Fun at Khan Studio and the GMG Gallery

fun at khan studio and GMG Gallery

No one can say we don’t have lots of fun at Khan Studio and the Good Morning Gloucester Gallery at Madfish Wharf on Rocky Neck.  In case anyone is wondering what the bunch of us are doing – we’re downing these amazing jello shots made by Alicia Penderosa. 

The gallery is now open and the first major event will be our Grand Opening Mug Up on Sunday, May 26th from 9:00am-11:30 or so.   Most galleries have their openings in the evening so they can feed you lovely little tidbits and ply you with alcohol to entice you to buy something.  Since this is Khan Studio and the Good Morning Gloucester Gallery, we’re going for a Good Morning grand opening with deviled eggs, cheesecake and mimosas (in memory of Evelyn), so some plying will take place along with good morning fun and food.  There will of course be coffee and tea for those who don’t imbide that early in the day – but as Wendie Demuth always said, it’s 5 o’clock somewhere.

E.J. Lefavour

8 thoughts on “Fun at Khan Studio and the GMG Gallery

  1. The best and Yes it’s time for ‘Mug Up’ fun ~ See you there if I am not exhausted after my Gallery Opening the night before ~ big week on Madfish Wharf ^_^


    1. I couldn’t open the link. Who tied a knot in the cherry stem in their mouth? Was it you? Hope the day is warm enough for you to wear that shirt – that will definitely herald in the season!


    1. Thanks Alicia! I know mornings don’t work for you with the restaurant, but we’ll be doing an evening GMG party soon that hopefully you’ll be able to come to.


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