A Preemptive Lobster Roll Refresher Course Before Anyone Gets All Crazy

I’m putting out this Lobster Roll PSA at the beginning of this lobster season to save chefs from making the horrible dastardly crimes against lobsterdom that so many make each year when they try to go all fancy with their lobster rolls.

One of our lobstermen, Dave Jewell’s boat was originally christened as the KISS.  Chuck Kersey built it and explained the meaning behind the name-

KISSKeep. It. Simple. Stupid.

What I will suggest to you is to take the name of the lobster boat which Chuck Kersey christened and apply it to your lobster rolls.

You don’t want to end up in the list of lobster roll debacles like the ones we’ve chronicled through the years here on GMG-


Bastardized Lobster Roll on Tap Today At Gloucester Gourmet

Posted on June 26, 2012 by Joey C

What Is Wrong With People???? Another Lobster Roll Disaster From Some Broads In California

Posted on July 11, 2011 by Joey C

The Broads Out In California Try To Defend The Undefendable

Posted on August 16, 2011 by Joey C

What Does a $50 Lobster Roll Look Like???????

Posted on December 21, 2010 by patrickr

Grandma Ethel Needs To Put Down the Crack Pipe

Posted on July 19, 2011 by Joey C


Posted on June 25, 2009 by Joey C

5 thoughts on “A Preemptive Lobster Roll Refresher Course Before Anyone Gets All Crazy

  1. Being a transplant, I’m just learning the joys of the lobster roll. I hope people keep screwing them up though, because Joey your rants are fantastic. I’m going to leave this gif here for you to use, because I feel like it properly expresses what you’re trying to say.


  2. Hate to say it Joey but I had a lobster roll over at one of our favorite places, The Lobster Pool, on Saturday and it had a small piece of lettuce on it!


  3. You know, I appreciate the content of your post but I feel compelled to speak up about your visual treatment of Gwen Iffil from PBS Newshour, a *highly* educated and accomplished Black American professional journalist (in a field where few exist IMHO). She is not some Taylor Perry “Big Mama” black-exploitation-personality. Feel free to slam his characters, the Charlie Sheen’s of the world and the other idiots in pop culture = easy game. Yes, I know it is your blog, your terms.
    My internal compass tells me that I cannot NOT speak up on your selection of an image parody.
    Maybe I just took a bite of your cheap bait of a low punch for more clicks…..just sayin’ what needs to be said. And call you out on yours.


    1. I have no idea who that lady is. What I do know is when I did a google image search for “Do you diint” and that came up I knew I found the perfect imageto capture my.sentiment.

      Who knew I was channeling an important black woman?


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