Oink Oink Piggies

This is just a small portion of trash I found on the beach tonight. Don’t worry I picked it up for the piggies.

Do we need to charge more to get into the beach? Or make people show a bag of trash before they can leave?

This can’t be Gloucester peeps, can it?!

It’s embarrassing that its left this way.




16 thoughts on “Oink Oink Piggies

  1. I visit your area from Connecticut as much as possible. I wouldn’t dream of leaving my trash on your beach! I love your area and can’t wait for my next visit. Thanks for keeping it clean. Too bad you have to pick up after others.


    1. Kathy,
      I don’t think that’s the problem. This was in front of the concession stand where there are trash and recycling barrels. People are lazy.


  2. Thanks so much for posting this photo Alicia–I saw the exact same scene last week at the end of the day when I went for a swim and did not have my camera. For some reason it seems extra bad this year.


  3. This is such a problem, I have been at the beach and watch people just drop their trash, one day I said to a woman, you cannot just throw it down and she looked at me and said “I do not live here, I live in Wakefield” then my mouth starting going off about maybe I will bring my trash to her front yard. Maybe the life guards could start to fine people


  4. Inconsiderate teenagers. Seen it with my own eyes. They do the same thing at Dogtown. They know someone else will pick up after them, just like Mommy and Daddy.


  5. Let’s stop the blame game and take responsibility for the health of our City. This is not a new problem for all of Gloucester. Have you seen what Thatcher Road looks like in front of Good Harbor Beach when there is no green grass to hide the litter?The marshes and dunes are also innudated with years worth of litter. I believe this has nothing to do with the availability of trash cans and everything to do with the attitude of people, many of them the Citizens of Gloucester. On a busy day, I will take a bag with me and pick up trash as I walk the shoreline hoping that people will take note. If I can change even one persons attitude about littering than I am happy.( I also have no problem berating people if they get up to leave and don’t pick up!).But until we come up with a comprehensive clean City policy, I fear we will remain Gloucester, TRASHachusetts:(.


  6. We can all lead by example….Glloucester is a gorgeous, natural beauty and we have a responsibility to maintain its health for years to come. The first year of “Bring In Bring Out” seemed to be successful. Are these signs clearly visible? They help educate all beach goers by clearly spelling out what’s expected.


  7. I was down the beach this evening, it was gross! . Why?? It does seem
    worse this year. So sad. I wish there was some way to stop the pigs !!


  8. And then there are the people who ignore the no dogs on the beach laws night after night, behaving as though the laws don’t apply to them. Go down to Good Harbor any evening after the lifeguards have left and you will find as many as ten people out watching their dogs dump on the beach.


  9. The Carry In Carry Out Program is not without it flaws but as I have watched it for this 11 years and boy do I watch it I know it is a much better than the 40 barrels lining the quarter of a mile beach. The answer from many was more barrels, more barrels. Never lets do something to change this behavior. I have cleaned Good Harbor many a times and I keep the garden with help from the GCGC at the entrance to greet visitors and residents with beauty hoping that they will keep that thought with them. This year you might see rocks that Art Haven (TAG) kids painted and is still painting to remind visitors. I am a kayaker and I go to Wing. boat section and clean it almost every day and mostly what I find comes in with the tide and what is left is mostly beer cans and the trash from the party the night before. After my first spring cleanup of the area 3 or 4 yellow bags then day by day it is only a small bag if that. The magic is the education I give to the beachgoers as I go about my cleaning educating them about the program and marine animals. Hey I’m not saying that everyone will listen or care but if I reach one person it will be worth it. Thank you Alicia for caring and picking it up and to all the other people that do the same.


  10. This trash sitch really bothers me too! Maybe we need to have a brainstorming session for people who would be interested in coming up with ways to keep the trash off the beaches. I like the idea of life guards fining people… should we be handing out bags for people at the front gate to take away their trash? Could the DPW do trash pick-up at the beaches – each evening and weekend nites? Do we need trash patrollers on foot on the beaches during the day? I agree it is people of all ages… I would be happy to run a “Trash Pick-Up Camp” for kids who would be willing to pick up trash at days end!!!! (Said like a true teacher!) 🙂


  11. I think some people (ingrates) think, well if they won’t provide enough trash bins, then I’ll just leave it here, s***w em. A lot of people feel the world owes them something. It makes me sad, I still remember that commercial with the tear rolling down the Native American’s face. Maybe we need to bring that back.


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