Moolongz Colony at Niles Beach

moolongz colony

The Moolongz have now colonized earth. They are everywhere. This is a colony at Niles Beach in Gloucester. Whenever the Moolongz encounter a human that cannot see or hear them, they hover around that person, intently focusing these thoughts at them:

“You are a unique and unrepeatable miracle of creation, possessing all the power within you needed to create the most amazing version of your life that you can imagine. Have no doubts or fear; just know you were born for greatness, love, joy and every good thing your heart desires. Know it, believe it, be it, share it.”

The Moolongz are there beside you, loving you, encouraging you, and patiently waiting for the day when they hear you say:

“I see Moolongz”.

Can you see Moolongz?

E.J. Lefavour

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