Thank You!

moolongz thank you

I just want to thank all of you who backed my I See Moolongz Kickstarter campaign, and those who didn’t but came to the backer reward and book launch party on Saturday (some of you who I haven’t seen for years came all the way up from East Boston – go Eastie!). It was a great turnout for the book launch party and Spontaneous Collaboration exhibit, and everyone seemed to be really enjoying themselves. Thanks especially to Brenda Malloy who kept me organized during the book signing. Any of you who did not get to come to the party and pick up your rewards, they are on their way to you by mail. This is such an amazing community! Thank you all so much. Love, EJ

Saturday on Rocky Neck – Party Lineup

moolongz book launchand spontaneous collaboration

The Moolongz love a good party and hope you do too. The I See Moolongz backer rewards and book launch party is happening this Saturday, September 27th from 4-6:00pm at the Cultural Center at Rocky Neck, 6 Wonson Street. Everyone is welcome. The party will also include a unique exhibit of five works by five artists in five weeks, called Spontaneous Collaboration. The I See Moolongz party will immediately be followed by a Colors party at the Rocky Neck Gallery (come as a color), 53 Rocky Neck Ave. starting at 6:00 and a Madfish Wharf Galleries Season Wine Down party starting at 7:00 at 77 Rocky Neck Ave.

A bunch of good, fun reasons to get yourself to Rocky Neck this Saturday.

I See Moolongz Book Launch Party and Spontaneous Collaboration Art Exhibit

I see moolongz book launch

Whether you see Moolongz or not, whether you believe in Moolongz or not, whether you wish Moolongz had never appeared or are happy they did, they are here and you are all invited to the I See Moolongz book launch party on Saturday, September 27th from 4-6:00pm at the Rocky Neck Cultural Center, 6 Wonson Street.

During the book launch party, there will be an exhibit of an amazing collaboration series of five paintings by five artists in five weeks. The artists involved in the collaboration are Sue Handman (fabric artist), Brenda Malloy (abstract painter), Diana Pasquariello (watercolor painter), Regina Piantedosi (non-representational art) and E.J. Lefavour (photographer, painter, digital artist). In the true spirit of creativity, sharing and inspiration that the Rocky Neck Art Colony embodies, these five distinctly unique and different artists have come together to collaborate and share in the process of jointly creating five pieces of art. The experience has been one of learning, teaching, sharing, trust and letting go of the ego’s involvement in the creative process, and has resulted in five completely unique, never in a lifetime to come anywhere near being recreated again, pieces of art. If you are an artist or understand the creative process, you will appreciate how rare and unique an undertaking like this is. Please come by and check out our “Spontaneous Collaboration”.

After this brief exhibit at the Cultural Center, one of the pieces will be on exhibit in each of the five artists’ galleries for the remainder of the season.

E.J. Lefavour

What Are Moolongz?

the reunion

In the book they are highly evolved being from another planet, but they can represent anything to anyone – intuition, inner power, angels, God, a saint, the Universe, synchronicity – whatever speaks to our higher spiritual self. They have just come to us in a different, loving form to help us achieve what is the greatest desire of all humans – to know our purpose and to live the joyful, abundant, fulfilled lives we all know at the core of our being we are meant to live. Even more, they have come to show us that like Moolongz, who know they are one being, humans are also one being, capable of joining together (like the Market Basket employees and boycotting customers have recently done) to create major, earth altering changes for good (or not so good, if that is where we choose to be as beings). Can you see Moolongz? And if you can, you owe it to yourself and to the world to do whatever you can to make sure everyone does. That ultimately is our purpose.

