made when the kids were little. A decorated ostrich egg found in a junk store. And a bowl of small speckled stones that I have been collecting from the beach because they remind me of shorebird eggs.

Send us your egg photo tonight and tomorrow and I will post them Easter Sunday night. Any egg photo you like. Thank you.

Photos can be added in the comment section or sent to kimsmithdesigns@hotmail.com.

Ostrich egg vs. chicken egg

Don’t you love the the beautiful ovoid shapes and myriad colors of creature’s eggs?

Love the bits of colorful yarn woven into this Robin’s nest photo taken at Michelle Del Vecchio’s home

Catbird egg 

Kildeer eggs

Piping Plover Eggs

Live GloucesterCast 397 With Ken Lawler, Nichole Schrafft and Scottie Mac Taped 4/11/20

Live GloucesterCast 397 With Ken Lawler, Nichole Schrafft and Scottie Mac Taped 4/11/20

Press play to listen-

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Topics Include:

Thank you to the people on the font lines of the crisis that are sacrificing being away from their families- First Responders, Health Care Workers, Grocery Store People, Truckers and anyone else sacrificing to keep things moving.

All new mask requirements came out today-


Also the state of Essex before the pandemic and all the cool stuff happening there

What it’s like for hockey parents so used to be on the go every day to not have soccer


Easter 🐣 and lack there of (tradition , prayer, family ,friends etc).

Recent experiences with good/bad/ thoughts of necessity and essential shopping

How will this effect upcoming elections . Social distancing vs. getting the nomination to be on the ballet, and the current voting process .

What will you/ people do you first for social engagement , as the Powers that be loosen restrictions and thing begin to return to normal ?

Topic: who is cross fit for and how does someone with no wind ever catch up to the people that are in great shape

Ken has chickens

Picked up an Easter cake ice cream cake at white farms today…. because I’m no Felicia.

What are your silver linings? Mine is more quality time with Thatch. He truly enjoys long car drives, bike rides, and walks. Finn prefers his video games right now. One of two isn’t bad.

There’s a house in Rockport that we have thought maybe belonged to Adam Sandler for years….. met the owner the other day. Turns out he’s not Adam Sandler…. and he may not love people driving by looking for Adam. 😂

‘I Just Need the Comfort’: Processed Foods Make a Pandemic Comeback
Shoppers, moved by nostalgia and hunting for longer shelf lives, are returning to old standbys like Chef Boyardee and Campbell’s soup.
By Julie Creswell


Hold & Fast Local Business

Local Friends – If you need soap (or even if you don’t) and would like to help out the Open Door, Hold Fast Company has you covered. We are offering a special batch of soap with 100% of the proceeds going to the Open Door. Order online and we will arrange either curb side pick up or porch drop off. Limited quantity. Stay safe, stay healthy, stay happy!



Magnolia Community

April 10, 2020

To Our Valued Friends and Neighbors,

We are writing to address the recent concerns that all of us are experiencing regarding the Covid19 virus and the impact it has on all of our lives. We agree with Governor Charlie Baker that farmers markets are an essential business and that maintaining and increasing access to local food is critical, especially during unsteady times such as these. We also agree that supporting local, small businesses and farms during difficult times is essential. Therefore, after much consideration and strategic planning, along with the City of Gloucester’s current approval, we have decided to move forward with our plan to open our market on Sunday, May 31, 2020 from 10am-1pm and run every Sunday until Oct 4, 2020.

We want you all to know that the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources has provided all markets with specific requirements for operation during this time. We will be complying with all recommendations and mandates set forth by our state and local governments, and our committee will
continue to meet regularly to plan our strategic adherence to these requirements.

We will be implementing the recommendations established by the MDAR, through social distancing and the following measures:
* Increased distance between vendors, allowing for the recommendation of 6 feet between each vendor table.
* All demonstrations and food samples will be eliminated to avoid the risk of cross-contamination.
* On-site consumption of prepared foods will not be allowed, following current state guidelines of prepared food for take-out purposes only.
* Hand sanitizing stations will be available throughout the market, and market staff will be vigilant reminding both customers and vendors to wash hands regularly and between transactions.
* Vendors and staff will be required to wear disposable gloves at all times during the market.
* Market staff, vendors, and employees will not be allowed to bag produce in reusable bags.
* Vendors will be encouraged to use table coverings, such as clear plastic, which are easy to wipe and sanitize often. All will be required to clean any displays at the beginning and end of each market they participate in, in addition to interval cleaning during the market.

We are committed to continuing our work under the advisement of our government’s suggestions and requirements, and we look forward to providing our community with a safe space to shop and support local farms, purveyors, and artisans.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us through our website, http://www.magnoliacommunityfarmersmarket.com, or our email, magnoliacommunityfarmersmarket@gmail.com. Be well and be safe.

We’ll see you in Magnolia!
Magnolia Community Farmers Market Committee.

We’re Here for YOU

Applications are now available to join the Magnolia Community Farmers Market this summer. Please visit our website for more information

Apply Here!