Savour Wine & Cheese APRIL 2nd Operations Policy Update To our loyal customers & new ones…Thank You for your continued support, shopping with us, & your trust in the hygienic precautions we have in place for our collective safety. Our plan is to remain open as usual, complying with city, state and federal guidance. To further enhance our hygienic initiative working to maintain a safe in-store shopping environment, minimizing risk, we require all customers wash their hands for 20-seconds, entering & leaving Savour. >Our two bathrooms, located next to our kitchen, are equipped with soaps, disposable paper towels, with doors remaining open. We hygienically wipe-down the washbasin with every use. >At reception/check out we have hand sanitizer and wipes for added hygiene >Please continue your in-store courtesy maintaining a 6-foot distance from other customers. >In addition to the hygienic wipe-down practices our team performs daily, we have increased the store-wide cleaning / disinfectant schedule of our local service vendor. >At check out, please read us your credit card information maintaining a 6-distance. Thank You Prioritizing our Free Delivery program to all Cape Ann communities. >For your convenience, peace of mind and a desire to limit social contact, we provide free delivery* Tuesday-Saturday, same or next day delivery. >We require a minimum order of $50**. including everything store-wide. >To maintain this free service focused first to meeting the needs of customers unable to / cannot & should not venture from home, we ask you to consider our curbside pickup program located directly behind Savour in our ample parking space. Ordering Curbside Pickup: efficient, easy… maintaining safety. >Call (978. 282.1455) or email ( ahead to order during regular business hours, Tuesday – Saturday, 11am – 6pm. >We have your wine, cheese, etc. purchase history in our database for review, & welcome making recommendations including wine pairings. >With your credit card information, we assemble your order, set a convenient time for your pickup. Arriving, just pop the trunk & we’ll place your order inside! >What to order? everything Savour … wine, beer, cheese, charcuterie, breads, our own fortified chicken bone broth, chocolate & more… Consider Savour Gift Certificates… for a recipient’s enjoyment now or later, a direct benefit to the continued operation of Savour. Thank You. *We require a person 21-yrs to receive an order. Please provide your recipient’s phone # to confirm delivery **For our customers who are able to forgo discounts, (case purchases & wine club members), Thank You. This option contributes to the funds necessary to maintain the Savour team during these challenging time. Visit our homepage – – for timely updates on everything Savour. As we adapt to this fluid “new normal” for our mutual well-being, our valued customer relationship inspires us to maintain & to enhance a shared, quality experience. -Thank you, Kathleen Morgan & the Savour team. SAVOUR WINE & CHEESE – 76 PROSPECT STREET, GLOUCESTER, MA – 978. 282. 1455


Aren’t the colors of the Common Grackle’s feathers beautiful in the morning sun? When they fly by you may think oh, just an ordinary blackbird, but in the early morning light when the sun hits their feather just right, you’ll see deeply hued iridescent shades of violet, green, and blue, along with metallic gold and copper.

They are everywhere all around us right now, in large and small flocks, singing their hearts out while pairing up to nest, and often mixed with Red-winged Blackbirds and Brown-headed Cowbirds.

Governor Orders Extension to Non Essential Service Closures

From the COVID website:

BOSTON — Today, the Baker-Polito Administration announced several updates related to the COVID-19 outbreak including extending the non-essential business emergency order and guidance for Executive Branch employees until May 4. The Department of Public Health’s Stay-At-Home Advisory remains in effect. The Administration also updated the “COVID-19 Essential Services” categories for businesses and other organizations that provide essential services and workforces related to COVID-19 that are permitted to operate brick and mortar facilities during the emergency.

Essential Services Order: Governor Charlie Baker’s emergency order requiring that all businesses and organizations that do not provide “COVID-19 Essential Services” close their physical workplaces and facilities to workers, customers and the public will be extended until May 4. Businesses and organizations not on the list of essential services are encouraged to continue operations through remote means that do not require workers, customers, or the public to enter or appear at the brick-and-mortar premises closed by the order. This order also prohibits gatherings of more than 10 people until May 4th.

Further details available here.

I Miss Our Library

Today I realized how much I miss our library. The online services are great, but I am missing the microfilm! Yes, I’m a little bit of a geek. I use the online local history resources and make frequent use of Libby to borrow books. But there’s something very special about a visit to your local library and I am sure I am not the only one who would like the library staff to know how much they are appreciated.

#DIYGRAND + Win A Festool Sander!

Cape Ann Home

win a festool sander

We’re having a contest.

With all this time at home, we finally have the opportunity to get to those DIY projects we’ve been aspiring to. Whether it’s creating a home office, re-tiling the bathroom, building shelves or anything else you want for your home, now is the time to get it done. In addition to creating the space you’ve been dreaming about, you could also be the proud new owner of a Festool Sander. It’s win-win.

We welcome projects large and small. This contest is open to everyone! Share it with your friends!

How to Enter

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How to visit the kids, throw a dinner party, take a class. Safely.

Cape Ann Home

Screen Shot 2020-03-29 at 9.58.36 PM has become a life-line tool that’s going to help us get through the next few weeks of social distancing. You may have already used it for work. If you haven’t or don’t know what it is, read on …

What is Zoom? Think “conference call” but with a camera. The camera is key:

  • My wife taught a yoga class on Zoom Saturday.
  • Last night we had dinner with friends on Zoom.
  • My niece may have her wedding shower on Zoom.

You can use to participate in almost any event, with others, no matter where they are. And you don’t have to be in the same room with them.

  • It’s cheap: there’s a decent “free” account or it’s about $15 a month for PRO
  • It’s easy. If you have a smart phone (iPhone, etc) or a laptop or a tablet, any device with a camera, it’ll work.
  • And it’s about…

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The Jam: Mondays at Minglewood Tavern with Dennis and Joe ~ Online 8pm 3.30.2020


The Jam: Mondays at Minglewood Tavern with Dennis and Joe


Greetings Jamily!
So we have ONE TIME SLOT open for tonight’s Virtual Jam! 9:00-9:20pm. Please message me through the Jam page if you are interested in jumping in!  >
Here is how the schedule looks right now:

Monday Jam 3-30-20

8-8:15 Jeff Buckridge
8:20-8:35 Renée &Joe
8:40-8:55 Ken Steiner
9-9:20ish ??
9:25-9:50 Mike Wayne
10-10:15 Pete Koeplin
10:20-10:40 Amanda Cook
10:45-11ish Geoff Small

Thank you all for your continued support for The Jam: Mondays at Minglewood Tavern with Dennis and Joe, and we shall see and hear you soon! 🙏🏼🤘🏼🎵💜