I want to express my deep gratitude and love to those enlightened souls who immediately appreciated the importance of the lessons the Moolongz came to share with mankind and backed my Kickstarter project to bring the book into being:

Joey C
Chris Murray
Suzanne Gilbert
Rosemary Quarato
Nancy Hendrickson
Fred Campbell
Mary Bowles
Susan Brindley (in memory of Evelyn Howe)
Kathy Downer
Nancy Goodman
Ruth Mordecai
Lowell Peabody
Tonya White
Mike Sheeran
Ruth Curtis
Debbie Mendelson
Atlantic Saltworks
David Simmons
Matt Cegalis
Theresa Testaverde
Kim Herter
Amy Kerr
Dimitra Lavrakas
Paul Frontiero
Jan Shields
Pat Conant
Jean Anscombe
Karen Ristuben
Leslie Heffron
Anna Eves
John Mullen
Skip Montello
Judy Robinson-Cox
Kerry Mullen
Deb Schradieck
Elynn Kroger
Catherine Ryan
Steve Linsky
Kenny McCarthy
Amy Bell
Judith Monteferrante
Gigi Mederos
Lindle Willnow
Jenn Cullen

E.J. Lefavour

Moolongz Colony at Niles Beach

moolongz colony

The Moolongz have now colonized earth. They are everywhere. This is a colony at Niles Beach in Gloucester. Whenever the Moolongz encounter a human that cannot see or hear them, they hover around that person, intently focusing these thoughts at them:

“You are a unique and unrepeatable miracle of creation, possessing all the power within you needed to create the most amazing version of your life that you can imagine. Have no doubts or fear; just know you were born for greatness, love, joy and every good thing your heart desires. Know it, believe it, be it, share it.”

The Moolongz are there beside you, loving you, encouraging you, and patiently waiting for the day when they hear you say:

“I see Moolongz”.

Can you see Moolongz?

E.J. Lefavour

Get Past the Screeching Monkeys

moolongz and screeching monkeys

The Moolongz teach us how to get past the screeching monkeys in our minds – those persistent, invasive, never-ending thoughts, worries and concerns which prevent us from reaching that peaceful secret place where we can hear and see the Moolongz. Can you get past the screeching monkeys? Can you see Moolongz?

E.J. Lefavour

Moolongz Found Crying at Niles Beach at Sunset

freelang crying at niles beach

Moolongz become very sad when they encounter humans who are not evolved enough to see or hear them, which is why they have decided to remain on Earth, to help humans evolve and become the joyful, fulfilled, abundant beings they were created to be. Soon many humans will begin to say: “I See Moolongz”, which Moolongz will be overjoyed to hear. Can you see Moolongz?

E.J. Lefavour

Don’t Let Sintaugs Take Your Power

mutagle overcome by human emotions

Moolongz Mutagle encountering the Sintaugs, alien energy fields with sharp tongues and piercing claws that carry jealousy, greed, guilt, deception, anger, impatience, intolerance, sadness, depression, separateness, fear, anxiety, stress, lack and other unloving and joyless false realities that they present in an attempt to gain power from human beings. Sintaugs have no power of their own – they are merely illusions. The only power they can ever possess is the power human beings give them. Moolongz have come to teach us that we can either choose to accept the illusions the Sintaugs present to us, thereby giving them our power, or we can choose not to. The choice is completely up to us. Can you see Moolongz?

E.J. Lefavour

Innuit Manuka Communicates with Moolongz in Alaska

freelang in Alaska with innuit

Of course Innuits tend to be more highly evolved humans because they live simpler lives, closer to nature and aren’t caught up in all the distractions like many other humans, so it not surprising that they can see and communicate with Moolongz. Can you?

E.J. Lefavour

Dalai Lama Has Private Audience with Moolongz, Mutagle

mutagle and the dalai lama

Well of course a highly evolved human like the Dalai Lama can see and communicate with Moolongz. Can you?

E.J. Lefavour

Carol McKenna Encounters Moolongz at Gloucester Harbor

carol and freelang

Was lucky enough to catch this shot of Carol McKenna and her dog Zoe communicating with a Moolongz at Gloucester Harbor. They’re here. Can you see them?

E.J. Lefavour