Falling Apart In My Old Age

27 thoughts on “Falling Apart In My Old Age

  1. Wow…For whatever reason you found yourself in the E.R., I hope it’s nothing serious.
    Your Mucks look like they should be put on life support though. 😀


  2. Sorry for your back problem. I screwed up my back in high school by running winter track practice without warming up first. Walking home from school with friends, I had to sit down on the curb because my right leg didn’t work – disabled! Our family doctor stuck a pin in my right calf, and I didn’t feel a thing. Mild slipped disk (sciatica). Two weeks of traction in Amityville (NY) Hospital straightened me out, and I learned how to prevent it happening in the future. No more track, but I surfed into my college days and lugged heavy cases of photo gear. But the poor guy in the bed next me with back problems had to have an operation on his spine to fuse it back together. Get well soon my friend!


  3. As my grandpa always used to say, “Gettin old is a bitch. But, it beats the alternative….”
    Take it as easy as you can on that back. Make someone else do all the heavy lifting…


  4. get the script…sharing is important, especially this time of the year…now, with Ed finished with the Lobster Trap Tree he will have plenty of time to help your cousin Frank down on the dock…


  5. Yup, back problems stink !!!! Been there,done it. ! One step forward, two steps backward is the way of the back !! Take it easy and I hope you feel better soon. No fun . My surgeon gave me valium before they performed a laminectomy. He told me this was no time to be brave. I don’t like taking meds either but sometimes it is necessary. Go slowly but surely.


  6. I prefer to think of it as having ‘high mileage’ not ‘old age’ when stuff like this happens to me. Maybe because I’m barely over 50? I find I land harder and less gracefully. Well, ok, it’s never graceful to fall, I guess! Stretching gently in a warm pool works to loosen tight muscles. Check it out.


  7. Aw, Joey, many healing thoughts are with you. Having ruptured a spinal disc, I empathize. Rest, icing, anti-inflammation meds and chiropractic all helped, and cell-building nutrients sped up the growth of an essential scar-tissue-net around the disc to hold it intact. If you want to hear more about that, please call me, or have your wife call, at 978-283-5039.


  8. Oh…I feel your pain…always stretch out first thing in the morning and then again before you work. Sudden movements on a tight back will wreak havoc. So sorry to hear this.


  9. It’s your body’s way of telling you its time for vacation. Back injuries demand rest, so you have no other choice. So sorry to see your wrist with that bracelet on it.


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