Cape Ann Flag Football – Playing For Phil Palminteri

For more views of the games click on Phil
For more views of the games click on the photo

On Saturday Jan 19th 9 teams descended upon Fuller & Green Street fields to do what this community does best, support each other in the time of need.  The Game, Flag Football, the cause to support Phil Palminteri in his time of need.   With over 140 players and many spectators this day was a great success.  GSE battled all day against some very good competition to emerge the winners.

6 thoughts on “Cape Ann Flag Football – Playing For Phil Palminteri

    1. I saw the entire 150 photo show, and it prompted to to take a moment and write a post. I know Phil. These are the next generation of Iron Men of Gloucester, playing football for one of their own (our own). Where else, I ask you all, could all of this caring happen?


  1. Phil has been a metal sculpture artist in my gallery for more than six years. He’s a talented artist and a good–hearted guy, who has an unexpected sweetness about him. I have one of his pieces hanging in my home. He’s from Gloucester, is a Greasy Pole champion, and that’s enough said. God Bless you Phil and full recovery. Fred


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